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We have been trying to use two computers to run FS9. The primary machine has FS9 installed together with FSUIPC and wideserver and the second machine has WideClient installed. This has been sucessful and the machine speak with one another. The latest GFlight software is installed on the secondary machine but when run does not recognise where FS9 is installed. At the Screen that offers Fs2002, FS2004 and FSX it states Fs not installed. Hitting the browse button does not recognise it is part of a network. Outside GoFlight, the programme can be found under network places. Without this connection we cannot configure the units.

Are we doing something very wrong here? Or should we be running a specific program on the computer with GoFlight so that the controls can be transmitted to the FS9?

Just to clarify we have two machines, one running FS9 and the other having the GoFlight software connected to it. We have installed FSUIPC and WideSever onto the computer running FS9 and we have installed Wide Client on the machine with the GoFlight software connected. The machines are able to communicate as they both say connected once FS9 is running.

Any help would be much appreciated

Many Thanks

We have been trying to use two computers to run FS9. The primary machine has FS9 installed together with FSUIPC and wideserver and the second machine has WideClient installed. This has been sucessful and the machine speak with one another. The latest GFlight software is installed on the secondary machine but when run does not recognise where FS9 is installed.

GoFlight software uses modules which run inside FS. It isn't anything to do with FSUIPC or WideFS. It needs to be installed on the FS PC.

Are we doing something very wrong here? Or should we be running a specific program on the computer with GoFlight so that the controls can be transmitted to the FS9?

Just to clarify we have two machines, one running FS9 and the other having the GoFlight software connected to it. We have installed FSUIPC and WideSever onto the computer running FS9 and we have installed Wide Client on the machine with the GoFlight software connected. The machines are able to communicate as they both say connected once FS9 is running.

The Goflight button and knob programming facilities in FSUIPC and WideFS do not use Goflight software other than the GFDev.DLL which, if not installed by your attempted install of the full Goflight suite, can be obtained from the "Updates ..." Announcement at the top of this forum and installed into the same folder as Wideclient, on the client PC.

Provided WideClient can access GFDev.DLL, it will transmit GF button operations to FSUIPC, where they can be assigned withing FSUIPC's Button tab.

If you want to use GoFlight assignments and facilities you have to have your GF modules attached to the FS PC, or possibly use their own GFremote package -- though i don't think that developed very far. The normal GoFlight software doesn't use FSUIPC or WideFS.



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