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I have windows 98 on one machine that runs my old ch yoke and pedals. I think Wide FS allows remote control from another computer to another and intend to read about it later on tonight. I was hoping Pete could give me some advise on this. I hope it works because I'd rather have fsuipc4 than having to purchase another yoke and pedals. From what I gather wide fs is bundled fsuipc4. I'm using FSX on windows XP pro. Do you need to install fsx on both machines or does wide fs work by itself as a remote controller. I have a router but can I use the 1394 ports or a crosslink cable between ethernet ports on the 2 machines? I'll read about it later but if it can't be done with win 98se, please let me know.



I have windows 98 on one machine that runs my old ch yoke and pedals. I think Wide FS allows remote control from another computer to another and intend to read about it later on tonight. I was hoping Pete could give me some advise on this.

WideFS would allow the buttons to be used, but not the axes. It really isn't a good idea to have axes on a separate PC -- the response is too slow and would result in over-controlling the aircraft.

Just plug your yoke and pedals into the FS PC.

I hope it works because I'd rather have fsuipc4 than having to purchase another yoke and pedals.

Why would you need to purchase new ones?

From what I gather wide fs is bundled fsuipc4.

Where do you "gather" that from? Yes, you can buy the two as a bundle, saving some money, but they are separate purchases otherwise. The only difference between FSUIPC3 + WideServer and FSUIPC4 is that the Server code is bolted onto the FSUIPC4 code, to make it operate more efficiently when otherwise SimConnect would need to load them both separately. It is due to the different module mechanisms in FSX compared to previous versions of FS.

I'm using FSX on windows XP pro. Do you need to install fsx on both machines or does wide fs work by itself as a remote controller.

WideClient, the part that runs on the Networked PC, will NOT run on a computer which is also running FS. So, no, you do not run FSX on both PCs if you are using WideFS. That would be WidevieW you are thinking of.

And WideClient is not a "controller". it is simply a networked FSUIPC interface for FSUIPC applications.

I have a router but can I use the 1394 ports or a crosslink cable between ethernet ports on the 2 machines?

You can link you computers in any way you like provided Windows will make them into a usable Network. You must have an operational network before you try WideFS. WideFS does not make a network for you.




I see, A lagging Axis causes overshoot from the networked computer. It's hard to imagine that happening, glad I asked.

I'm still using the original "analog" ch yoke I've had since the 90's, the throttle data erratically jumps to zero then quickly returns. You told me about 9 months ago that fsuipc4 could not average or RMS or ignore the unusual data. Guess I'll break down and get a USB yoke. Have you had any problems with fsuipc4 and the CH Products 200-615 Flight Sim Yoke? It seems ok from the reviews I've read at mypilotstore.com.

Most of the complaints seem like they could easily be remedied with the calibration system integrated into fsuipc4. If I end up needing fsuipc4 to calibrate this thing is http://secure.simmarket.com/pete-dowson-fsuipc4.phtml the correct place to get a license? Are there any other outlets in the USA?



I see, A lagging Axis causes overshoot from the networked computer. It's hard to imagine that happening, glad I asked.

Well, overshoot isn't the proper term. The delay between you moving the lever and the Sim seeing the change could be anything from 20 to 100 mSecs (i.e. a 50th to a 10th of a second). If it was always a 50th or not far off you wouldn't have a problem, but, although 100 mSecs doesn't seem long, it is long enough for your real-time flying to make things difficult. YOU then overcontrol, because the response you expect to see comes a tenth of a second later than you expected. Not "overshoot", but "overcontrol".

I'm still using the original "analog" ch yoke I've had since the 90's, the throttle data erratically jumps to zero then quickly returns.

Pretty much most joysticks are stil "analog" in any case. Not sure what you mean by throttle jumping -- unless you mean it has gaps in its wiring or dirt on its carbon surface making breaks in the circuit? I'd use a good switch cleaner on it -- something like Servisol is good.

You told me about 9 months ago that fsuipc4 could not average or RMS or ignore the unusual data.

Well, the filtering option might help if the spikes were really short-lived. There 's aslso a specific spike elimination facility. But neither of these things would have been any different on a WideFS client computer, even assuming such a facility was implemented.

Guess I'll break down and get a USB yoke.

You've still not said why you cannot use your current one on the FS PC. If it is merely the lack of a Game Port you can get USB Game Port connectors quite cheaply, and they do a good job. Look here, for example:


Have you had any problems with fsuipc4 and the CH Products 200-615 Flight Sim Yoke? It seems ok from the reviews I've read at mypilotstore.com.

I really don't think there are any specific FSUIPC4 problems with any yokes you can get. The earlier Saitek ones had a problem with spurious button presses being generated (for which I put a facility in to eliminate) but I'm sure that's been fixed by now. I don't know any CH units by number.

Most of the complaints seem like they could easily be remedied with the calibration system integrated into fsuipc4. If I end up needing fsuipc4 to calibrate this thing is http://secure.simmarket.com/pete-dowson-fsuipc4.phtml the correct place to get a license? Are there any other outlets in the USA?

The link on the download site, the link in the documentation, and the links up in the Announcements above, all go to the right place in SimMarket. Or just go to SimMarket and select or search for FSUIPC4. And, no, there's only SimMarket, world-wide exclusive apart from a Japanese language site in Japan.




The Rockfire RM-203 usb might work, The glitches on the throttle are software related, I tried all the hardware tricks like cleaning the pots, I even strapped on some capacitors on the pot wiper with no results. My guess is the service interrupts in xp are too complex and the game port can't sync properly. It seems an adapter would work fine so long as it had its own micro scanning the controller and telling xp via usb what each controller is doing. End cost is about 25 dollars for a new one here in the US. The only one I found on amazon uk seems to be the obsolete version but thanks for bringing the usb adapter up, I almost forgot about the option. And yes, overcontrol seems more appropriate. I'm use to thinking electronic feedback, where the output of an op amp overshoots it voltage and then rings when a pulse is fed into it.

Have you seen the plug in that integrates google maps with flight sim? real scenery, wow !

The glitches on the throttle are software related

What sort of software would induce glitches to zero? That doesn't make sense. Unless you mean a specific add-on. I remember I had to add special spike elimination facilities in FSUIPC for a buggy FS aircraft panel for FS2002 -- but that wasn't on throttle, but rudder I think. The facilities are still available on the "miscellaneous" tab in FSUIPC3.

I tried all the hardware tricks like cleaning the pots, I even strapped on some capacitors on the pot wiper with no results. My guess is the service interrupts in xp are too complex and the game port can't sync properly.

Doesn't seem likely. However, if so then the USB adapter should be okay because the AtoD part must surely be dealt with in the adapter.

Have you seen the plug in that integrates google maps with flight sim? real scenery, wow !

I prefer made-for-FS scenery myself. Maybe that idea will be okay one day. Presently there's not enough high res satellite stuff on Google -- my house is there but whole swathes of England not far from me are only fuzzy low res still.




What sort of software would induce glitches to zero? That doesn't make sense.

Well Pete, good question, I found out why, in reality the x, y and z axis are getting mixed up. I was seeing zero or close to it because the yoke was centered. During controller calibration I also discovered the other axes are also erratically displaying each others readings. LOL, so typical of what happens when the programmers don't "think of everything" during development.

Doesn't seem likely. However, if so then the USB adapter should be okay because the AtoD part must surely be dealt with in the adapter.

Ya, I don't really know what to think about it but I feel the same way you do, the converter has to be in the adapter. I haven't had time to research it yet but the adapters might be somewhat limited, they have a 4 way switch for different modes. I'll let ya know what happens if I get one, I kinda like the extra controls on the newer yoke. It's nice to have easy access to the prop pitch and mixture.

Simming an aircraft is an adventure if not a disaster, lol. Today I flew a mission several times over until I got it without crashing. I was flying the Grumman p21a with a stuck flap and had to land the plane with two dead engines "one on fire" where the runway was located at the bottom of a very large hill. Gliding down to the runway while picking up speed heading into a short runway didn't seem too promising without flaps. After several crashes I successfully landed by lowering the usable flap which skewed the plane to the right then raised the flap while steering back to the left of the runway and repeated the procedure until it was slow enough to land. All I can say is, man I'd hate to have that happen in real life! I also found I could glide over the runway a while then circle around to almost a stall and touch down on the front of the runway. If I were faced with landing an aircraft in real life without practicing it in a simulator I'd probably grab a bag of potato chips and start praying... I wonder how a real pro would have handled that landing?

in reality the x, y and z axis are getting mixed up. I was seeing zero or close to it because the yoke was centered. During controller calibration I also discovered the other axes are also erratically displaying each others readings.

Sounds like you had the same axes assigned to different functions in different places. If you assign axes in FSUIPC, make sure they are not assigned in FS. It is really best to use only one or the other -- if using FSUIPC, turn off joysticks in FS altogether. Otherwise, if you disconnect and reconnect, or even for no apparent reason, FS will decide to do its auto-assignment based on its "rules" in its Joystick look-up files.




Sounds like you had the same axes assigned to different functions in different places. If you assign axes in FSUIPC, make sure they are not assigned in FS. It is really best to use only one or the other -- if using FSUIPC, turn off joysticks in FS altogether. Otherwise, if you disconnect and reconnect, or even for no apparent reason, FS will decide to do its auto-assignment based on its "rules" in its Joystick look-up files.

I don't think so, as for as I know that is. Fsx won't let you assign two controllers to the same thing, I haven't installed fsuipc4 so that rules that out, but you have a valid point there, I don't see how it's done though, whenever I assign a controll if one is already assigned you must remove or swap it with another but maybe I am wrong.

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