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The button "Register an application program" is NOT THERE!!!

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Hey there,

I have a problem and hope you can help me.

I am focusing to use SquawkBox in order to have real time ATC. To use this application I have to download FSUIPC for my FS version, I know that. So I did so. But there is a problem I am facing any time: the program installs perfectly well and it appears in my FS version, BUT if i am going to open it, what also works well, the button "Register an application program" is not shown, any other buttons appear. So if I am now trying to have SquawkBox working with FS, it doesn't work.... what can it be?? PLease help me...


Marco, Germany

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I am focusing to use SquawkBox in order to have real time ATC. To use this application I have to download FSUIPC for my FS version, I know that. So I did so. But there is a problem I am facing any time: the program installs perfectly well and it appears in my FS version, BUT if i am going to open it, what also works well, the button "Register an application program" is not shown, any other buttons appear.

If you mean registering an application with FSUIPC, that hasn't been necessary for over three years now.



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But if i am now downloading squawkBox, it always says at the end that it can't coorperate with my FS version. Furthermore i am not able to start FS when squakbox is downloaded...

Sorry, I'm not a Squawkbox user. You need to ask their Support for help. Sounds like you are not installing it correctly. Or are you trying to use Squawkbox 3 with FSX? If so then that is the wrong version -- I'm sure you need Squawkbox 4 with FSX -- and SB4 doesn't use FSUIPC in any case.



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well, the problem is, that i am using FS2002.. am i then able to use SB4 as well???

Ah, I'm sorry -- that is something I do not know. Was there ever a version of SB which worked with FS2002? You are going back so many years now I don't even recall if we had an on-line ATC back then!

I think you need some SB forum or support website for answers!



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