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Hi I have been using de FSUIPC-SDK for some time.

What i would like is to read (offset) the runway in use( assignmet by ATC) and is it possible to figure out

when i'm near or on the run way, or after laning that i'm leaving the runway.

thank and regards,



What i would like is to read (offset) the runway in use( assignmet by ATC) and is it possible to figure out

when i'm near or on the run way, or after laning that i'm leaving the runway.

No, sorry, I don't know how to get such information automatically.

If there are active AI traffic flights with runway assignments then you can read those through offsets at D000 following. details are in the "FSUIPC for Programmers" document (part of the FSUIPC SDK) -- see the section on the 4th page.

For locations on the airport you would need to refer to a database, such as the files made by my freeware "MakeRunways" utility, looking up your airport by its ICAO and using the runway coordinates and dimensions in relation to your own aircraft's coordinates. Just a matter of some trigonometry. For such short distances you cane use plane geometry, spherical formulae are not needed.




Thanks Pete,

I did found some usefull things ad D000 offsets, and also downloaded the makerunways.

So it seems i've got some more work 2 do.




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