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Briefly, I can not set up keys / buttons for mouse macros / panel windows for these add-ons (I have succeeded with other add-ons).

Has this been discussed on the forum - my searches have not found any !




Briefly, I can not set up keys / buttons for mouse macros / panel windows for these add-ons (I have succeeded with other add-ons).

Some add-on panels (including, mostly, the Microsoft defaults, annoyingly enough) are not written using the standard Gauge SDK and therefore don't have the standard tabular structure to deal with mouse operation of their switches. The Mouse Macro facilities in FSUIPC then cannot hook these and simulate them for you.

For FSX and ESP there are facilities in FSUIPC4 to read and write local gauge variables (L:vars), which are often used in modern cockpit gauges -- especially those written in XML. However, whilst these can often be read okay, writing values to them does not always produce the desired result -- it all depends upon how they are written.

Failing both these choices, unless the panel makers have made provision for short-cut keypresses, or have provided an SDK (like Level D) then I'm afraid there's no satisfactory answer. You could resort to a program like "Key2Mouse" by Luciano Napolitano, which translates keypresses into mouse actions, then program the keypresses on the buttons, but this technique is only really suitable for static gauge displays, as in 2D panels.



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