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Dear Peter

I read all advanced user guide in order to programming a macro mouse action. I need, by a rotary switch, program an action of 2 or 3 mouse action.

es: I need to switch my TCAS panel of PMDG 737 from stby to TA/RA position. NOrmaly the mouse required 3 left action to go from STBY to TA/RA and also for viceversa.

How do I need for program that action?

Many thanks


p.s. sorry for bad english


I need, by a rotary switch, program an action of 2 or 3 mouse action.

es: I need to switch my TCAS panel of PMDG 737 from stby to TA/RA position. NOrmaly the mouse required 3 left action to go from STBY to TA/RA and also for viceversa.

How do I need for program that action?

Same as you would for any repeated action. If you already have the macro for turning it left and one for turning it right, you can do one of two things for repeating it on one button push:

One way is to simply repeat the assignment for that button push/switch position, for example, if the assignment for one action is

5=P0,6, ....

then for three of the same you'd make two more copies with subsequent (and free) line numbers:

5=P0,6, ....

6=P0,6, ....

7=P0,6, ....

Each time joy 0 button 6 is pressed, all three of those lines will activate, in that order.

Alternatively you can make a new macro using the definition of the one you need to use. Edit the relevant .mcro file. For example, in the Macro file you are using, supposing the relevant macro is:

29=TCASleft=RX .....

you can make a new macro called "SelTA/RA" by adding these lines at the end, with a new sequential line number (e.g.)


145.1=RX .....

145.2=RX .....

145.3=RX .....

where the RXparts are copies of the original "left" action from "TCASleft".

If you look in the example Macro file supplied for the PMDG overhead, you will see other examples of multiple actions in one named macro -- the "all bleeds" and "all packs" ones in the 747OHD macro file, for instance.




Dear Peter

Thanks, easy and very efficient.

Every day I discover the many possibility of your program.

Thanks from Italy I hope to meet you at Lelystad,

Arnaldo Vacca

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