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Hi Pete,

Sorry to ask a noob question but im having some trouble understanding WIDEFS and the integrated buttonscreen I never used it before.

I have the installation with two PC's, one running FS9 and FSUIPC/wideFS (latest versions of this page) Both versions are registered.

On the Second PC - I installed WIDEFS Client and opened up the widefs.ini file. I then pasted in the example of your PDF file (Page 7 User Manual), and after connection to the WIDEFSServer the button screen appears on the 2nd PC and is touchable (with a mouse) the buttons change color when pressed.

All seams ok till there, but then i get lost, if i push as an example the Slew button it turns red, but on the serverPC (PC1 with FSUIPC and FS9) nothing happens. There is no interaction with the flightsim? Even if i try to change it with the more complex example or even some small code line with only Slew as a huge button. Nothing happens on the sim

Im running WIN_XPSP3 on the client PC and running WIN7/64bit on the Server pc with FS9 on it. (I have treid with other software over the WIDEFS interface like a PFD/NDF of fightdecksoftware on the Client and there is no problem connecting to the SIM (FS9) with WIDEFS, there is communication between the two of them and i can see the moves i make via other hardware or with the mouse on FS9.

So any ideas?


1: Do i need to program anything on the FSUIPC/WIDEFS Server side to make thing work (Button screen) I need it as an Instructor station/button screen

2: Is there a problem with WIN7/64bit

Is there a noob in me?


Mike Horsten


PS see you at the FSWeekend Show (maybe dinner)


if i push as an example the Slew button it turns red, but on the serverPC (PC1 with FSUIPC and FS9) nothing happens. There is no interaction with the flightsim?

The example was showing how a button screen could look, with parameters to label the buttons.

But they are still only buttons -- buttons with labels, yes, but just the same as if you connected loads of buttons to FS and didn't assign them to do anything. You can label them all you like, but labelling something doesn't make them functional, it is only a reminder of what you have or should have programmed the buttons to do.

The interaction in FS will be seen in FSUIPC's Buttons and Switches options. When you click on a button, whether labelled or not, then (provided that button square is not disabled or assigned a special function like go to next page), you will see the button number come up in FSUIPC, and you can program it as you would any real button.




Told you i was a NOOB, thanks Its all clear now,

Setup the buttons and them program them to do the things it need to do. :oops: I could/should have known that



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