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I bought yesterday the newest version of FSUIPC4 4.53.

But when I disable all controls of the joystick, in my case the CH Yoke, I don't have anymore the possibility to use the "look using the mouse" / shift + 0 or O.

This is in my opinion a big handicap.

Can someone help me please ?



I bought yesterday the newest version of FSUIPC4 4.53.

But when I disable all controls of the joystick, in my case the CH Yoke, I don't have anymore the possibility to use the "look using the mouse" / shift + 0 or O.

Sorry, I don't understand. What IS this "look using the mouse"? What control is Shift+O? And how is anything using the keyboard or mouse related at all to the joystick assignments? FSUIPC most certainly does not interfere with normal FS keyboard assignments, unless you reassign them IN FSUIPC, and FSUIPC has no mouse handling at all except an optional mousewheel trim facility.

Incidentally, your title doesn't seem to relate at all to your text. Your title talks about Zoom with the mousewheel, nothing about joysticks being assigned or mnot, nor shift+0 or Shift+O (are they two different ways of doing something?). Can you expand please?


Okay .. I've just loaded FSX and checked this facility (never tried it before).

When you disabled "all control of the joystick", you presumably clicked on "disable controllers", which in FSX seems to disable everything. Not very friendly, for sure! In FS9 and before there was a specific option to diable or enable joysticks.

I'm afraid the only answer if you need to retain those mouse facilities is to either assign your joystick axes and buttons through FS (you can still calibrate in FSUIPC if you want) or explicitly de-assign in FS anything you assign in FSUIPC.




I bought yesterday the newest version of FSUIPC4 4.53.

But when I disable all controls of the joystick, in my case the CH Yoke, I don't have anymore the possibility to use the "look using the mouse" / shift + 0 or O.

Sorry, I don't understand. What IS this "look using the mouse"? What control is Shift+O? And how is anything using the keyboard or mouse related at all to the joystick assignments? FSUIPC most certainly does not interfere with normal FS keyboard assignments, unless you reassign them IN FSUIPC, and FSUIPC has no mouse handling at all except an optional mousewheel trim facility.

Incidentally, your title doesn't seem to relate at all to your text. Your title talks about Zoom with the mousewheel, nothing about joysticks being assigned or mnot, nor shift+0 or Shift+O (are they two different ways of doing something?). Can you expand please?


Okay .. I've just loaded FSX and checked this facility (never tried it before).

When you disabled "all control of the joystick", you presumably clicked on "disable controllers", which in FSX seems to disable everything. Not very friendly, for sure! In FS9 and before there was a specific option to diable or enable joysticks.

I'm afraid the only answer if you need to retain those mouse facilities is to either assign your joystick axes and buttons through FS (you can still calibrate in FSUIPC if you want) or explicitly de-assign in FS anything you assign in FSUIPC.



Hello Pete,

First thanks for your quick reply.

I will try to be a little more clear : FSX has standard keyboard commands, and also some of those which are only related to the "views" menu.

In that famous menu you have "look using mouse" which can be activated with the keyboard combination shift+O or 0

When this is done, the cursor changes in some crosshair, and when turning the mousewheel, you can zoom in the VC.

This happens when the joystick is enabled, but I want only use FSUIPC for all my controls, so I disable the joystick, but then I don't have the facility of mouse zooming anymore.

I have the crosshair, but my mousewheel seems dead ...

I hope that you understand my problem now ?

Thanks in advance,



I will try to be a little more clear : FSX has standard keyboard commands, and also some of those which are only related to the "views" menu.

In that famous menu you have "look using mouse" which can be activated with the keyboard combination shift+O or 0

When this is done, the cursor changes in some crosshair, and when turning the mousewheel, you can zoom in the VC.

You are not reading my replies! If you look again you will see I added a bit called [LATER]. after I tried it. you've no need to explain when I said that!

I hope that you understand my problem now ?

I did, AND I replied accordingly!!! I said

When you disabled "all control of the joystick", you presumably clicked on "disable controllers", which in FSX seems to disable everything. Not very friendly, for sure! In FS9 and before there was a specific option to disable or enable joysticks.

I'm afraid the only answer if you need to retain those mouse facilities is to either assign your joystick axes and buttons through FS (you can still calibrate in FSUIPC if you want) or explicitly de-assign in FS anything you assign in FSUIPC.

Please do read ALL of my reply in future. It will save both of us wasting time!



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