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Hello all.

Sorry if this has been posted before, did a search on the forums + google but couldn't find anything.

I have FSUIPC configured so that if the METAR is showing rain visibility drops to 2000. However, if I'm cruising and the nearest ground station is showing rain, the visibility will drop while I'm in the cruise. Is there a way to change this so that after a certain height visibility will not drop?




I have FSUIPC configured so that if the METAR is showing rain visibility drops to 2000. However, if I'm cruising and the nearest ground station is showing rain, the visibility will drop while I'm in the cruise. Is there a way to change this so that after a certain height visibility will not drop?

The visibility limits only apply to the surface visibility layer. It sounds like you have a weather file or program which is setting the surface layer rather deep!

You don't mention what version of FS you are using, so I'm going to assume FS2004. I'll also assume you are using global or externally-supplied weather, as the options you need don't apply otherwise.

Look at the other items on the FSUIPC Visibility options tab. Do you see the options just below the one you mentioned which says "override upper altitude by ..." etc? Try using that to, er, override the upper altitude. There's a check mark to make and the altitude to enter. It's easy enough and should be self-explanatory.

You might also want to visit the right-hand side of the same page and implement graduated visibility changes. These would work with any source of weather.

Incidentally, all this stuff is also described in the FSUIPC User Guide.



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