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Hello Peter,

At present I am using an old email address which I used when I bought your brilliant addition to Flight simulation namely

FSIUPC I am using version 3.81 for FS9.1. I must admit I have not been diligent in keeping up with your output and I

find that I am out of date as there is a new version 3.93. as I am using an old email address I though it might be

prudent to change it to register it with my new email address?

My new email (quite old now lol) is catmar@nextgen.net.mt

I take it you have the rest of my registration details in a database so that you can re-issue keys etc.

I have downloaded 3.93 and await your information so that I can get up to date.

Question: will this update have any effect on my other software like ASv6.5 weather engine and active camera 2004?

Thanks for your work and look forward to buying FSIUPC 4 when I change over to FSX.

Clive Dodd

I must admit I have not been diligent in keeping up with your output and I

find that I am out of date as there is a new version 3.93. as I am using an old email address I though it might be

prudent to change it to register it with my new email address?

No, please don't try to change it. The registration email is never actually used as an address, it is only used, along with your name, as a way of ensuring the Key is tied to you uniquely. We found that the name on its own often isn't unique enough.

I take it you have the rest of my registration details in a database so that you can re-issue keys etc.

No. Only the seller has that -- SimMarket presumably (though there are two others).

I have downloaded 3.93 and await your information so that I can get up to date.

Yopu can simply install it as is. You don't need anything else.

Question: will this update have any effect on my other software like ASv6.5 weather engine and active camera 2004?




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