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Want to know in pmlogics, doesifcondition always end with a endif.?

I don't write or support PM, you are in the wrong place I'm afraid. Are you talking about pmSystems? If so, why not look at the examples it comes with? I think there's documentation available too.



Yes Pete, was refering to the PM systems my bad, sorry. Currently, looking for the documentations.

Well, looking just at the LGC files supplied in the pmSystems package I see two ways of doing "if" statements. Examples:

if mastercautionswitch then

sixpackcaution = 0

mastercautionswitch = 0 [1]



if busselect1 = 4 then acvolt = 115

So, if it is all on one line, no endif. Otherwise end the sequence of resulting actions with endif.



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