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I am a registered user of FSUIPC and I use your latest version in FSX. Yet I ahve aproblem with a Lua file and I would be appreciate your help.

I have a LUA file containing the code in the modules folder (this file is for a cold & dark situation of PMDG´s J41). It registers OK in FSUIPC ini file.

Yet when I select the "buttons+switches" tab in FSUIPC, the Press Jostick or (Buttons) boxes are greyed (i.e. non-selectable). I am therefore unable to map a key command or joystick button to that situation. Also the "Select for FS control" and "control sent when button pressed" boxes are unselectable (greyed).

I use WIn 7 Pro, 64 bit.

Could you please give me an hint on what is wrong?

I thank you on advance.

Kind regards


Yet I ahve aproblem with a Lua file and I would be appreciate your help.

I have a LUA file containing the code in the modules folder (this file is for a cold & dark situation of PMDG´s J41). It registers OK in FSUIPC ini file.

Yet when I select the "buttons+switches" tab in FSUIPC, the Press Jostick or (Buttons) boxes are greyed (i.e. non-selectable).

What has this got to do with Any Lua program? Have you never assigned any of your joystick buttons before?

To assign a joystick button or switch you have to press it! When FSUIPC recognises it, the assignment tab will come alive, show you the joystick and button number and allow you to assign to it.

None of that has any relationship to any Lua facility at all (in fact none of the rest of your message does).

I am therefore unable to map a key command or joystick button to that situation.

You seem to be very confused. If you want to assign a key press to the Lua action, use the Keys tab, not the Buttons and switches tab. The Buttons and Switches tab is for assigning Button and Switches. Use the Keys tab to assign Kerys. (The clue in in the names on the tabs ;-) ).

Also the "Select for FS control" and "control sent when button pressed" boxes are unselectable (greyed).

They will be until you press a button or change a switch so that it knows which one you are assigning to!





You are quite right: I am confused indeed! :oops:

Will follow your suggestions (and re-read the manuals...).

Thanks for caring to answer.



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