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I would like to write an application (VB.NET) to permit people to choose an airport > a parking / gate and to load at the good location.

I found the airport list for FS2004 and FSX but not the list of gate.

By using Traffic toolbox we can find the list of the different gates for an airport but not the exact location of each one.

Does it exist a mean to now the existing gates in FS2004 and to be able to load the plane at the good gate via FSUIPC ?




Does it exist a mean to now the existing gates in FS2004 and to be able to load the plane at the good gate via FSUIPC ?

No. Gate lists are made by scanning the scenery files. Programs which show the gates build up a database which you need to have updated when you add new scenery. I provide a free database maker called "MakeRunways", which creates a number of files -- airport lists, runways databases, gates, taxiways frequencies. The latest version is available in the Updates & Goodies announcement above, and I am putting another (faster and more foolproof) version, 4.40, up later today.



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