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Hi Pete,

Ran into a wee bug recently w.r.t. "ShortAircraftNameOk=Substring", and thought I'd pass it along.

I have the following sections setup for my new Jetstream 41:


Now, if I go into FSUIPC settings and try to change a mapping for some button, the [buttons.41] section does not get updated. Instead, a new section is added. For example:

[Buttons.PMDG Jetstream 41 US Airways Express]


  • [*:2qhx2gkq]The Axes and JoystickCalibration sections are not affected by this: when I make changes there, the changes are written to the correct section.[*:2qhx2gkq]Not sure about the Keys section: I don't have any keys mapped. So it may or may not have the same bug.[*:2qhx2gkq]Running version 4.548 (the latest, I believe)


- Bill

  MELKOR said:

Now, if I go into FSUIPC settings and try to change a mapping for some button, the [buttons.41] section does not get updated. Instead, a new section is added. For example:

[Buttons.PMDG Jetstream 41 US Airways Express]

When you were in the Buttons tab, did you not see the title "41"? Buttons and Keys are different from axes and joystick calibrations in that you can have non-aircraft specific AND aircraft-specific assignments operating -- the former take priority where there are dual assignments. This is to allow a basic set of assignments common to all. It doesn't apply to axes and calibrations for obvious reasons -- a trim axis assigned might mess a different method up quite easily.

So, in Keys and Buttons you can swap between general and aircraft-specific, but you need to do that BEFORE making any changes. If you were in general mode (no "41" title showing), and made the changes THEN changed to "aircraft specific, it serves to make those aircraft specific actions very much MORE specific, as you see. Maybe a substring as short as "41" is easy to miss in the options title?

When you load an aircraft, FSUIPC matches the name to the longest "substring" it can find -- in this case it would be the whole name.

So, if you could please recall the EXACT sequence of actions, I think it will probably be explained. I suspect you made changes in non-specific mode, then changed to specific and so effectively asked FSUIPC to save these latest changes to be very specific.

Finally, please note that the aircraft-specific facilities have really been superseded by the Profile facilities, which are much more user-friendly and manageable. If these aircraft-specific part gets confusing you might want to consider changing over.




I am quite familiar with the general vs "aircraft specific" concept (been a FSUIPC user for many years now).

But, just to ensure I didn't do something stupid, I double checked everything for you. =)

The behavior definitely occurs when I select "aircraft specific" prior to making any changes. In addition, when I click "aircraft specific", the full aircraft name is being displayed, not just "41".

Some other observations:

1) The full aircraft name is also displayed in the "Axis Assignment" page... and yet any changes here get correctly saved to [Axes.41].

2) The short aircraft name (i.e. "41") is displayed in the "Joystick Calibration" page.

So... pretty inconsistent across the three pages! =)

I have not had a look at the new "Profile" mechanism yet... do you intend on dropping support for the "old way"? If so, I had better learn more!


- Bill

  MELKOR said:

The behavior definitely occurs when I select "aircraft specific" prior to making any changes. In addition, when I click "aircraft specific", the full aircraft name is being displayed, not just "41".

This is after you deleted the sections with the full aircraft name? Obviously, once those are there it will match them preferably in any case.

With all your experience, if this were a bug affecting all substrings, wouldn't you have noticed the problem before? There are/were a lot of folks using this. Maybe it's only related to the very short substring (only two characters)? I'll check that here -- but it will have to be late tomorrow now as I have a hospital appointment in the morning (very important. My eyes are deteriorating daily now).

Maybe you could check with a slightly longer substring, just to see?


Some other observations:

1) The full aircraft name is also displayed in the "Axis Assignment" page... and yet any changes here get correctly saved to [Axes.41].

2) The short aircraft name (i.e. "41") is displayed in the "Joystick Calibration" page.

Hmm. Interesting. It should be consistent as they get the data from the same place, or should do. I'll check into that too.

I have not had a look at the new "Profile" mechanism yet... do you intend on dropping support for the "old way"?

No. I can't do that, much though I'd like to. I'll look into these things. It just seems so weird to have them coming up now, after all this time and with such a lot of exposure. You yourself said you have a lot of experience with the facilities, so how come this just comes up now? Strange.

I am gradually having to reduce my working time on the PC due to my eye problems. But before I have to stop altogether I must fix things that don't work correctly! ;-)



  Pete Dowson said:

This is after you deleted the sections with the full aircraft name? Obviously, once those are there it will match them preferably in any case.


  Pete Dowson said:
With all your experience, if this were a bug affecting all substrings, wouldn't you have noticed the problem before? There are/were a lot of folks using this. Maybe it's only related to the very short substring (only two characters)? I'll check that here -- but it will have to be late tomorrow now as I have a hospital appointment in the morning (very important. My eyes are deteriorating daily now).

Maybe you could check with a slightly longer substring, just to see?

Yeah, I would have definitely seen this before. So, either the behavior is new, or your suspicion about the short substring is correct. "41" is definitely the shortest substring I've ever used... (due to some inconsistent aircraft naming on PMDG's part!) I'll try a longer substring and see if that helps.

  Pete Dowson said:
I am gradually having to reduce my working time on the PC due to my eye problems. But before I have to stop altogether I must fix things that don't work correctly! ;-)

Ack! I'm so sorry to hear that Pete, I hope that everything works out okay!!


- Bill



After some more experimentation, this appears to be changed behavior...

1) Tried a longer substring... same changed behavior (in every respect).

2) Tried with other aircraft, where I am absolutely sure this behavior did not exist before... same changed behavior (in every respect).

However: I took a look at, and enabled, the "Profile" mechanism. Interestingly, everything works when this is enabled (i.e. FSUIPC is matching and displaying "41" in the title bars, and writing to the correct sections)!

Please let me know if there is anything more you need from me.


- Bill

  MELKOR said:

After some more experimentation, this appears to be changed behavior...

1) Tried a longer substring... same changed behavior (in every respect).

2) Tried with other aircraft, where I am absolutely sure this behavior did not exist before... same changed behavior (in every respect).

Well, the only changes which would have touched such areas were those for the Profile system. So, that leads me to the next question:

Profiles were introduced in version 3.90 and 4.50 (both February 2009). That's nine months ago. Do you think that you wouldn't have noticed the problems in that time, perhaps due to not updating until recently, or not making changes in those areas of your INI configuration till recently? In other words, when were you absolutely sure the behaviour did not exist, and with which version(s)?

If you can recall such information it would be of great help. If i can tie it down specifically to the Profile changes it will be quicker for me to locate and fix the problem.



  Pete Dowson said:
Profiles were introduced in version 3.90 and 4.50 (both February 2009). That's nine months ago. Do you think that you wouldn't have noticed the problems in that time, perhaps due to not updating until recently, or not making changes in those areas of your INI configuration till recently? In other words, when were you absolutely sure the behaviour did not exist, and with which version(s)?

If you can recall such information it would be of great help. If i can tie it down specifically to the Profile changes it will be quicker for me to locate and fix the problem.

I'm asbolutely sure the behavior did not exist at one point in time... would have driven me crazy. =) But with which prior version, I am not sure. Sorry I cannot be more specific, Pete. =(

However, prior to these recent JS41 changes, the last time I made any changes to my FSUIPC4.INI file was around the time I bought the PMDG MD-11... which is definitely well before 4.50.

So... the theory that it may be due to the Profile changes seems at least likely.


- Bill

  MELKOR said:

I'm asbolutely sure the behavior did not exist at one point in time... would have driven me crazy. =) But with which prior version, I am not sure. Sorry I cannot be more specific

That's okay. I've found it. it was a silly bug introduced with my additions for the [Auto] macro/Lua execution facilities, which occurred BETWEEN the latest release and the last main user release (4.53 or 3.93). So at least it hasn't gone out on general release yet. So, thanks for getting me to fix it before I do make a general release.

Interestingly, if you did have [Auto] aircraft-specific sections as well, the bug would never occur -- which is why I didn't see it. Natually, to test the new [Auto] facilities i was using them to their fullest!

BTW the full aircraft name displayed in the Axis assignments tab is wrong, and that's a long-standing minor bug. I'll fix that too. All parts should display the matching name, whether that be full, short or substring.

I'll be posting updates with these things fixed later tonight. Look out for them in the Updates announcement.

Thanks again,


  Pete Dowson said:
That's okay. I've found it. it was a silly bug introduced with my additions for the [Auto] macro/Lua execution facilities, which occurred BETWEEN the latest release and the last main user release (4.53 or 3.93). So at least it hasn't gone out on general release yet. So, thanks for getting me to fix it before I do make a general release.

Thanks Pete, am just finding time now to test out the fix...

The Buttons tab now works correctly.

Unfortunately, the Keys tab still exhibits the same behavior: shows full name in title bar, and writes to the wrong Keys section.


- Bill

  MELKOR said:

Unfortunately, the Keys tab still exhibits the same behavior: shows full name in title bar, and writes to the wrong Keys section.

There was no such bug in that area, and it worked okay here in all the tests I did.

Sorry, but I am going to need specific examples again if you find different.


  Pete Dowson said:
There was no such bug in that area, and it worked okay here in all the tests I did.

Sorry, but I am going to need specific examples again if you find different.

Argh, was my mistake, had a typo in my Keys section: no wonder it wasn't matching! =(

Sorry for the false alarm: I confirm that all tabs are matching as expected.

Many thanks,

- Bill

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