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For some reason, I seem to have lost a lot of my keyboard commands. However, a few are still functioning. I noticed this when I set FS to not use it's joystick commands, and let the FSUIPC do the work. In fact, FSUIPC does a much better job of things as far as the JS functions

I program all of my JS commands through the FSUIPC, and I have been able to program what I need without issue. I.E. heading bug, autopilot on off, brakes, flaps, throttle etc etc etc.

Anyway, as mentioned, some of my KB commands are not working. I can not program them in FS, nor can I find a way to program them in FSUIPC. Actually, I see "how" to program them, but can't find the exact same function that FS does. It may simply be a naming issue equilivent.

1...KB command CTRL-S (top down view) doesn't work.

2...KB command W (front view with no panel) doesn't work

3...KB command . (brakes) dosent work ((However, . does work as a JS command))

Interestingly, functions like P for pause, S for cycle views doee work. Mainly, it's the ones listed above that I would like to have.

Thus, I may be missing something, or do not know what FSUIPC functions produce the equivillent FS functions. But I still don't understand why FS won't let me change the above listed functions.

Can anyone shed some light on this for me ?



  Turbohead said:
For some reason, I seem to have lost a lot of my keyboard commands. However, a few are still functioning. I noticed this when I set FS to not use it's joystick commands, and let the FSUIPC do the work. In fact, FSUIPC does a much better job of things as far as the JS functions

What's a "JS"?

Are you talking about FS2004, FSX, or one of the older FS versions?


Anyway, as mentioned, some of my KB commands are not working. I can not program them in FS, nor can I find a way to program them in FSUIPC. Actually, I see "how" to program them, but can't find the exact same function that FS does. It may simply be a naming issue equilivent.

I don't know how you'd lose them in FS. Sounds like one of your FS files is corrupted. I know FSX uses an XML file to define all of its keyboard commands.

FSUIPC doesn't interfere or change anything like that. But if you program FSUIPC to use keys for other functions, then they'll not get through to FS. FSUIPC will intercept them and act on them as you've programmed.

1...KB command CTRL-S (top down view) doesn't work.

Hmm. Never used that. In FSX I think the default key for that is F12, but I'm only going by what others tell me. The FS control name is probably "View down" (not really so obscure?).

2...KB command W (front view with no panel) doesn't work

Not sure about that one. "Full window toggle" maybe? Or perhaps "View mode".

3...KB command . (brakes) dosent work ((However, . does work as a JS command))

Oddly enough the "." key for brakes uses a command simply called "Brakes". Again, not terribly obscure.

Why not use the list of controls I publish and try those which seem likely? It shouldn't be that hard. If you were to actually mention the version of FS you are using I might even be able to point you to the correct file in FS where they are defined. ;-)

Thus, I may be missing something, or do not know what FSUIPC functions produce the equivillent FS functions.

FS doesn't have any functions for FS controls -- they are all FS's own, and the names in the FSUIPC dropdowns are those defined by FS in its CONTROLS module, and are the names used internally and in that file I mentioned. FS's menus for assigning controls don't give you the names, but a description, which is different in different languages.




What is JS ??? I uses the words "Joy Stick" in the same sentence, so I thought the abbreviation "JS" would be evident!!! :):):)

I am using FS2004 and FSUIPC 3.93 Windows XP Pro.

No corrupt files. The problem turned out to be, "CTRL S" was being used in FSUIPC while I was trying to find a comparative view for the FS function. Thus, I guess FS will not assign a duplicate entry. I deleted the FSUPIC entry and was able to assign the function in FS.

CTRL W, Same. I had previously entered "CTRL W" in FSUIPC, and FS would not duplicate it. Thus I Deleted "CTRL W" from the FSUIPC, and was able to assign CTRL W in FS.

BTW,,(By the way), the default FS command for "CTRL S" is "View -Switch To Top Down" I do not see an equivillent FSUIPC command for that.

The default FS Command for "CTRL W" is "Panel On-Off" . I do not see an FSUIPC equillivent for that either.

As a note, I think the keyboard functions were all working before I updated to FSUIPC 3.93, but I can't say that for sure.



  Turbohead said:
What is JS ??? I uses the words "Joy Stick" in the same sentence, so I thought the abbreviation "JS" would be evident!!! :):):)

Ah, sorry. It's late. I was thinking it was an abbreviation for an addon aircraft, perhaps the PMDG JS41?

No corrupt files. The problem turned out to be, "CTRL S" was being used in FSUIPC while I was trying to find a comparative view for the FS function. Thus, I guess FS will not assign a duplicate entry.

Not sure what you mean there. If you assign CTRL+S to something in FSUIPC, then it isn't going to be seen by FS as FSUIPC will get it first. If you assign it to something different in FS, it will do that different thing. Where does "duplicate entry" come into it?

BTW,,(By the way), the default FS command for "CTRL S" is "View -Switch To Top Down" I do not see an equivillent FSUIPC command for that.

The default FS Command for "CTRL W" is "Panel On-Off" . I do not see an FSUIPC equillivent for that either.

There are NO "equivalent FSUIPC commands", because, as I thought I explained, there's no such thing as FSUIPC commands for FS functions. Those are FS commands. All FSUIPC does is list them for you using the FS names for FS commands. "View -Switch To Top Down" is a description, it is NOT the name FS uses internally nor therefore the name FSUIPC uses.

Please re-read my last reply. You seem to have only read as far as "JS"! I am wasting my time trying to help if you don't read what i write! :-(

If you ever want to find the true FS name for a control, just use FSUIPC's Event logging, then use the FS control and see in the log both the name and its number. I've just done that in FS9 and this is what I get for those two you can't find:


145360 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65829 (0x00010125), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VIEW_TYPE


151875 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66404 (0x00010364), Param= 0 (0x00000000) PANEL_HUD_TOGGLE

Oh. "CTRL+W" does not, by default, do "panel on-off", it creates a separate chase window instead. It's log line is:

698782 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66500 (0x000103c4), Param= 0 (0x00000000) KEY_CHASE_VIEW_NEXT

As a note, I think the keyboard functions were all working before I updated to FSUIPC 3.93, but I can't say that for sure.

There's NEVER been any change in any version which would EVER allow keypresses programmed in FSUIPC to get through to do anything in FS!

Oh, and as promised, now I know which version of FS you are talking about, all of the Keyboard assignments are detailed, using the names you incorrectly refer to as "FSUIPC Commands", in the FS9.CFG file, in the section headed [KEYBOARD_MAIN]. There's also a section headed [KEYBOARD_SLEW] which details the differences in Slew mode. The lines in [KEYBOARD_MAIN] relating to your Ctrl+S and W keys are:







Note the keycodes, which are the same used by FSUIPC in its INI file and documented in FSUIPC's Advanced User's guide.



Okay, I just went and tested this, and the following is factual.

If I use FSUIPC to assign a keyboard command, the the same function for FS keyboard commands will not be avilable.

For example, I went into FSUIPC / Key Prsses / aircraft specific / and assigned "CTRL >." to be Brakes. At this point, I can not go into FS and assign brakes to be "CTRL >." FS apparently sees that something else already has that function. Apprently FSUIPC.

Not that I would purposely try to do that, but that's why some of my keyboard commands were not functioning. I had forgotten that I had tried to program them in FSUIPC. I assume that FSUIPC got first shot at it :)

Same with the CTRL S and W Command. I had previously tried to program those in FSUIPC, but could not find the functions I wanted listed in your drop down window. So, when I went to FS to try to program the function, FS would not let me do it. ((I had forgotten about the FSUPIC command that I was playing with previously.)) MY BAD !!!

Thus, I eliminated the FSUIPC entries of CTRL S and W, and was able to program them in FS, with approproatiely named commands.

That said, if I go to FS2004, Options, Assignments, I get a full list of available functions. One is named (View-Switch To Top Down) and it has CTRL S assigned to it. "CTRL S" shows an overhead view in the form of a zoomable view from high above the Aircraft.

The other one in named (Panel on-off) and is asigned W. Basically, it is a wide view of the scenery with no aircraft panel parts. It toggles from to No Panel with instruments, to no panel and no instruments, and then back to panel and instruments.

FS2004 exact terminology is:

(CTRL S) "View-Switch to top down",

(W) "Panel On-Off"

These are the actual names listed in the FS2004 assignment lists.

The FSUIPC equivillants are apparently:

"View Type"

"Panel Hud Toggle"

If I try to find the FS2004 functions listed in the FSUIPC pull down lists, they are not there, or named something else. They are not listed as FS lists them. Thus, you can see the confusion!

The FS functions and the FSUIPC Functions are apparently named differently. Unless I know what FSUIPC does for the FS names, I have to waste a lot of time experimenting.

Granted, you are right about looking at the log etc., grabbing what happened, or using the numbers, and interpolate what happened. Then use the FSUIPC equivillant of the FS command. However, I don't think that is a very "user friendly" way of going about it. Why not just use the exact names as in FS?

I guess I understand that you have offered more possibilites than FS, but it's seems like the long way around. I ran into that progamming the HAT switch on my CH Yoke. I had to go to FSUIPC, find out what the same FS sunction would be, and then program each of the eight positions individually, to do what FS does automatically.

Anyway, I think I have everything back as it was, but I would like to know why the FS names and the FSUIPC Names are so differnt in the lists.

Get some sleep


  Turbohead said:

If I use FSUIPC to assign a keyboard command, the the same function for FS keyboard commands will not be avilable.

No, that's not true -- the KEYpress you use will not be available. FSUIPC cannot stop the FS functions being available.

For example, I went into FSUIPC / Key Prsses / aircraft specific / and assigned "CTRL >." to be Brakes. At this point, I can not go into FS and assign brakes to be "CTRL >." FS apparently sees that something else already has that function. Apprently FSUIPC.

Oh dear. Have you not even bothered to read ANY of my replies to you? I truly am wasting my time! :-(

I already told you. If you assign a keypress in FSUIPC, it will be taken by FSUIPC. FS will never see it. FS does not "know" FSUIPC has it, it just doesn't see it. This is clearly documented and I've told you several times already!

If I try to find the FS2004 functions listed in the FSUIPC pull down lists, they are not there, or named something else. They are not listed as FS lists them. Thus, you can see the confusion!

The FS functions and the FSUIPC Functions are apparently named differently. Unless I know what FSUIPC does for the FS names, I have to waste a lot of time experimenting.

I told you how to work that out, but you ignore me. Use logging.

Anyway, I think I have everything back as it was, but I would like to know why the FS names and the FSUIPC Names are so differnt in the lists.

I explained that to you also, at length, and with references. In the menus FS uses DESCRIPTIONS not NAMES. The descriptions will be different in each version and in each language. The NAMES don't vary. It is the only way FSUIPC or anything else outside of FS's menus can operate!

:roll: :roll:

I hope not to hear from you again until and unless you bother to read what I've been writing.



Peter Peter Peter,,,,You must not be reading what I wrote. :D

I agreed with everything you said. Eveything you said worked. Please read what I wrote before you start flogging. Besides, its Thanksgiving day :lol:

I think I may have not used the exact terminology that you were looking for.

Okay, Keystrokes. Yes, I realize that FSUIPC assigns a function for the selected keystroke. My bad was, I had previously assigned a keystroke in FSUIPC, and FS would not let me re-assign the same keystrole. And yes, once FSUIPC has it, FS will not see it. I have resolved that problem.

As far as the names of functions, you are technically correct. You guys use the technical name, (coded name). FS uses "user friendly" names. And, I might know that if I were a programmer. However, it would be nice for the end user to to see something familar, without having to "Log" and interperate the meanings.

Now that we have that out of the way, (and my learning curve is getting better), from what I gather, it appears that FSUIPC can send a string of just about anything. If the string is known?

See, with a little patience, I can learn!!! So lets advance things little.

The CJ that I fly has some single mouse click functions that are not keystrokes. For example, they use a mouse click to call up panel 0 (zero). "which is a special landing view with their panel lowered" They also use a mouse click to center the heading bug. Both being functions that FS can not replicate through button push or key stroke.

I want to make the above functions available as a button push on my yoke. I did the logging, and it appears they use several parameters with the function. When I click their landing view, I get the following:

Landing view clicked on:

150469 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66506 (0x000103ca), Param= 1 (0x00000001) PANEL_ID_TOGGLE

150469 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66506 (0x000103ca), Param= 2 (0x00000002) PANEL_ID_TOGGLE

Landing view clicked off:

151938 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66506 (0x000103ca), Param= 1 (0x00000001) PANEL_ID_TOGGLE

151938 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66506 (0x000103ca), Param= 2 (0x00000002) PANEL_ID_TOGGLE

So how, and can, I set that up in FSUIPC to be a button push from my yoke?

I set the command to be button 8, then chose panel_id_toggle, but I am not sure how to set the 2 parameters. The panel_id_toggle worked, the scenery changed, but the panel did not relocate itself. So evidently, I am not setting the parameters correctly.

Thanks,,,we'll get there eventually. Besides, the more you teach, the less I'l lhave to bug you.

Happy Thanksgiving, This beats the hell out of watching American Football :roll:


  Turbohead said:

Okay, Keystrokes. Yes, I realize that FSUIPC assigns a function for the selected keystroke. My bad was, I had previously assigned a keystroke in FSUIPC, and FS would not let me re-assign the same keystrole. And yes, once FSUIPC has it, FS will not see it. I have resolved that problem.

I realise that, but you were describing the phenomena as something you thought you discovered, even though I'd told you before (and it being stated in the documentation), and you also misconstrued it as being FS somehow realising that FSUIPC was using the keystroke.

As far as the names of functions, you are technically correct. You guys use the technical name, (coded name). FS uses "user friendly" names.

No, no. You are wrong again, still, and clearly disregarding things I have told you and files I have referred you to. FSUIPC is not using any names it invents itself, it is using the names in FS. I showed that to you. Please just go look at the Keyboard assignments in your FS9.CFG file for proof.

Now that we have that out of the way, (and my learning curve is getting better)

I'm sorry, but it doesn't appear it is. :-(

from what I gather, it appears that FSUIPC can send a string of just about anything. If the string is known?

No idea what this is about, sorry. Send a string of what to where?

The CJ that I fly has some single mouse click functions that are not keystrokes. For example, they use a mouse click to call up panel 0 (zero). "which is a special landing view with their panel lowered"

Are you sure there's no keystroke? All panels are normally switchable by the assortment of PANEL controls, by default assigned to Shift+0 to 9. There's also an FS command from calling up a panel by ID, using the ID as parameter. You'd need to get the ID for any non-standard panel from the PAnel.CFG file for the aircraft.

They also use a mouse click to center the heading bug.

Centre it where? That makes no sense. The heading bug relates to a selected heading. Perhaps you really mean to set the heading bug to match the current heading? In other words a "heading lock"?

I want to make the above functions available as a button push on my yoke. I did the logging, and it appears they use several parameters with the function. When I click their landing view, I get the following:

Landing view clicked on:

150469 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66506 (0x000103ca), Param= 1 (0x00000001) PANEL_ID_TOGGLE

150469 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66506 (0x000103ca), Param= 2 (0x00000002) PANEL_ID_TOGGLE

Okay. Those by default are Shift+1 (the main keyboard 1) and Shift+2. The first normally toggles the main panel and the second will toggle a different panel. You can do the same on a button by programming those control. Use a parameter of 1 on the Press and 2 on the Release.

Landing view clicked off:

151938 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66506 (0x000103ca), Param= 1 (0x00000001) PANEL_ID_TOGGLE

151938 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66506 (0x000103ca), Param= 2 (0x00000002) PANEL_ID_TOGGLE

That's the same -- you are simply toggling the same views back again to where they were. Unless you've reassigned the keys, you should find exactly the same happens using keystroke Shift+1 followed by Shift+2, or vice versa.

I set the command to be button 8, then chose panel_id_toggle, but I am not sure how to set the 2 parameters. The panel_id_toggle worked, the scenery changed, but the panel did not relocate itself. So evidently, I am not setting the parameters correctly.

The parameter goes into the little edit box obscurely labelled "parameter". But you can't set two parameters in the same box! If you want to avoid the complication of editing the INI file to assign two actions to the button press, just do one action on the press and the other on the release.

the more you teach, the less I'l lhave to bug you.

I don't teach. :shock: Sorry, I don't have the patience for that as you must surely have noticed? :?



Okay,,,,I agree...FSUIPC is using the same name that FS uses internally. HOWEVER, in the user interface, (Options, Controls, assignments) they use a "user friendly name"

View-(Switch To Top Down) --- in their own words.

The "actual" command that is sent from FS or FSUIPC may be worded differently than the FS menu's name. Thus, I have to go log and figuer out what was actually sent.

As for the other function that I am trying to accomplish, The panel view command that I am looking for is is from Eagle soft. It is a landing view that is toggled from their panel with a mouse click.

Quote from Eagle soft...

"The "landing view" is assigned to Window09, which unfortunately isn't accessible via the keyboard...only Window00 through Window08 may be switched with Shift-1 through Shift-9...""

As for the "Center" Heading Bug set, Eagle soft provides a function "mouse click" that will set the heading bug to the current AC heading. I can set this in FSUIPC (heading bug set) and give it a paremeter. However, the result is, it will go to the parameter set. i.e 180, 270 or whatever. It will not go to the current heading the AC is on.

Here is what was logged:

2204234 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66042 (0x000101fa), Param= 311 (0x00000137) HEADING_BUG_SET

2205047 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66042 (0x000101fa), Param= 311 (0x00000137) HEADING_BUG_SET

2205687 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66042 (0x000101fa), Param= 311 (0x00000137) HEADING_BUG_SET


2791969 READ0 0564, 4 bytes: 2D 55 2F 00

2791969 READ0 056C, 4 bytes: 2F 69 5E C5

2791969 READ0 0580, 4 bytes: 41 1B 14 DC

2791969 READ0 0574, 4 bytes: 03 00 00 00

2791969 READ0 C000, 1024 bytes: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02

Apprently, Eagle soft goes out, polls what the heading is, and then sets a parameter of what the current heading is. In this case, a heading of 311.

I will continue to experiment. However, a little help in what I don't understand is helpuful with the frustraion of trial and error.


  Turbohead said:

"The "landing view" is assigned to Window09, which unfortunately isn't accessible via the keyboard...only Window00 through Window08 may be switched with Shift-1 through Shift-9...""

So what were those controls showing toggling of panels 1 and 2? Did you try doing that?

If you want to toggle a panel with a known ID (it won't necessarily be 9 -- you need to find the ID in the Panel.cfg file. It'll be given in the line "ident= ...), then assign as button or key to "Panel id toggle" and place the ident number as the parameter. [i've already suggested this]

As for the "Center" Heading Bug set, Eagle soft provides a function "mouse click" that will set the heading bug to the current AC heading. I can set this in FSUIPC (heading bug set) and give it a paremeter. However, the result is, it will go to the parameter set. i.e 180, 270 or whatever. It will not go to the current heading the AC is on.

Correct. You cannot do what you want without writing a small Lua plug-in.

I will continue to experiment. However, a little help in what I don't understand is helpuful with the frustraion of trial and error.

I've been giving you huge amounts of help, to the exclusion of almost anything else these last two days. Time to ration my supplies of help to you I think. Maybe others will chime in then.



I truely appreciat all of your help. You have to remember, I am a novice at this, you are an expert. It is easy for you.

I figured as much on the heading. However, it was worth tring to accomplish the task.

As for the Landing view, the following was in the panel.cfg file.

Window09=Landing View









window_size= 1.000, 1.000

window_pos= 0.000, 0.000

This is what FSUIPC logged:

94422 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66506 (0x000103ca), Param= 1 (0x00000001) PANEL_ID_TOGGLE

94422 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66506 (0x000103ca), Param= 2 (0x00000002) PANEL_ID_TOGGLE

At this point, you have not specifically said what goes in the parameter boxes. I'm still guessing at it! However, it does not display the proper panel for 09 in the paremeter.

I have tried may different setting as you stated. Specifically the ones you mentioned, panel_id_toggle and, using various paremeter settings, for press and release. However, it nevers achieves displaying the landing view panel as the Eagle soft application accomplishes.

Hopefully, as you mentioned, someone with better patience will chime in and help.


  Turbohead said:

As for the Landing view, the following was in the panel.cfg file.



So, the ident is 2. See, where it actually tells you this? Exactly as I said?

This is what FSUIPC logged:

94422 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66506 (0x000103ca), Param= 1 (0x00000001) PANEL_ID_TOGGLE

94422 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66506 (0x000103ca), Param= 2 (0x00000002) PANEL_ID_TOGGLE

Yes. You are repeating yourself. I told you how to use that information already. You chose to ignore me, again.

At this point, you have not specifically said what goes in the parameter boxes. I'm still guessing at it!

Oh dear. I most certainly told you TWICE, and you persist in ignoring what I tell you! Please do READ WHAT I WRITE. I'm really getting fed up with your refusal to see what I write and repeat questions which I've already answered. Look, from an earlier message:

If you want to toggle a panel with a known ID (it won't necessarily be 9 -- you need to find the ID in the Panel.cfg file. It'll be given in the line "ident= ...), then assign as button or key to "Panel id toggle" and place the ident number as the parameter. [i've already suggested this]

and from an even earlier one:

You can do the same on a button by programming those control. Use a parameter of 1 on the Press and 2 on the Release.

Hopefully, as you mentioned, someone with better patience will chime in and help.

I certainly hope so, because I'm not answering you any more. I've had enough. Sorry.



"You can do the same on a button by programming those control. Use a parameter of 1 on the Press and 2 on the Release."

Why didn't you say that in plain english in the first place. It would have saved a lot of my time. You kept referring to it as Panel ID, not Paremeter. I saw no where it say "panel ID" in any of my previous post.

My god man, you need to learn to read as well. And shouting only shows that you have no patience at all. I read your post, but you persisted to play "Cat and Mouse"! If you knew that answer, a simple (Control = Panel_ID_Toggle and Paremeter of 1) etc etc etc. We could both be eating Turkey by now!!!

Granted, you are an expert. You know what you are thinking, but have a hard time understanding and conveying your thoughts. Your problem is, you assume that the user is as smart as you.

If I spoke to my flight students in a manner in which you have spoken to me, I wouldn't have very many flight students. I have to tolorate the same as you do. Everyone is not an expert. Maybe you should learn to develope some interpersonal skills.

Rule # 1, Never shout at a paying customer.

Rule# 2, have patience, no matter what the circumstance.

Rule # 3, If you do not understand the above, read rule # 1 and # 2 again.

BTW (By the way) The button works now for the landing view.

Have a great holiday


  Turbohead said:
Why didn't you say that in plain english in the first place.

Man, you are impossible. LOOK PLEASE. The bit you just quoted was from "the first place", but you ignored it completely, as you have most of the rest. Both those quotes I just gave you were from earlier messages, one a lot earlier (immediately after you showed me the log results), and another a bit later. You simply refuse to read things and then have the damned cheek to accuse me of the same?

THESE QUOTES, which I repeat for the third time, were from earlier messages, and they ARE in plain English. Open your eyes, for pity's sake!

If you want to toggle a panel with a known ID (it won't necessarily be 9 -- you need to find the ID in the Panel.cfg file. It'll be given in the line "ident= ...), then assign as button or key to "Panel id toggle" and place the ident number as the parameter. [i've already suggested this]


You can do the same on a button by programming those control. Use a parameter of 1 on the Press and 2 on the Release.

I am not answering any more of your damn fool questions. you are a completely unreasonable person who just won't accept the help he is given. There is absolutely no point in my trying any further, at all.

holiday? What holiday? Christmas is our next one. And that's usually my busiest time. I hope not to see any of your messages then.

Good night.



Ahh, I see my suggestions helped. You have refrained from shouting. We can work on the profanity and insults in a later session :D

I'm sorry, I forgot you guys don't observe our Thanksgiving. So, have a happy holiday for Christmas.

PS, I previously omitted rule # 3. "One should never insult a paying customer".

Have a great weekend Peter, and thank you for all of your help. I will enjoy the new button that we have programmed together.


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