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I just purchased fsuipc4 and somehow screwed myself up. I searched the forum and saw a thread where it was demonstrated how to set up the saitek so you could use a button for reverse. I actually tried it and screwed up before finding this forum, but I set it up as the thread indicated, still I have this problem.

what I did with my registered copy of FSUIPC4:

buttons and switches...I set button 21 (black left throttle on pz44) so that when the throttle is pushed all the way down, ie button 21 activated) i would have thrust decrease. I checked the "control to repeat while held" checkbox, and then set throttle cut for the control sent when button released.

Results: plane is in full throttle and reverse. If I push the thrust lever up it immedialy drops down back into reverse by itself. (whether by the saitek quadrant or using the mouse on the throttle quadrant in FSX).

I am obviously a novice, lol, and leapt before I looked. I would be most grateful for any assistance as I am grounded since I can't move in any direction but reverse.


Chris Romaniello


Results: plane is in full throttle and reverse. If I push the thrust lever up it immedialy drops down back into reverse by itself. (whether by the saitek quadrant or using the mouse on the throttle quadrant in FSX).

I would normally say that the reason was that your throttle lever axis is reversed, so, before calibrating it, you need to select the "REV" option to put it the right way round. There's one in FSX assignments and also in FSUIPC calibrations -- but don't use both.

However, the fact that your pictorial throttle quadrant in FSX is also working in reverse is completely inexplicable unless you have a practical joke of an aircraft add-on. Try one of the default aircraft instead.




Thanks for the reply Pete. I checked the throttle calibration and did not see it reversed.

I tried using a default fsx aircraft, as well as my pmdg md-11 and the problem exists for those planes as well. I am quite confused.

Thanks for the reply Pete. I checked the throttle calibration and did not see it reversed.

By "not seeing it reversed" do you mean the numbers increase when you push the lever forward, and decrease when pulled back? If not, then you need to use the REV checkbox.

I tried using a default fsx aircraft, as well as my pmdg md-11 and the problem exists for those planes as well. I am quite confused.

If default aircraft, used on their own, via a mouse not a joystick, operate with the throttle lever going forward giving reverse thrust, something very very odd is going on in your system. I would uninstall and reinstall FS completely if such weird things are happening. It certainly cannot be down to any addons if it affects FS on its own.

You might want to transfer your questions about such odd things to the FSX forum, near here, see if others have experienced such odd behaviour in FSX.



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