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Dear Peter,

I am controlling the Heading bug and Heading Gyro Drift via FSUIPC Offset $3110 and Opencockpits Mastercard/SIOC Script code.

However, the rotation speed is very slow. Do you know of any way to increase the speed either with the used offset or any other.

Best Regards



I am controlling the Heading bug and Heading Gyro Drift via FSUIPC Offset $3110 and Opencockpits Mastercard/SIOC Script code.

However, the rotation speed is very slow. Do you know of any way to increase the speed either with the used offset or any other.

Offset 3110 is only a way of sending FS or FSUIPC controls, those that you can program on buttons or keys in any case.

There are offsets for the heading bug and the drift value (though I don't see why you'd possibly want a "fast" gyro drift adjuster -- you should never let it off by much in the first place!). you can of course adjust those how you like, maybe using the FSUIPC offset cyclic inc/dec controls -- but I don't think those operate via 3110 so you'd need to do it another way, like invoking a macro or using a virtual button suitable assigned.

For the heading bug, FSUIPC provides two additional controls -- fast inc and fast dec, adjusting in 10 degree changes. Please see the list of added FSUIPC controls in the Advanced User's document.



Thank you for your quick responce.

Off course you are right about the need for speed when adjusting for gyro drift. The reason was more to get the same feeling as in a real life situation.

Regarding the heading bug I will try to use the fast inc/dec function.


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