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Firstly Pete many thanks for the continued development of your modules, they have provided years of enjoyment to my flightsim experience.

I run FS9 with FSUIPC 3.93, Wide Server and a client pc with, all working very smoothly :D :-)

I recently upgraded to FSUIPC 3.96 and immediately ran into problems. The first to show was the joystick timeout on the Saitek which was easily rectified by increasing the setting to 20.

Mainly I use a PMDG 737 and noticed a delay in getting power on the buses from a cold start, several seconds before the EICAS/ND lit up, changing radio freq's were very slow (too slow for online use) and updating fuel load from TopCat (running on wide client) ceased to function. As the .ini file dated back a few versions I deleted both FSUIPC .dll and .ini files reinstalled ver 3.96 and reconfigured my setup. Alas to no avail, replacing both files with 3.93 versions (backed up :wink: ) and all is back to normal. I have tried upgrading again but hit the same problem.

I can't see why this should be occurring but will experiment again when I have time.

Posted for your info, I'm quite happily back in business with 3.93, which serves me well enough (at present).


Mainly I use a PMDG 737 and noticed a delay in getting power on the buses from a cold start, several seconds before the EICAS/ND lit up, changing radio freq's were very slow (too slow for online use) and updating fuel load from TopCat (running on wide client) ceased to function. As the .ini file dated back a few versions I deleted both FSUIPC .dll and .ini files reinstalled ver 3.96 and reconfigured my setup. Alas to no avail, replacing both files with 3.93 versions (backed up :wink: ) and all is back to normal. I have tried upgrading again but hit the same problem.

Sorry, I really don't understand that as there's been no changes in anything related to processing buttons and axes. The timeout added only applies when making assignments. All the other changes between 3.93 and 3.96 have been incremental over the last 4 or 5 months and have had plenty of users. you can see the total list of changes in the History document. You will note that almost all of them have been bug fixes and extra facilities, no "in-line" changes in any controls and so forth.

I can't see why this should be occurring but will experiment again when I have time.

Okay. Maybe you can be more specific about what you think is going on? Maybe some button/axis/event logging, comparing 3.93 with 3.96 would help?

Posted for your info, I'm quite happily back in business with 3.93, which serves me well enough (at present).

Okay, but I cannot support 3.93 now. There's no way back for me.



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