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Hi all,

Maybe this is a question in the "DOH'' category...if so I apologize.

I've bought FSUIPC for FSX some time ago and had been 'playing' around with it, but on a very small basis. Now I'm planning on doing more with it and had a question regarding payware planes that only ship with a 3d cockpit (the PMDG JS4100, the Ariane 737 and the oncomming PMDG 737NGX).

Will the default FSUIPC work with 3D cockpits ONLY when creating mousemacro's or is it neccesary to use the LUA method? Should it matter that I'm using a TrackIR when creating mousemacro's?

Thanks for the help. Now I'll start reading the PDF for the flap detents :D

Will the default FSUIPC work with 3D cockpits ONLY when creating mousemacro's or is it neccesary to use the LUA method?

Whether mouse macros will work or not doesn't depend on anything related to visual design, but the way the gauges are programmed. Gauges developed in C or C++ using the older-style gauges SDK from Microsoft, and using the standard MS-supplied macros, should always be amenable to mouse macros, because it is the structures in the code created by those macros which allow the hooking which the macros perform.

The L:vars accessible via additional Lua library facilities tend to be the way that gauges written in XML keep track of their specific and local switches. Sometimes, the way they are written, changing those values does actually change the thing the switch operates, but it is just as likely that the values only denote the way the screen image of the switch is shown, and not the subsystem circuit it operates. So that is rather pot luck I'm afraid. There's no reason why C/C++ gauges shouldn't use L:vars too, by the way.

In general, there is no easy way to know if something is going to work without actually trying it.

Should it matter that I'm using a TrackIR when creating mousemacro's?

No, that's entirely separate. Nothing in my software cares about screen positions. If you were using something like "Key2Mouse" then TrackIR would give you a real problem because nothing will be in the same place on screen at any two times.




Hi Pete,

Thanks for your reply. I've been trying to get things started yesterdayevening, but unfortunatly have been running in some unforseen issues which I can't really explain.

Info up front: Running FSX Acceleration on WIN7 x64 with 8GB RAM. Sceneryrelated things: REX, GEX2, UTX, Xclass landclass files, Radarcontact.

Using FSUIPC for FSX with Wideview (wideview not actually used) v4.573 (upgraded v4.3 to 4.5 to 4.573)

I have the Ariane 737-800 X2 (bought December last year) and have been trying this weekend to get things working with my GF stuff (TQ6 throttle and an 8 switch T8). Using a registered FSUIPC 4.573 (that's the latest version).

I don't know whats wrong but I experience the following troubles:

1. Can't create mousemacro's. This doesn't work in any plane, so it's not Ariane related. I have been creating mousemacro's in the past (last year with the PMDG MD-11). I'm missing the pop-up that usually comes after starting a mousemacro recording and clicking any switch, button...whatever.

I guess (if memory serves me well) that I'm doing it still the correct way (I'm typing this by memory so if it's not 100% accurate, that's the reason):

Click Create Mouse Macro, give it any name, so I choose "Ariane738", click OK, click OK in FSCUIPC to return to the cockpit. I click the Logolight switch and expect the popup from the mouse macro, but...it doesn't show.

I re-open FSUIPC and can select to end the mouse macro creation (so it's actually running, but not showing I guess).

EDIT: just read this reply (viewtopic.php?f=54&t=78335#p477609). Maybe Ariane is using a different way for their cockpit. Do you happen te have any knowledge in what Ariane's using Pete (even though that's not your job to know :) )

2. Just as another user I read about on this forum, I have the same issues with "ghost moves" (viewtopic.php?f=54&t=77942&p=475049&hilit=ghost#p475049). I setup my TQ6 with the Spoilers, the two throttles (2 axis, one for each throttle) and a flapaxis.

Flaps are set at UP (flaps 0), I enter FSUIPC, I go to the tabs Calibration (I think it's called that way), I change NOTHING, close FSUIPC and my flaps are going all the way down..by itself!

I used the DIview you mentioned to that other user. I see no change on that during that ghost move (sliders remain exactly where they were before the ghostmove occured.

I tried the "dontresetaxis=yes" in the fsuipc.ini but to no avail.

I even deleted the fsuipc.ini file and let a new one be created, but even that didn't help.

I thought that maybe it had to do with the Goflight software, so I de-installed it and put the GFdev.dll from your Goodies page on this forum in the ...\Modules directory of FSX, but that didn't help either.

Powersettings to the USB devices are standaard (no powersaving activated there)

As you can imagine..I'm a bit at a loss here.

I hope I gave you enough information to get an overall picture of what's going on. If you need more info, please let me know. I can only do debugging and so during the evenings mind you.




1. Can't create mousemacro's. This doesn't work in any plane, so it's not Ariane related. I have been creating mousemacro's in the past (last year with the PMDG MD-11). I'm missing the pop-up that usually comes after starting a mousemacro recording and clicking any switch, button...whatever.

The popup won't popup if the structure for the mouse position cannot be found. It means the hook is not being triggered.

I don't think the Ariane aircraft use and C/C++ gauge structures. Aren't they all XML gauges? What other aircraft have you tried? Pretty much none of the default FSX aircraft are amenable to mouse macros either.

EDIT: just read this reply (viewtopic.php?f=54&t=78335#p477609). Maybe Ariane is using a different way for their cockpit. Do you happen te have any knowledge in what Ariane's using Pete (even though that's not your job to know :) )

Sorry, no. I did obtain one of the new Ariane 737NG X2 aircraft to test whether it flew better in FSX than my transposed FS9 PMDG 737NG, but I found it wasn't usable without it's 3D-only panel, and I don't use any FS panels at all -- I have a hardware 737NG cockpit, so I only use FSX for flight models and outside views.

I did play a little while, seeing if I could assign controls, and I think I found that it was certainly not written in any way that Mouse Macros could work, but it does have a huge number of L:vars. You can see those quite easily by assigning a keypress to the "List Local Panel Vars" FSUIPC control and using it. This is what I got:

   186594 Aircraft="Boeing_737_800 Base Pack classic"
   186594    Panel includes these local variables:
   186594       L:ariane_737VC_standby_power = 0.000000
   186594       L:ariane_737VC_p0470 = 0.000000
   186594       L:ariane_737_b1135 = 0.000000
   186594       L:ariane_737_b1133 = 0.000000
   186594       L:ariane_737VC_p0648 = 0.000000
   186594       L:ariane_737VC_b0631 = 0.000000
   186594       L:ariane_737VC_b0630 = 0.000000
   186594       L:ariane_737VC_b0629 = 0.000000
   186594       L:ariane_737VC_b0628 = 0.000000
   186594       L:ariane_737VC_b0627 = 0.000000
   186594       L:ariane_737VC_b0626 = 0.000000
   186594       L:ariane_737VC_b0625 = 0.000000
   186594       L:ariane_737VC_b0641 = 0.000000
   186594       L:737_cowlvalve1_light = 0.000000
   186594       L:737_LRvalve_light = 0.000000
   186594       L:ariane_737VC_b0618 = 0.000000
   186594       L:ariane_737VC_b0617 = 0.000000
   186594       L:ariane_737VC_b0616 = 0.000000
   186594       L:ariane_737VC_b0615 = 0.000000
   186594       L:ariane_737VC_b0614 = 0.000000
   186594       L:ariane_737VC_b0613 = 0.000000
   186594       L:ariane_737VC_p0612 = 0.000000
   186594       L:ariane_737VC_p0611 = 0.000000
   186594       L:ariane_737VC_p0608 = 0.000000
   186594       L:ariane_737VC_p0610 = 0.000000
   186594       L:ariane_737VC_p0609 = 0.000000
   186594       L:ariane_737VC_p0607 = 0.000000
   186594       L:ariane_737VC_p0606 = 0.000000
   186594       L:737_cowlvalve2_trigger_plus = 0.000000
   186594       L:737_cowlvalve2_timer1 = 0.000000
   186594       L:737_cowlvalve2_trigger_startup1 = 0.000000
   186594       L:737_cowlvalve2_light = 0.000000
   186594       L:737_cowlvalve2_timer = 0.000000
   186594       L:737_cowlvalve2_trigger_startup = 0.000000
   186594       L:ariane_737_engantiice2_switch = 0.000000
   186594       L:737_cowlvalve1_trigger_plus = 0.000000
   186594       L:737_cowlvalve1_timer1 = 0.000000
   186594       L:737_cowlvalve1_trigger_startup1 = 0.000000
   186594       L:737_cowlvalve1_timer = 0.000000
   186594       L:737_cowlvalve1_trigger_startup = 0.000000
   186594       L:ariane_737_engantiice1_switch = 0.000000
   186594       L:737_LRvalve_trigger_plus = 0.000000
   186594       L:737_LRvalve_timer1 = 0.000000
   186594       L:737_LRvalve_trigger_startup1 = 0.000000
   186594       L:737_LRvalve_timer = 0.000000
   186594       L:737_LRvalve_trigger_startup = 0.000000
   186594       L:ariane_737_wingantiice_switch = 0.000000
   186594       L:ariane_737VC_p0602 = 0.000000
   186594       L:ariane_737VC_p0601 = 0.000000
   186594       L:ariane_737VC_p0600 = 0.000000
   186594       L:ariane_737VC_p0599 = 0.000000
   186594       L:ariane_737VC_p0581 = 0.000000
   186594       L:ariane_737VC_p0582 = 0.000000
   186594       L:ariane_737VC_p0515 = 0.000000
   186594       L:ariane_737VC_p0512 = 0.000000
   186594       L:ariane_bleedair_sound = 0.000000
   186594       L:ariane_737VC_p0516 = 0.000000
   186594       L:ariane_737VC_p0517 = 0.000000
   186594       L:ariane_737VC_p0514 = 0.000000
   186594       L:ariane_737VC_rfan_switch = 0.000000
   186609       L:ariane_bleedair_trigger5 = 1.000000
   186609       L:ariane_737VC_click1 = -9005.000000
   186609       L:ariane_bleedair_trigger6 = 1.000000
   186609       L:737_click1_trigger_plus = 0.000000
   186609       L:737_click1_timer1 = 36833.277786
   186609       L:ariane_bleedair_trigger1 = 0.000000
   186609       L:ariane_bleedair_trigger2 = 0.000000
   186609       L:ariane_737VC_lfan_switch = 0.000000
   186609       L:ariane_737VC_p0589 = 0.000000
   186609       L:ariane_737VC_p0592 = 0.000000
   186609       L:ariane_737VC_p0590 = 0.000000
   186609       L:ariane_737VC_p0593 = 0.000000
   186609       L:ariane_737VC_p0588 = 0.000000
   186609       L:737_cvalve_trigger_plus = 0.000000
   186609       L:737_cvalve_timer1 = 0.000000
   186609       L:737_cvalve_trigger_startup1 = 0.000000
   186609       L:737_cvalve_light = 0.000000
   186609       L:737_cvalve_timer = 0.000000
   186609       L:737_cvalve_trigger_startup = 0.000000
   186609       L:ariane_737VC_p0552 = 0.000000
   186609       L:ariane_737VC_p0554 = 0.000000
   186609       L:ariane_737VC_p0553 = 0.000000
   186625       L:ariane_737VC_p0558 = 0.000000
   186625       L:ariane_737VC_p0557 = 0.000000
   186625       L:ariane_737VC_p0556 = 0.000000
   186625       L:ariane_737VC_p0555 = 0.000000
   186625       L:ariane_737VC_p0539 = 0.000000
   186625       L:ariane_737VC_p0538 = 0.000000
   186625       L:ariane_737VC_p0509 = 0.000000
   186625       L:ariane_737VC_p0492 = 0.000000
   186625       L:ariane_737_exit_light = 0.000000
   186625       L:ariane_737VC_p0504 = 0.000000
   186625       L:ariane_737VC_p0499 = 0.000000
   186625       L:ariane_737VC_p0497 = 0.000000
   186625       L:ariane_737VC_p0494 = 0.000000
   186625       L:ariane_737VC_p0507 = 0.000000
   186625       L:ariane_737VC_p0505 = 0.000000
   186625       L:ariane_737VC_p0506 = 0.000000
   186625       L:ariane_737VC_gauges_light = 0.000000
   186625       L:ariane_737VC_b0596 = 0.000000
   186625       L:ariane_737VC_b0595 = 0.000000
   186625       L:ariane_737VC_b0594 = 0.000000
   186625       L:ariane_737VC_p0591 = 0.000000
   186625       L:ariane_737VC_b0583 = 0.000000
   186641       L:ariane_737VC_p0573 = 0.000000
   186641       L:ariane_737VC_p0572 = 0.000000
   186641       L:ariane_737VC_b0570 = 0.000000
   186641       L:ariane_737VC_b0569 = 0.000000
   186641       L:737_1svalve_light = 0.000000
   186641       L:ariane_737VC_b0564 = 0.000000
   186641       L:ariane_737VC_b0563 = 0.000000
   186641       L:ariane_737VC_b0562 = 0.000000
   186641       L:ariane_737VC_b0561 = 0.000000
   186641       L:ariane_737VC_b0560 = 0.000000
   186641       L:ariane_737VC_b0559 = 0.000000
   186641       L:ariane_737VC_b0551 = 0.000000
   186641       L:ariane_737VC_b0550 = 0.000000
   186641       L:ariane_737VC_b0549 = 0.000000
   186641       L:ariane_737VC_b0548 = 0.000000
   186641       L:ariane_737VC_b0547 = 0.000000
   186641       L:ariane_737VC_b0546 = 0.000000
   186641       L:ariane_737VC_b0545 = 0.000000
   186641       L:ariane_737VC_b0544 = 0.000000
   186641       L:ariane_737VC_b0543 = 0.000000
   186641       L:ariane_737VC_b0542 = 0.000000
   186641       L:ariane_737VC_b0541 = 0.000000
   186641       L:ariane_737VC_b0540 = 0.000000
   186641       L:ariane_737VC_p0537 = 0.000000
   186656       L:ariane_737VC_p0536 = 0.000000
   186656       L:ariane_737VC_p0535 = 0.000000
   186656       L:ariane_737VC_p0533 = 0.000000
   186656       L:ariane_737VC_p0534 = 0.000000
   186656       L:ariane_737VC_b0530 = 0.000000
   186656       L:ariane_737VC_b0529 = 0.000000
   186656       L:ariane_737VC_b0528 = 0.000000
   186656       L:ariane_737VC_b0527 = 0.000000
   186656       L:ariane_737VC_b0526 = 0.000000
   186656       L:ariane_737VC_b0525 = 0.000000
   186656       L:ariane_737VC_b0524 = 0.000000
   186656       L:ariane_737VC_b0523 = 0.000000
   186656       L:ariane_737VC_b0522 = 0.000000
   186656       L:ariane_737VC_b0521 = 0.000000
   186656       L:ariane_737VC_b0520 = 0.000000
   186656       L:ariane_737VC_b0519 = 0.000000
   186656       L:ariane_737VC_b0518 = 0.000000
   186656       L:ariane_737VC_p0513 = 0.000000
   186656       L:ariane_737VC_115AC_power = 0.000000
   186656       L:ariane_737VC_rfan_trig = 1.000000
   186672       L:ariane_737VC_fan_trig = 1.000000
   186672       L:ariane_737VC_p0502 = 0.000000
   186672       L:ariane_737VC_p0501 = 0.000000
   186672       L:ariane_737VC_p0503 = 0.000000
   186672       L:ariane_737VC_p0500 = 0.000000
   186672       L:ariane_737VC_b0632 = 0.000000
   186672       L:ariane_737VC_b0633 = 0.000000
   186672       L:ariane_737VC_b0634 = 0.000000
   186672       L:ariane_737VC_b0635 = 0.000000
   186672       L:ariane_737VC_b0636 = 0.000000
   186672       L:ariane_737VC_b0640 = 0.000000
   186672       L:ariane_737VC_b0637 = 0.000000
   186672       L:ariane_737VC_b0638 = 0.000000
   186672       L:ariane_737VC_b0639 = 0.000000
   186672       L:ariane_737_aft_service_door = 0.000000
   186672       L:737_fwd_service_door_pos = 0.000000
   186672       L:ariane_737VC_p0649 = 0.000000
   186672       L:ariane_737VC_p0650 = 0.000000
   186672       L:ariane_737VC_b0651 = 0.000000
   186672       L:ariane_737VC_b0652 = 0.000000
   186672       L:ariane_737VC_p0653 = 0.000000
   186672       L:ariane_737VC_b0658 = 0.000000
   186672       L:ariane_737VC_b0659 = 0.000000
   186672       L:ariane_737VC_b0660 = 0.000000
   186688       L:ariane_737VC_b0661 = 0.000000
   186688       L:ariane_737VC_b0662 = 0.000000
   186688       L:ariane_737VC_b0664 = 0.000000
   186688       L:ariane_737VC_b0663 = 0.000000
   186688       L:ariane_737VC_b0665 = 0.000000
   186688       L:ariane_737VC_b0666 = 0.000000
   186688       L:ariane_737VC_b0667 = 0.000000
   186688       L:ariane_737VC_b0668 = 0.000000
   186688       L:ariane_737VC_b0669 = 0.000000
   186688       L:ariane_737VC_b0670 = 0.000000
   186688       L:ariane_737VC_b0671 = 0.000000
   186688       L:ariane_737VC_b0672 = 0.000000
   186688       L:ariane_737VC_b0673 = 0.000000
   186688       L:ariane_737VC_p0674 = 0.000000
   186688       L:ariane_737VC_p0655 = 0.000000
   186703       L:ariane_737VC_p0676 = 0.000000
   186703       L:ariane_737VC_p0675 = 0.000000
   186703       L:ariane_737VC_p0678 = 0.000000
   186703       L:ariane_737VC_p0677 = 0.000000
   186703       L:737_2svalve_light = 0.000000
   186703       L:ariane_737VC_compass_lightswitch_pos = 0.000000
   186703       L:ariane_737VC_b0382 = 0.000000
   186703       L:ariane_737VC_b0383 = 0.000000
   186703       L:ariane_737VC_p0379 = 0.000000
   186703       L:ariane_737VC_p0386 = 0.000000
   186703       L:ariane_737VC_p0471 = 0.000000
   186703       L:ariane_737VC_b0482 = 0.000000
   186703       L:ariane_737VC_b0484 = 0.000000
   186703       L:ariane_737VC_b0487 = 0.000000
   186703       L:ariane_737VC_b0486 = 0.000000
   186703       L:ariane_737VC_b0485 = 0.000000
   186703       L:ariane_737VC_b0483 = 0.000000
   186703       L:ariane_737VC_b0427 = 0.000000
   186703       L:ariane_737VC_b0428 = 0.000000
   186703       L:ariane_737VC_b0429 = 0.000000
   186703       L:ariane_737VC_b0430 = 0.000000
   186703       L:ariane_737VC_b0431 = 0.000000
   186703       L:ariane_737VC_b0432 = 0.000000
   186703       L:ariane_737VC_b0433 = 0.000000
   186719       L:ariane_737VC_b0402 = 0.000000
   186719       L:ariane_737VC_b0404 = 0.000000
   186719       L:ariane_737VC_b0406 = 0.000000
   186719       L:ariane_737VC_b0408 = 0.000000
   186719       L:ariane_737VC_b0410 = 0.000000
   186719       L:ariane_737VC_b0412 = 0.000000
   186719       L:ariane_737VC_b0414 = 0.000000
   186719       L:ariane_737VC_b0416 = 0.000000
   186719       L:ariane_737VC_b0418 = 0.000000
   186719       L:ariane_737VC_b0420 = 0.000000
   186719       L:ariane_737VC_b0422 = 0.000000
   186719       L:ariane_737VC_b0424 = 0.000000
   186719       L:ariane_737VC_b0426 = 0.000000
   186719       L:ariane_737VC_b0463 = 0.000000
   186719       L:ariane_737VC_b0464 = 0.000000
   186719       L:ariane_737VC_b0465 = 0.000000
   186719       L:ariane_737VC_b0466 = 0.000000
   186719       L:ariane_737VC_b0467 = 0.000000
   186719       L:ariane_737VC_b0468 = 0.000000
   186719       L:ariane_737VC_b0469 = 0.000000
   186719       L:ariane_737VC_b0477 = 0.000000
   186719       L:ariane_737VC_b0438 = 0.000000
   186719       L:ariane_737VC_b0440 = 0.000000
   186719       L:ariane_737VC_b0442 = 0.000000
   186734       L:ariane_737VC_b0444 = 0.000000
   186734       L:ariane_737VC_b0446 = 0.000000
   186734       L:ariane_737VC_b0448 = 0.000000
   186734       L:ariane_737VC_b0450 = 0.000000
   186734       L:ariane_737VC_b0452 = 0.000000
   186734       L:ariane_737VC_b0454 = 0.000000
   186734       L:ariane_737VC_b0456 = 0.000000
   186734       L:ariane_737VC_b0458 = 0.000000
   186734       L:ariane_737VC_b0460 = 0.000000
   186734       L:ariane_737VC_b0462 = 0.000000
   186734       L:ariane_737VC_b0346 = 0.000000
   186734       L:ariane_737VC_b0347 = 0.000000
   186734       L:ariane_737VC_b0348 = 0.000000
   186734       L:ariane_737VC_b0349 = 0.000000
   186734       L:ariane_737VC_b0350 = 0.000000
   186734       L:ariane_737VC_b0351 = 0.000000
   186734       L:ariane_737VC_b0352 = 0.000000
   186734       L:ariane_737VC_b0353 = 0.000000
   186734       L:ariane_737VC_b0354 = 0.000000
   186734       L:ariane_737VC_b0355 = 0.000000
   186734       L:ariane_737VC_b0356 = 0.000000
   186750       L:ariane_737VC_b0341 = 0.000000
   186750       L:ariane_737VC_b0343 = 0.000000
   186750       L:ariane_737VC_b0345 = 0.000000
   186750       L:737_1svalve_trigger_plus = 0.000000
   186750       L:737_1svalve_timer1 = 0.000000
   186750       L:737_1svalve_trigger_startup1 = 0.000000
   186750       L:737_1svalve_timer = 0.000000
   186750       L:737_1svalve_trigger_startup = 0.000000
   186750       L:ariane_737VC_p0740 = 0.000000
   186750       L:737_2svalve_trigger_plus = 0.000000
   186750       L:737_2svalve_timer1 = 0.000000
   186750       L:737_2svalve_trigger_startup1 = 0.000000
   186750       L:737_2svalve_timer = 0.000000
   186750       L:737_2svalve_trigger_startup = 0.000000
   186750       L:ariane_737VC_p0741 = 0.000000
   186750       L:ariane_737VC_b0597 = 0.000000
   186750       L:ariane_737VC_p0001 = 0.000000
   186750       L:ariane_737VC_p0027 = 0.000000
   186750       L:ariane_737VC_p0311 = 0.000000
   186750       L:ariane_737VC_p0002 = 0.000000
   186750       L:ariane_737VC_p0003 = 0.000000
   186750       L:ariane_737VC_p0004 = 0.000000
   186750       L:ariane_737VC_p0034 = 0.000000
   186750       L:ariane_737VC_p0033 = 0.000000
   186766       L:ariane_737VC_p0312 = 0.000000
   186766       L:ariane_737VC_p0090 = 0.000000
   186766       L:ariane_737VC_p0089 = 0.000000
   186766       L:ariane_737VC_b0145 = 0.000000
   186766       L:ariane_737VC_b0146 = 0.000000
   186766       L:ariane_737VC_b0147 = 0.000000
   186766       L:ariane_737VC_b0148 = 0.000000
   186766       L:ariane_737VC_b0149 = 0.000000
   186766       L:ariane_737VC_b0150 = 0.000000
   186766       L:ariane_737VC_b0151 = 0.000000
   186766       L:ariane_737VC_b0152 = 0.000000
   186766       L:ariane_737VC_b0153 = 0.000000
   186766       L:ariane_737VC_b0154 = 0.000000
   186766       L:ariane_737VC_b0155 = 0.000000
   186766       L:ariane_737VC_b0156 = 0.000000
   186766       L:ariane_737VC_b0157 = 0.000000
   186766       L:ariane_737VC_b0158 = 0.000000
   186766       L:ariane_737VC_b0298 = 0.000000
   186766       L:ariane_737VC_b0299 = 0.000000
   186766       L:ariane_737VC_b0300 = 0.000000
   186766       L:ariane_737VC_b0301 = 0.000000
   186766       L:ariane_737VC_b0303 = 0.000000
   186766       L:ariane_737VC_b0302 = 0.000000
   186766       L:ariane_737VC_b0307 = 0.000000
   186766       L:ariane_737VC_b0306 = 0.000000
   186781       L:ariane_737VC_b0304 = 0.000000
   186781       L:ariane_737VC_b0305 = 0.000000
   186781       L:ariane_737VC_p0310 = 0.000000
   186781       L:ariane_737VC_click = 0.000000
   186781       L:ariane_737VC_b0330 = 0.000000
   186781       L:ariane_737_b1156 = 0.000000
   186781       L:ariane_737_b1151 = 0.000000
   186781       L:ariane_737_b1149 = 0.000000
   186781       L:ariane_737_b1153 = 0.000000
   186781       L:ariane_737_b1148 = 0.000000
   186781       L:ariane_737_b1154 = 0.000000
   186781       L:ariane_737_b1073 = 0.000000
   186781       L:ariane_737_b1145 = 0.000000
   186781       L:ariane_737_b1147 = 0.000000
   186781       L:ariane_737_b1152 = 0.000000
   186781       L:ariane_737_b1146 = 0.000000
   186781       L:ariane_737_b1072 = 0.000000
   186781       L:ariane_737_b1155 = 0.000000
   186781       L:ariane_737_b1150 = 0.000000
   186781       L:ariane_737_b1256 = 0.000000
   186781       L:ariane_737_b1257 = 0.000000
   186781       L:ariane_737_b1258 = 0.000000
   186797       L:ariane_737_b1259 = 0.000000
   186797       L:ariane_737_b1260 = 0.000000
   186797       L:ariane_737_b1261 = 0.000000
   186797       L:ariane_737VC_b0159 = 0.000000
   186797       L:ariane_737_b1134 = 0.000000
   186797       L:ariane_737VC_p0684 = 0.000000
   186797       L:ariane_737VC_p0683 = 0.000000
   186797       L:ariane_737VC_p0682 = 0.000000
   186797       L:ariane_737VC_p0679 = 0.000000
   186797       L:ariane_737VC_p0680 = 0.000000
   186797       L:ariane_737VC_p0681 = 0.000000
   186797       L:ariane_737VC_b0709 = 0.000000
   186797       L:ariane_737VC_b0722 = 0.000000
   186797       L:ariane_737VC_b0718 = 0.000000
   186797       L:ariane_737VC_p0690 = 0.000000
   186797       L:ariane_737VC_b0706 = 0.000000
   186797       L:ariane_737VC_b0710 = 0.000000
   186797       L:ariane_737VC_b0707 = 0.000000
   186797       L:ariane_737VC_b0711 = 0.000000
   186797       L:ariane_737VC_b0708 = 0.000000
   186797       L:ariane_737VC_b0712 = 0.000000
   186797       L:ariane_737VC_b0723 = 0.000000
   186797       L:ariane_737VC_b0713 = 0.000000
   186797       L:ariane_737VC_b0705 = 0.000000
   186813       L:ariane_737VC_b0714 = 0.000000
   186813       L:ariane_737VC_b0715 = 0.000000
   186813       L:ariane_737VC_b0716 = 0.000000
   186813       L:ariane_737VC_b0719 = 0.000000
   186813       L:ariane_737VC_b0717 = 0.000000
   186813       L:ariane_737VC_p0688 = 0.000000
   186813       L:ariane_737VC_p0687 = 0.000000
   186813       L:ariane_737VC_b0720 = 0.000000
   186813       L:ariane_737VC_b0704 = 0.000000
   186813       L:ariane_737VC_b0703 = 0.000000
   186813       L:ariane_737VC_b0721 = 0.000000
   186813       L:ariane_eyebrow_windows = 0.000000
   186813       L:ariane_737VC_alt_intv = 0.000000
   186813       L:ariane_737VC_spd_intv = 0.000000
   186813       L:ariane_737VC_b0113 = 0.000000
   186813       L:ariane_737VC_b0115 = 0.000000
   186813       L:ariane_737VC_b0117 = 0.000000
   186813       L:ariane_737VC_b0119 = 0.000000
   186813       L:ariane_737VC_b0121 = 0.000000
   186813       L:ariane_737VC_b0123 = 0.000000
   186813       L:ariane_737VC_b0125 = 0.000000
   186813       L:ariane_737VC_b0127 = 0.000000
   186828       L:ariane_737VC_b0129 = 0.000000
   186828       L:ariane_737VC_b0131 = 0.000000
   186828       L:ariane_737VC_b0133 = 0.000000
   186828       L:ariane_737VC_b0135 = 0.000000
   186828       L:ariane_737VC_b0137 = 0.000000
   186828       L:ariane_737VC_b0139 = 0.000000
   186828       L:ariane_737VC_b0142 = 0.000000
   186828       L:ariane_737VC_b0143 = 0.000000
   186828       L:ariane_737VC_b0144 = 0.000000
   186828       L:ariane_737VC_p0109 = 0.000000
   186828       L:ariane_737VC_p0110 = 0.000000
   186828       L:ariane_737VC_p0111 = 0.000000
   186828       L:ariane_737VC_p0112 = 0.000000
   186828       L:ariane_737VC_mcp_type = 0.000000
   186828       L:ariane_737VC_b0761 = 0.000000
   186828       L:ariane_737VC_b0762 = 0.000000
   186828       L:ariane_737VC_b0763 = 0.000000
   186828       L:ariane_737VC_b0764 = 0.000000
   186828       L:ariane_737VC_b0766 = 0.000000
   186828       L:ariane_737VC_p0767 = 0.000000
   186828       L:ariane_737_forward_galley_flag = 0.000000
   186828       L:ariane_737_b1136 = 0.000000
   186844       L:ariane_737_b1063 = 0.000000
   186844       L:ariane_737_b1064 = 0.000000
   186844       L:ariane_737VC_asi_hide = 0.000000
   186844       L:ariane_737_galley_lights = 0.000000
   186844       L:ariane_737_entry_light = 0.000000
   186844       L:ariane_737_work_light = 0.000000
   186844       L:ariane_737_ceiling_light = 0.000000
   186844       L:ariane_737VC_cockpit_door = 0.000000
   186844       L:ariane_737VC_emergency_power = 0.000000
   186844       L:ariane_737_extend_cover = 0.000000
   186844       L:ariane_737VC_airstairs_extend = 0.000000
   186844       L:ariane_737_stairoper_light = 0.000000
   186844       L:ariane_737_grdsrv_bus = 0.000000
   186844       L:ariane_737VC_main_door_handle = 0.000000
   186844       L:ariane_737VC_main_door_pennant = 0.000000
   186844       L:ariane_737VC_fwdservice_door_handle = 0.000000
   186844       L:ariane_737VC_fwdservice_door_pennant = 0.000000
   186844       L:ariane_737_retract_cover = 0.000000
   186844       L:ariane_737VC_airstairs_retract = 0.000000
   186844       L:ariane_737_standby_light = 0.000000
   186844       L:ariane_737_window_light = 0.000000
   186844       L:ariane_737_wingtip = 0.000000
   186844       L:ariane_737VC_28AC_power = 0.000000
   186859       L:ariane_737VC_wblock = 0.000000
   186859       L:ariane_737VC_p0508 = 0.000000
   186859       L:737_retract_LL_pos = 0.000000
   186859       L:ariane_737_b1335 = 0.000000
   186859       L:ariane_737_p1140 = 0.000000
   186859       L:ariane_737_GPU_door = 0.000000
   186859       L:ariane_737VC_pins = 0.000000
   186859       L:ariane_737VC_ecovers = 0.000000
   186859       L:ariane_737_w1_left = 0.000000
   186859       L:ariane_737_w2_left = 0.000000
   186859       L:ariane_737_w3_left = 0.000000
   186859       L:ariane_737_w4_left = 0.000000
   186859       L:ariane_737_w5_left = 0.000000
   186859       L:ariane_737_w6_left = 0.000000
   186859       L:ariane_737_w7_left = 0.000000
   186859       L:ariane_737_w8_left = 0.000000
   186859       L:ariane_737_w1_right = 0.000000
   186859       L:ariane_737_w2_right = 0.000000
   186859       L:ariane_737_w3_right = 0.000000
   186859       L:ariane_737_w4_right = 0.000000
   186859       L:ariane_737_w5_right = 0.000000
   186859       L:ariane_737_w6_right = 0.000000
   186859       L:ariane_737_w7_right = 0.000000
   186859       L:ariane_737_w8_right = 0.000000
   186859       L:map_ZoomStep = 0.000000
   186875       L:map_ZoomFactor = 0.000000
   186875       L:MapInit = 0.000000
   186875       L:LayerAirports = 0.000000
   186875       L:LayerAirspaces = 0.000000
   186875       L:LayerTerrain = 0.000000
   186875       L:LayerVORs = 0.000000
   186875       L:LayerILSs = 0.000000
   186875       L:LayerNDBs = 0.000000
   186875       L:LayerLowAirways = 0.000000
   186875       L:LayerTags = 0.000000
   186875       L:LayerCompass = 0.000000
   186875       L:LayerIntersections = 0.000000
   186875       L:LayerRangeRings = 0.000000
   186875       L:VehicleObjectDetail = 0.000000
   186875       L:Filter = 0.000000
   186875       L:ariane_737_random = 0.000000
   186875       L:ariane_737_b1160 = 0.000000
   186875       L:737_trigger_plus = 0.000000
   186875       L:737_timer1 = 0.000000
   186875       L:737_trigger_startup1 = 0.000000
   186891       L:737_timer = 0.000000
   186891       L:737_trigger_startup = 0.000000
   186891       L:737_trigger_fs_door = 0.000000
   186891       L:737_timer_fs_door1 = 0.000000
   186891       L:737_trigger_fs_door_startup1 = 0.000000
   186891       L:737_timer_fs_door = 0.000000
   186891       L:737_trigger_fs_door_startup = 0.000000
   186891       L:ariane_737_p1040 = 0.000000
   186891       L:ariane_lib_737_airstairs_top = 0.000000
   186891       L:ariane_737_p1039 = 0.000000
   186891       L:ariane_737_b1161 = 0.000000
   186891       L:dict_737_rudder_freeplay = 0.000000
   186891       L:ariane_lib_737_airstairs = 0.000000
   186891       L:ariane_737_c1322 = 0.000000
   186891       L:ariane_737_c1323 = 0.000000
   186891       L:ariane_737_c1324 = 0.000000
   186891       L:ariane_737_c1325 = 0.000000
   186891       L:ariane_737_c1320 = 0.000000
   186891       L:ariane_737VC_HUD_screen = 0.000000
   186891       L:ariane_737_b1071 = 0.000000
   186891       L:ariane_737VC_p0025 = 0.000000
   186891       L:ariane_737VC_p0039 = 0.000000
   186891       L:ariane_737VC_p0095 = 0.000000
   186891       L:ariane_737VC_p0028 = 0.000000
   186891       L:ariane_737VC_flaps_pos = 0.000000
   186891       L:ariane_737VC_p0053 = 0.000000
   186891       L:ariane_737VC_p0091 = 0.000000
   186891       L:ariane_737VC_p0685 = 0.000000
   186891       L:ariane_737VC_p0689 = 0.000000
   186891       L:ariane_737VC_p0082 = 0.000000
   186891       L:ariane_737VC_p0462 = 0.000000
   186891       L:ariane_737VC_p0345 = 0.000000
   186891       L:ariane_737VC_p0385 = 0.000000
   186891       L:ariane_737VC_p0043 = 0.000000
   186891       L:ariane_737VC_p0030 = 0.000000
   186906       L:ariane_737VC_FO_check = 0.000000
   186906       L:ariane_737VC_p0478 = 0.000000
   186906       L:ariane_737VC_p0479 = 0.000000
   186906       L:ariane_737VC_p0032 = 0.000000
   186906       L:ariane_737VC_p0343 = 0.000000
   186906       L:ariane_737VC_p0384 = 0.000000
   186906       L:ariane_737VC_p0074 = 0.000000
   186906       L:ariane_737VC_p0656 = 0.000000
   186906       L:ariane_737VC_p0035 = 0.000000
   186906       L:ariane_737VC_p0341 = 0.000000
   186906       L:ariane_737VC_p0103 = 0.000000
   186906       L:ariane_brake_pressure_flag = 1.000000
   186906       L:ariane_brake_pressure = 100.000000
   186906       L:ariane_hyd_pres_flag = 0.000000
   186906       L:ariane_no_alt_brakes = 0.000000
   186906       L:ariane_737VC_cap_check = 0.000000
   186906       L:ariane_737VC_t0654 = 0.000000
   186906       L:ariane_737VC_p0654 = 0.000000
   186906       L:ariane_737VC_p0657 = 0.000000
   186906       L:EmergencyThrottleInUse = 0.000000
   186906       L:Engine1ThrottlePosition = 0.000000
   186906       L:LastLandingLightPosition = 0.000000

(Scroll that list to see how enormous it is!)

Now, by using the supplied Lua plug-in "Log Lvars" you can get a real-time display of these as they change, so by flipping switches etc you can find out which LVar is which.

But, I remember trying this to find a few, and then writing those Lvars with macros (or with a Lua plug-in), and, though I could get the visible switch to operate on screen that way, the underlying system in the aircraft didn't operate. So, I concluded, this aircraft is not designed in any way amenable to the use of hardware.

I was in touch with a chap in Ariane's team and mentioned this to him, that they ought to consider doing something about this. I've not heard anything though and suspect that the extra sales they think they'd get wouldn't be worth the effort.

2. Just as another user I read about on this forum, I have the same issues with "ghost moves" (viewtopic.php?f=54&t=77942&p=475049&hilit=ghost#p475049). I setup my TQ6 with the Spoilers, the two throttles (2 axis, one for each throttle) and a flapaxis.

Flaps are set at UP (flaps 0), I enter FSUIPC, I go to the tabs Calibration (I think it's called that way), I change NOTHING, close FSUIPC and my flaps are going all the way down..by itself!

There's a spurious value being seen then.

I tried the "dontresetaxis=yes" in the fsuipc.ini but to no avail.

That was proven to have no effect, probably because the cause was not in how FSUIPC was resetting its values. You'll notice there's no mention of it anywhere now. Instead I implemented this (as listed in the 4.57 History document), which is much more effective:

• The first 5 values read from FSUIPC4-assigned axes are ignored after they are re-scanned and re-initialised automatically by entry into the FSUIPC Options dialogue. This is in yet a further attempt to get around the strange spurious values some USB joystick drivers present when their driver interfaces are reset.

If you are still seeing spurious values even after the first few are ignored, something really odd is going on in your drivers which I doubt i could deal with at all without wrecking normal use.

As you can imagine..I'm a bit at a loss here.

What is the real problem, the one upsetting you so? Are you getting incorrect actions when flying? Incorrect readings from a reset driver won't matter if they only occur when you are going into FSUIPC options, surely? Are you doing such things whilst flying?

If you want help with anything like that I'd certainly need more information, but you also have to explain what's troubling you. The information I'd need include

(1) The FSUIPC4 INI file

(2) An FSUIPC4 log of the incident with Axis Event logging

(3) A full blow-by-blow description of what you are doing, as related to the period of the Log, step by step.

There is absolutely no way that FSUIPC can "invent" values coming from your axes. If a value arrived indicating "full flaps", then that is what you'll get.



Hi Pete,

Thanks for your quick answer. During the time that I posted my question and you posting your answer I've been busy reading the first 9 pages of this forum to get a better overall idea on how things can be made to work, especially the Lua items (quite interesting stuff btw).

I'm unsure when it was that you had contact with Ariane, but I guess that not much has changed with them (just

knowing that access to their forum is taking >1month by now is a :x )

Anyways...as to your questions regarding my posting: I can live with the ghost image of the flaps since it only happens when I leave the FSUIPC...which I won't access during flight.

As to the keys to operatie buttons/switches etc... I might give it a try with offsets, but...frankly...I won't get my hopes up.

Oh..and I tried the default 737 from FSX...which didn't show the mouse macro screen as well. I'll try again later, and if if it still won't work, I'll post the logfiles.

If I run into any issues, I'll post the appropiate loggings too (I've noticed that you've requested those from a lot of members here...and should make it easier to troubleshoot...I understand)


As to the keys to operatie buttons/switches etc... I might give it a try with offsets, but...frankly...I won't get my hopes up.

If you mean with the Ariane, there's no offsets involved at all. Maybe some of the switches will activate the underlying subsystems and i think that's the only possibility, but that is by using the Lvar macro facilities, or a Lua plug in, not via any FSUIPC offsets. As I said, I could operate the switches that way but I think mostly the LVars simply record the switch positions rather than activate the functions.

Oh..and I tried the default 737 from FSX...which didn't show the mouse macro screen as well. I'll try again later, and if if it still won't work, I'll post the logfiles.

No, please don't send me anything. I don't think there's much at all on the default FSX aircraft which is amenable to mouse macros. I already told you this! In fact there wasn't much in FS9 either. Microsoft never followed the rules for Gauge programming which they provided for third parties.

If you want to see the mouse macro function working with a default FSX aircraft, the only place I remember it working in in the Cessna 172SP. Click on the "Select" or "Ctrl" switches on the clock, or on almost any part of the radio stack (though all of that is really well catered for by regular controls in any case). I think even the push/pull engine controls respond too, and the lights -- in fact all of the lower panel except the fuel selector.



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