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First i would like to apologize to pete for using an ilegal copy of fsuipc

Thats my story

I was flying for a year with pmdg and fsuipc and everything was ok

all of a sudden pmdg refused to start the battery and i was looking where was the problem whatever i did nothing worked

black screens and no power because of the battery swith not working

First action was to delete my fs9 setup (i did this twice) reinstalled everything even tried it on another computer (i was ready to format my pc )

but that didnt worked aswell.

At the end before formating my pc i thought to buy fsuipc and see if it is going to work with a legal copy and all the sudden gues what it worked !!

someone micht ask and why are you telling us this

and the answer is so that everybody can learn from my experience and avoid all that time consuming actions that i took

i should have paid for fsuipc from the begining that i started using it so that i would be able to get all the updates and if i needed any help to have every right to ask pete

with an eligal copy you might get your job done but if something goes wrong you will not have anybody to ask about it because you dont deserve it .

Pete thank you for that amazing addon that you have made for the fs comunity and again sincerely sorry for using an eligal copy of your software

Your vangelisb

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