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I can not assigns this keyboard function shift / because when I pulse It the result is shift+7. How I can do with fsuipc?

How is your / key giving a 7? On my keyboard the / key is with ? just to the left of the right shift key. Where is yours?



But to arm spoilers with pmdg b737/800/900 the keyboard command is shift+/ and no shift+7.What can I do?

Don't the PMDG aircraft use the FS spoiler controls? I think you may be getting confused by referring to documentation for standard UK/US keyboards and applying it to some different keyboard. I am pretty sure that FS, like FSUIPC, uses the underlying keycodes, the base positions of keys being important, NOT the characters marked on them like "/". By the "/" key it normally means the one to the left of your right-hand shift key. Have you tried that one?

The default keyboard assignments for spoilers demonstrates this, it has "/" to deploy spoilers or retract them, and "shift+/" to arm or unarm them. Obviously you cannot do those they way you are interpreting this.

In any case you can change FS keyboard assignments to whatever you like, in the FS keyboard assignments.

If you are assigning a joystick button you shouldn't need to use keypresses in any case. You can assign direct to Spoilers Arm.



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