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Have been toying around with fsuipc sdk, and with a little forum help, it's now working fine,

Have tried to run tis prog, on a machine set up with widefs, but i dont get any data..

Is this at all possible, or must this kind of programs run on the fsuipc computer ??



Have been toying around with fsuipc sdk, and with a little forum help, it's now working fine,

Have tried to run tis prog, on a machine set up with widefs, but i dont get any data..

Is this at all possible, or must this kind of programs run on the fsuipc computer ??

If your program is only reading and writing FSUIPC offsets, then it should work just as well over a WideFS connection. That's the idea of WideFS. If not then maybe you haven't got a connection working? Does Wideclient say it's connected? Check the WideClient and WideServer log files.

After today (Wednesday) I am away until April 8th.





Thank you for the answer,

Yes I have widefs up and runing, Im normaly using it for google earth, so everything is setup correct.

The program is using only offset reading,

But Now I know that it should work, so I will check everyting again.

thank you


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