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I have recently purchased FSUIPC 4.60 and I have one question. Is possible to activate the "Wind smoothing option" in FSUIPC and have Activesky X doing its work properly? I only want to reduce as far as possible the sudden wind direction changes that FSX have (known bug). Many thanks in advance.


I have recently purchased FSUIPC 4.60 and I have one question. Is possible to activate the "Wind smoothing option" in FSUIPC and have Activesky X doing its work properly?


I only want to reduce as far as possible the sudden wind direction changes that FSX have (known bug).

It's actually the same bug as was in FS9, but in FS9 I was able to hack deeper into the FS code and make the smoothing work better. In FSX that wasn't possible (I couldn't find the right place), so the FSX facility, whilst definitely helping quite a bit, cannot cure it completely. The "complete cure" is to use only global weather -- that is weather which is the same all over the world, but updated as you fly. ActiveSkyX does have this facility ("DWC" or "direct Wind control" uses it). But unfortunately this has other side effects like ATIS reports being wrong for remote stations.



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