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Good day.

I make a recent update of my FSUIPC and WideFS modules... But now when I'm loading FS the mixture axis do not respond correctly, it means that when the mixture lever is full the RPM gauge still at 1500 RPM, so i can't apply full mixture. Also i have a same problem with flaps axis... The problem is appeared just after the installation of FSUIPC v. So i don't know how to correct this in FSUIPC...

Here is the FSUIPC.ini file:

FSUIPC ini.rar




I make a recent update of my FSUIPC and WideFS modules... But now when I'm loading FS the mixture axis do not respond correctly, it means that when the mixture lever is full the RPM gauge still at 1500 RPM, so i can't apply full mixture. Also i have a same problem with flaps axis... The problem is appeared just after the installation of FSUIPC v. So i don't know how to correct this in FSUIPC...

You have not calibrated any axes in FSUIPC, so it will not be helping you at all. Since calibrations would most certainly not have been removed by either the installer or FSUIPC, it looks like you deleted the INI file you had before for some reason and have since forgotten to calibrate. You even have some axes for some aircraft assigned "Direct to FSUIPC calibration", and they won't work at all unless you calibrate, they'll simply be ignored. You have separate calibration sections in the INI file for several aircraft, yet none contain any calibrations whatsoever.

If you don't calibrate the axes assigned in FSUIPC then they will either not work (when assigned direct), or simply operate with whatever default values the hardware provides, which is rarely going to be correct. So, it really is a waste of time assigning in FSUIPC (as you have done) unless you also calibrate. You might as well just use normal FS assignments.

Note that there is nothing in any program of mine which edits or deletes all calibrations -- you can only do that manually yourself or via the Joysticks tab in FSUIPC options, and then the latter is only individual, per control, per aircraft. It really looks like you've simply not calibrated anything.




Before installing the new version of FSUIPC i has various calibrations for my hardware, and now you want to tell me that each assignement, each axis is lost, simply by updating FSUIPC?!

I don't want and i don't need to calibrate the mixture axis with some hardware, i talking about the simple mouse control... So how can i assign the mixture axis by default, that what i means.

Please, Peter, can you help me i just need to return this axis (and flaps) to the previous config...



Before installing the new version of FSUIPC i has various calibrations for my hardware, and now you want to tell me that each assignement, each axis is lost, simply by updating FSUIPC?!

No. You didn't read what I said! :-(

Updating FSUIPC merely replaces the DLL (the program itself) and the documentation. It touches nothing else. All your settings are the same, if you ever had any.

All of your axis assignments are still in the INI file. But there are NO CALIBRATIONS. It appears you never calibrated any of them at all. Therefore FSUIPC is really doing nothing for you.

That's what I said. Please go and read it again!

Please, Peter, can you help me i just need to return this axis (and flaps) to the previous config...

What was your previous config? If it has changed YOU have changed it. No one else! It simply is not possible for an FSUIPC update to change ANY of your settings. I cannot return them if you've deleted them. If you backed your INI file up before deleting it, use the backup. Otherwise you need to calibrate ever axis for each aircraft you have separate settings for -- or simply delete the separate settings (which are doing nothing in any case at present) and calibrate for all aircraft once.

If you've never calibrated, which it appears you never have, then FSUIPC has never had anything to do with your axis values. It only has any effect if you actually use it!



I promess you, i never touch before this axis never!!! And now i don't know what's wrong with it!

I already tryed to Calibrate it, but without succes... or maybe I don't know how to do this exactly ?! :?

Maybe you can give me your own config. lines for this axis?!

I promess you, i never touch before this axis never!!! And now i don't know what's wrong with it!

Seems something else has changed in your system, then?

I already tryed to Calibrate it, but without succes... or maybe I don't know how to do this exactly ?! :?

The INI file you sent shows no signs of any calibration for any axis on any aircraft. Can you please look in the FSUIPC User Guide, find the chapter entitled "Joystick Calibration" and follow the numbered steps in there.

I can't see what you are doing from here, so you'll need to explain your actions if you want help. You actually haven't even enabled calibration on anything (by pressing the left-most "Set" button so it changes to "Reset"), otherwise at least default calibration lines would appear in your INI file.




The problem is that i don't know how to define (calibrate) the mixture axis with mouse, beacause i want just to control mixture with mouse properly with its default value, i don't know exactly which are this parameters but i think it was between -16000 and 16000 (maybe).

The problem is that i don't know how to define (calibrate) the mixture axis with mouse, beacause i want just to control mixture with mouse properly with its default value, i don't know exactly which are this parameters but i think it was between -16000 and 16000 (maybe).

Ermouse? Sorry. FSUIPC provides no mouse facilities other than the option to use the mousewheel for trimming. I don't know anything which allows assignment of mouse actions to axes. But if there is, then it sounds like you are mixing FSUIPC up with something else, perhaps?

You aren't concerned, then that you have lots of axes assigned in FSUIPC and none of them actually usefully so because of being unassigned.




No, i would like to reassign the default mixture lever in FS to its defaults, because the mixture is controlled from the cockpit with a mouse )))

No, i would like to reassign the default mixture lever in FS to its defaults, because the mixture is controlled from the cockpit with a mouse )))

You mean you use the mouse to drag the mixture lever on the screen? If so that needs no assignments nor calibration. You simply drag it to where you want it.

Also, since none of your axes are calibrated in FSUIPC and you don't appear to be interested in doing so, why not simply re-enable controllers in FS and delete all of the [Axes...] and [JoystickCalibration ...] sections in your FSUIPC INI file?




Oh my godness!!! Peter, sorry, but i'm really stupid... haha... The mixture was really low, because i'm testing my hardware at Lukla airport, and its about 8000 ft. AMSL lol, so no more oxygen... :lol:


Thank you very much.


Maxime Krylov.

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