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I'm tied to fs2004 due to simpit committments. I am upgrading my machine a LOT to get smooth fs2004 performance. I am using FSUIPC 3.9xx. (also wideFS) Will they (both) work on Win 7 64 bit? I want to utilize the features of the 64 bit OS. Hate to stick with the 32 bit Win 7.

Appreciate any info. Thanks.



PS: I could not find this easily in searches on the board. Apologies if it is staring me in the face.

I am using FSUIPC 3.9xx. (also wideFS) Will they (both) work on Win 7 64 bit?

Yes. I use Win7 64-bit and have done since the first Beta releases. They are, like FS, still 32-bit programs, but they do not depend upon anything which changes between 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems.

The only stuff you really need to check on are drivers for your hardware - the motherboard, the video card, the sound card, and all the peripheral bits and pieces. These days most current hardware has updated 64-bit drivers, but it is best to check first, especially if you have any older parts, and even collect the drivers you need.




Thanks for the incredibly fast reply, Pete. But that does not surprise me from you. You are "da' man".

I am upgrading the whole shebang..... case on up...so all will be new hardware on the new multi-core machine. And yes....thanks for the suggestion......, I already am checking on the simpit interfaces and software from the suppliers as I plan this out. That is why I just posted this here :lol: . Pain in the but upgrading something as complicated as a simpit.

I will post this confirmation information on the SimViation Homebuild Cockpits forum also, where I am a mod. I have a thread there that I started to amass which typical simpit stuff is compatible with Win 7 64 bit.

Someday when I win the lottery I'll upgrade to a machine that maxes out FSX..... and pick up the newer verion 4 of FSUIPC.

Thanks again.



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