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FSX 'Touchdown' outputdata

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Hello FSUIPC specialists,

Reason for my question is I have build a rather big homecockpit, mounted on car suspension, to make it able to move up and down at touchdown moments. I would like to make the cockpit up and down with a varable 'bump' when we land.

Mechanically it is not such a problem.

However, I need an output from FSX that does provide data about the downwardspeed with which the wheels touch the ground and - ofcourse - at what moment.

As far as I can see, FSUIPC does not provide these data. On the other hand, I cannot imagine these kind of data are nót provided by FSX

Anybody who can help me with this challenge ?


Bram Stikkel



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However, I need an output from FSX that does provide data about the downwardspeed with which the wheels touch the ground and - ofcourse - at what moment.

As far as I can see, FSUIPC does not provide these data.

You've not looked far enough then. ;-)

Offset 0366 is the "on ground" flag -- monitor that, then, when on ground becomes true, offset 030C gives the touchdown V/S value.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Peter,

First, thanks for your answer and my apologies for replying so late. I must have missed the reply-notice, or mayby I forgot to turn it on...

Great news it is possible.

I am not yet very experienced with this knowledge, but I should have read better, I see.

Are these flags given for all three wheels separatly ?



Bram Stikkel

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