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I have a bit of GoFlight gear. I've posted on/in their forum too.

What I want to do is use FSUIPC to set the assignment/s which their software is "sadly lacking".

The problem is that when I press the button the LED doesn't come on. Is there a way I can make FSUIPC turn on the LED?


I did actually answer in the other thread first, but to keep things tidy:

What I want to do is use FSUIPC to set the assignment/s which their software is "sadly lacking".

The problem is that when I press the button the LED doesn't come on. Is there a way I can make FSUIPC turn on the LED?

FSUIPC's inbuilt support for GoFlight equipment is only as a source for buttons and switches. It has never provided any display facilities. To do that it would need an intimate knowledge of each type of device which can display anything, and that's not not viable in a generic support-everything program.

However, late last year I did add full Goflight programming facilities to the plug-in Lua facilities. Using short Lua programs you can send values to GoFlight digital displays and light or extinguish GoFlight LEDs. There are examples provided in the Lua package.

There is one "gotcha". Whilst the Lua library facilities for Goflight are written cooperatively, in that a Lua statement written to light or extinguish a single LED will only affect that LED and no others on the same GF unit, the GoFlight software itself isn't so friendly and assumes it is the only one using the unit. Thus, if you take over one indicator on a GF unit you really have to take them all over. I have written to the author of the GoFlight software about this but I think he's rather busy on other matters these days.




Yeah, sorry Pete,

I just though that the other "suggestion" was by someone who knows the style of this place better than I.

Yeah, I am somewhat disappointed with GF after forking out a lot of $$$$ that their software is starting to go backwards rather than forewards with things.

Alas there is little else. :(

I can only hope that they get back to me with a suggestion/solution from their end.


I can only hope that they get back to me with a suggestion/solution from their end.

If it is only a T8 or P8 unit, the ones with 8 buttons/switches and indicators, the Lua logic for driving the indications on those is pretty easy -- nothing to worry about. I can help with those if you wish. But certainly dealing with a complete MCP or radio is not so easy. GF have now sent me an MCP Pro so when I get a little time I will be working on the complete Lua example for that unit which I promised last year.



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