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FSUIPC publisher problem

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When i try to install i get a my signature check fails please check internet settings publishers.... already checked abnd everything is fine, did everythjing you said in the post posted by british aviation and nothing it does not woerk.... please help

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When i try to install i get a my signature check fails please check internet settings publishers.... already checked abnd everything is fine, did everythjing you said in the post posted by british aviation and nothing it does not woerk.... please help

Have you referred to the Announcement about this problem? That's what it is for. Much better than trawling through random other threads! Otherwise, please list that "everything I said ..". I really cannot spend so much time going through long old posts. Summarise what you did. There are only about 4 potential solutions I know of. Otherwise you'd need to Google more, same as I did. I am not an expert on Windows problems, I have to find answers in the same way an anyone else.


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pete yes i referred to them but they dont state a clear fix exept for full os and fsx reinstall.... can you tell me what are the 4 possible ways to fix this you mention? i never got this problem till i bought the license for it.....

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pete yes i referred to them but they dont state a clear fix exept for full os and fsx reinstall.... can you tell me what are the 4 possible ways to fix this you mention? i never got this problem till i bought the license for it.....

License for what? Do you mean FSUIPC Registration?

The signature checking on the FSUIPC binary is a precaution against file corruption, tampering, and virus infection. The signature by a publisher assures you that the program is as it sohuld be. If a signature fails the program should not be run under any circumstance, because it could infect your system and do untold damage that would be hard to remove.

This check is performed in all cases no matter whether you have paid for and registered FSUIPC or merely using it for application support, in its free unregistered form.

Merely registering it will make no difference. You therefore have something else going on which is not at all related to registration.

What was "everything you said in the post posted by british aviation"?

So far you've given me no further information than "When i try to install ". I have no idea even which version of FS you are using, which version of FSUIPC you are trying to install, or what Windows operating system you are using. Before we can go any further I think you need to fill in some of these essential details, please. And show me the FSUIPC Install log and, if there is one, the FSUIPC log, from the FS Modules folder.



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My apologies for not giving you more specific info... The problem is the following:

Problem! My signature check fails on the installed FSUIPC4.DLL. Please check that I am not listed as an "untrusted publisher" in Internet Explorer (Internet options-Publishers)."

I tried the reset on security as suggested, did not work. I tried to add all different signatures from the software to entrusted publishers in the security section, did not work.

How did it happen?

I write FS product reviews for flightsim.com and hence I had my computer overloaded with tens of add ons for FSX.... Apparently one of them started causing problems, my computer would crash in mid flight so I did an erase and reinstall of the whole FSX program.

I reinstalled FSX from scratch and reinstalled FSUIPC and it gave me the error message you saw above, as a result the program did not install and I cannot use any of my add on aircraft as all of them needed FSUIPC. As a possible solution I bought the full license (which i was going to need anyway) but I got the same problem. I did another erase and reinstall and got the same problem. I have had pretty much all the version of MSFS and never had i had this problem FSUIPC had always run smoothly on all my systems.

What do i currently have?

Vista 7 32 bit / 8 gig ram / Intel extreme core 7 processor. FSX and I am using version 4.6 of your software.


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Problem! My signature check fails on the installed FSUIPC4.DLL. Please check that I am not listed as an "untrusted publisher" in Internet Explorer (Internet options-Publishers)."

Can you not find the Installer Log file and show me? It shouldn't be hard to find -- look in the FSX Modules folder.

Have you tried running FSX? Is there an FSUIPC4 log file to show me?

I reinstalled FSX from scratch and reinstalled FSUIPC and it gave me the error message you saw above, as a result the program did not install

Actually the installer has to have installed the DLL before it can apply the security check. Possibly the check is also failing when you run FSX. But you may have a Log to show me.

As a possible solution I bought the full license (which i was going to need anyway) but I got the same problem.

But that contradicts what you said earlier, that

"i never got this problem till i bought the license for it....."
. Are you getting a bit mixed up? Which is true?
I did another erase and reinstall and got the same problem.

Without seeing any logs I can't be definitive, but it won't be a problem of FSX or FSUIPC, but of Windows. Something has messed up Windows.

Depending on the cause of the problem, the only solutions I know of are:

1. Re-allowing of the cryptographic services in Windows. Many folks stop these running in the hope of more frames in FSX.

2. Removing "simFlight" from the untrusted publishers list in Internet Explorer

3. Applying one or both of the Registry patches described in the Announcement in this Forum on the subject.

4. Complete re-installation of Windows.

Maybe there are other fixes, but I've not come across any. I used Google to find some of these.



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1. Re-allowing of the cryptographic services in Windows. Many folks stop these running in the hope of more frames in FSX. I NEVER MESSED WITH THIS

2. Removing "simFlight" from the untrusted publishers list in Internet Explorer. TRIED AND DIDNT WORK

3. Applying one or both of the Registry patches described in the Announcement in this Forum on the subject. FOR ONE YOU NEED TO HAVE FSUIPC IN THE MODULES MENU IN FSX AND IN MINE IT DOESNT SHOW UP, AND THE OTHER I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO DO.

4. Complete re-installation of Windows. I GUESS THIS IS THE ONLY THING I CAN DO......


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1. Re-allowing of the cryptographic services in Windows. Many folks stop these running in the hope of more frames in FSX. I NEVER MESSED WITH THIS

Possibly not, but it would be worthwhile checking the list of services running to make sure that one still is.

2. Removing "simFlight" from the untrusted publishers list in Internet Explorer. TRIED AND DIDNT WORK

You imply it WAS in the untrusted list? How did it get there?

3. Applying one or both of the Registry patches described in the Announcement in this Forum on the subject.


Erno, neither have anything to do with FSUIPC specifically. What are you reading?

To do either of them is just a matter of editing a line using Registry Editor. By all means back it up first (make a restore point), but if you only change the entries specified you can't do any harm.

I get the feeling from your answers that you haven't yet looked in the right place. It's the Announcement entitled "Help with FSUIPC4 code signature problem".

Also, as I already said, by the time the Installer reports any code signature problems, the Modules folder, with FSUIPC4.DLL in it, has already been produced, so I now I'm not really understanding what you are talking about. With you not showing me any log files I'm really not able to help you further.

4. Complete re-installation of Windows. I GUESS THIS IS THE ONLY THING I CAN DO......

If you don't understand he easier options, I guess so too. Shame though. It might have been quite easy but I'll guess we'll never know! :-(



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Hello Pete,

You are right I was looking at the wrong thread hence doing everything totally wrong! I got the correct one and did the registry fix and everything is 100%....

thanks for your time and my apologies for making you waste your time.

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