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Hi, Pete!

I operate WideClient on a networked PC using it with the button programming feature. I am currently planning to build an extension to my homecockpit using it as a "trainer seat". So i planned to operate another instance of WideClient on my notebook and use it as a "backseater" - but my touch screen doesn't work on my notebook.

My idea is to operate the second touch screen on the networked pc and run a further instance of WideClient in order to send the "trainer" commands from the backseat to FSX.

Is this possible?

Kind regards



My idea is to operate the second touch screen on the networked pc and run a further instance of WideClient in order to send the "trainer" commands from the backseat to FSX.

Is this possible?

Yes. You can run as many as you like -- I have three on one client PC.

You'll need to put each copy of WideClient.exe in its own folder, with its own INI file, and in each INI file for a Client which is NOT running any application programs (i.e. which is only running a button screen), set the "ClassInstance" parameter to 1, 2, 3etc. Only 0 is used by applications.

Of course with the button presses being sent to the Server all coming from one PC, the button numbers in the same positions will be identical on each screen. I use multiple page screens with the selection buttons down the side, on on the Captain's side and the other on the First Officer's side. They can be used independently, each selecting the page he wants. If you are wanting multiple screens just for more button space (instead of using multiple pages) you'll need to experiment with how to set it up so you get different pages/buttons displayed on each.



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