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Hi Peter

Firstly let me start by saying fsuipc is a great module stumbled into abt 2 years ago and only just got around to using it again.

i will cut to the chase, i am building my own little cockpit control setup as part of this i am employing some lcd modules and have got them running, now at the moment i am scripting the .ini file for fsuipc with button combinations i have 3 x buttons all with flag options so that i can use 2 x rotary to controll coms, nav etc.. my question is and i only ask this after reading fsuipc4 for advanced user,fsuipc for programmers and ofcourse the users guide, when you setup a button using the toggle a button flag within the .ini or button and switches tab in fsuipc what memory location is that then stored in .

The reason i ask this is because i am using SIOC's to setup lcd modules and on one of the screens i want to show button status as it may get more complex as combinations are added, as you may or may not know SIOC is event based so i need the memory location to trigger event SIOC can read direct from fsuipc, the reason i cannot programme this from SIOC's end is because i am not using there IO cards for buttons.



Posts: 1

Joined: Fri Sep 03, 2010 12:57 pm

Private messageE-mail rab63

when you setup a button using the toggle a button flag within the .ini or button and switches tab in fsuipc what memory location is that then stored in .

The real buttons aren't stored anywhere, only polled from the devices -- unless you mean the memory used to see when they changed. Those and the associated button flags are in FSUIPC private memory, not currently accessible outside FSUIPC. The 288 virtual buttons are, of course, in their dedicated offsets from 3340 onwards.

The reason i ask this is because i am using SIOC's to setup lcd modules and on one of the screens i want to show button status as it may get more complex as combinations are added, as you may or may not know SIOC is event based so i need the memory location to trigger event SIOC can read direct from fsuipc, the reason i cannot programme this from SIOC's end is because i am not using there IO cards for buttons.

Are these buttons seen in FSUIPC as regular joystick buttons? If so there's no current way to see these in FSUIPC offsets, unless they are programmed to set some user offsets via the "Offset" controls.

It would be possible for me to map local joystick button memory locations to FSUIPC offsets. That would be the 16 x 32 bit words for joysticks 0-15. Would that do the trick?




Hi again peter,

Just to say thanks for rapid response, i must apologise for what must seem like a slugish response in comparison, sent the message as last resort just before going to work for the day.

mapping them would do the trick as i am not looking to do anything major just read results of fsuipc actions regarding button press.

thanks again for your help at least i can plan then next move knowing i have not overlooked anything.




mapping them would do the trick as i am not looking to do anything major just read results of fsuipc actions regarding button press.

Well it would merely be the map of the current button states (pressed or released), not of any actions which ensued.

I'll post again here when I have an update for you to try. Maybe tomorrow (Monday).


I'll post again here when I have an update for you to try. Maybe tomorrow (Monday).

Okay. FSUIPC versions 3.989c and 4.626, now available in the Updates Announcement, provide the button states as follows:

The current state of the buttons on actively scanned joysticks (local ones, 0 to 15) is readable in FSUIPC offsets 03C0-03FF. Each of the 16 DWORDS contain the 32-bit state of the joystick 0-15, in order. Button 0 is the least significant bit (bit 0)in each DWORD.




Hi pete,

thanks for quick response again, much appreciate that you actually did this will download this evening and give it a try.



p.s will let you know how it goes.


Hi pete,

Just thought i would let you know works perfect, can now use dword results to send info to lcd so i know button states, now things can get as complicated as they want.

Thanks again, would recommend fsuipc and your support to anyone.



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