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I bought the registered version almost 2 weeks now and It made a big miss in my whole setup. My saitek multi panel and Radio and switch panel are not functioning right like before, thing are working in a opposite way and things are not working at all, like AP btn even on with MS airplanes. I end up deleting the dll files and things came back to normal. I don't know what is the purpose of buying this software when it supose to comunicate between the hardware I have and the software and it dose the opposite. I guess the problem started after I register my copy but now even thought I delete it the Key file and the rest of FSUIPC file and reinstall it without registering it still got the same problem. The version I installed is 4.60. I have FSX with Acc pack installed. running under windows vista 64bit.

I bought the registered version almost 2 weeks now and It made a big miss in my whole setup.

There is absolutely no way that simply registering FSUIPC can mess anything up at all. Only you can do that. If you don't make any setting in FSUIPC than the registered version acts absolutely identically to an unregistered version. All registration does is release the user facilities for you, and then you are fully enabled to make any mess you like! If you've done that then just delete the INI file and read the manual before doing anything else.

On the other hand,, if you registered using an illegal pirated registration, or for some reason you have your computer's system date set incorrectly, before your purchase date, so making it look illegal, then FSUIPC will not function correctly unless you delete the registration or correct the system date.



Thanks for your respond. I delete it the INI file and reinstall but It did't help. I can provide you my key so you know it's legal, anyways it's under my real name " Evan Banalian" and I bought it through Paypal.

Now is there a way to clean up my FSUIPC completely and then reinstal it to see if that fix the problem, since I tryied to delete the DLL and the other files in the modual folder didn't help.



Hi again and thanks for your support. I found the problem and as you said ithas nothing to do with registered Fsuipc, It was related to saitek driver and for some reason it was

running multi panel for FS2004 and this where things getting messy. I delete it the Fs9saitek.exe from saitek folder and delete it the the same entry in FSX.CFG flie and things are running perfect now.

Thanks and I apologize if I created a miss understanding.

Evan B.

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