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Appearently not everything is saved during Autosave 1.501 (FS9).

Various things are lost such as;

- Fuel system setting.

- Autopilot settings (INS og HDG is off, and sometimes the INS status is lost).

- Air conditioning is off

- Deice settings if off

In general, the more complex the aircraft, the more is lost during saving.Depending on the aircraft, it may more or less difficult to restore stability - some cannot.

This is not unique to Autosave 1.501, MSFS saves little as well. But is there a way to ensure everything is saved?




Appearently not everything is saved during Autosave 1.501 (FS9).

Autosave is merely calling the same Flight saving routine in FS that you can manually by using ; or the Flight Save menu.

In general, the more complex the aircraft, the more is lost during saving.

That is because in complex add-ons the add-on code is simulating some of the subsystems, not FS, so FS does not know about it. Most decently programmed addons like those from PMDG trap the FS save action and save their own files at the same time. Where these are known to AutoSave (and some are -- see its documentation), AutoSave will handle the cycling of N past copies as it does for the FLT and WX files.

Of course re-loading the flights is then more complex. As well as reloading the FS flight you may have to go to the add-ons menu to reload its settings too, though I think this too could be automated to some extent. One way is for the add-on to supply a utility menu to load its flights including its own data. I think some may do that.

This is not unique to Autosave 1.501, MSFS saves little as well. But is there a way to ensure everything is saved?

Yes, the programmers of the aircraft concerned can do that. Choose those add-ons whose makers take care of such details.




Thank you for the answer.

So the bottomline is, that it is up to the programmer of the particular plane to program how much is saved in addition to default MSFS saving procedure?

And that the user not can do much here?

Best regards,



So the bottomline is, that it is up to the programmer of the particular plane to program how much is saved in addition to default MSFS saving procedure?

And that the user not can do much here?

Correct. In fact with some add-on aircraft there's no way to even dig out the information you'd need to save, and certainly no way to put it back in on re-load.



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