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i need some help geting my mcp panel working for the js41

sofar i managed creating a lua to control crs, spd, hdg, alt and v/s

and sofar the heading works nicely, im not quite sure about the course

because there is no display for it on the mcp

the speed doesnt yet work, as the js41 has several speeds that can be set

but thats a topic i could leave till later

my biggest headache ist the altitude

1. after starting fsx i get 4000ft on the panel and 10000 in fsx

2. eventhough i managed controlling the altitude more or less (assigning both slow and fast turning of the knob)

with fast turning it still happenes that the values mushup ie. 5300 and 11000 instead of 5000 and 11000 or vise versa.

obviously 5000 and 5000 would be even better, but id already be glad with the other result :grin:

in my point of view, i need something to check the panels altitude and "write" it to fsx, or the other way arround

but i could be heading in the wrong direction

has someone got me some advice?

my lua:

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 

Var = ""
Speed = 0
Control1 = 0
Control2 = 0

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 

if ipcPARAM == 1 then 
  ipc.control(66587, 8031)  

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 

elseif ipcPARAM == 6 then
  Var = "L:AP_CRS_Left"
  Speed = 1
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 26701

elseif ipcPARAM == 7 then
  Var = "L:AP_CRS_Left_Fast"
  Speed = 5
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 26701

elseif ipcPARAM == 8 then
  Var = "L:AP_CRS_Right"
  Speed = 1
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 26702

elseif ipcPARAM == 9 then
  Var = "L:AP_CRS_Right_Fast"
  Speed = 5
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 26702

elseif ipcPARAM == 10 then
  Var = "L:AP_CRS_Press"
  Speed = 1
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 2672

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 

if ipcPARAM == 11 then
  Var = "L:AP_SPD_Left"
  Speed = 1
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 26801

elseif ipcPARAM == 12 then
  Var = "L:AP_SPD_Left_Fast"
  Speed = 10
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 26801

elseif ipcPARAM == 13 then
  Var = "L:AP_SPD_Right"
  Speed = 1
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 26802

elseif ipcPARAM == 14 then
  Var = "L:AP_SPD_Right_Fast"
  Speed = 10
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 26802

elseif ipcPARAM == 15 then
  Var = "L:AP_SPD_Press"
  Speed = 1
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 2681

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 

elseif ipcPARAM == 16 then
  Var = "L:AP_HDG_Left"
  Speed = 1
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 26901

elseif ipcPARAM == 17 then
  Var = "L:AP_HDG_Left_Fast"
  Speed = 5
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 26901

elseif ipcPARAM == 18 then
  Var = "L:AP_HDG_Right"
  Speed = 1
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 26902

elseif ipcPARAM == 19 then
  Var = "L:AP_HDG_Right_Fast"
  Speed = 5
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 26902

elseif ipcPARAM == 20 then
  Var = "L:AP_HDG_Press"
  Speed = 1
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 2691

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 

elseif ipcPARAM == 21 then
  Var = "L:AP_SPD_Left"
  Speed = 1
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 3920

elseif ipcPARAM == 22 then
  Var = "L:AP_SPD_Left_Fast"
  Speed = 10
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 3920

elseif ipcPARAM == 23 then
  Var = "L:AP_SPD_Right"
  Speed = 1
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 3921

elseif ipcPARAM == 24 then
  Var = "L:AP_SPD_Right_Fast"
  Speed = 10
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 3921

elseif ipcPARAM == 25 then
  Var = "L:AP_SPD_Press"
  Speed = 1
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 281

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 

elseif ipcPARAM == 26 then
  Var = "L:AP_VS_Left"
  Speed = 1
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 283

elseif ipcPARAM == 27 then
  Var = "L:AP_VS_Left_Fast"
  Speed = 10
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 283

elseif ipcPARAM == 28 then
  Var = "L:AP_VS_Right"
  Speed = 1
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 283

elseif ipcPARAM == 29 then
  Var = "L:AP_VS_Right_Fast"
  Speed = 10
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 283

elseif ipcPARAM == 30 then
  Var = "L:AP_VS_Press"
  Speed = 1
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 283

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 

  val = 0
  if ipc.readLvar(Var) == 0  then
    val = 1

  ipc.control(66587, 8031)

  ipc.writeLvar(Var, val)

  for n=1, Speed, 1 do

    ipc.control(Control1, Control2)


thank you!


my biggest headache ist the altitude

I cannot find anything in your supplied code referring to altitude, so I don't know any way to help. I don't have that aircraft and have no way to find out anything about what it needs.

Your Lua program seems all to do with sending stuff TO the aircraft, I see nothing related to any display control. So how are you doing that?

Have you referred to the thread "PMDG J41 commands" in the User Contributions subforum? Seems quite a lot done there. In fact if you have queries it would seem best posting there I think?




hi pete, thats more or less what im doing =)

only that im doing that by lua what guenseli did by macros there

which has the advantage that i can also use the fast turning function of the mcp panel

im not reading/writing anything - but i think im going to need it

the only thing that the lua does is to send commands to fsx, when a button is triggered through fsuipc

from that point i would think; ok so now "button press" causes to change the altitude by 100 (which is the value change on the panel), so the altitude goes up by 100 - but it doesnt always happen

so in both cases the altitude on panel and fsx are not synchronized

my guess is, that sometimes a turn of fast-fast-slow gets recognized as fast-slow-slow-slow-slow ie.

so the altitude changes by 1000+100+100+100+100 instead of 1000+1000+100 for egsample

which is why i was/am trying to figure out if there is a way to overcome this and

- read the altitude from one side (ie. fsx)

- to write it to the other side (ie. panel)

do the methods to read/write such values differ from aircraft to aircraft?

isnt it "just" a value in fsx? that can be provided by ie. fsuipc


which is why i was/am trying to figure out if there is a way to overcome this and

- read the altitude from one side (ie. fsx)

- to write it to the other side (ie. panel)

You'd need to use the VRI interception techniques published in my documentation, to prevent the VRI driver writing to the display, and do it yourself. The MCP example provided handles the speed display so that it can operate in IAS or Mach mode according to the MCP C/O switch setting. You'd extend that ot do similar things for altitude.

do the methods to read/write such values differ from aircraft to aircraft?

isnt it "just" a value in fsx? that can be provided by ie. fsuipc

I have no idea in this case, but normally PMDG do their own autopilot. The fact that you have to resort to using L:Vars to get things done make it seem likely that the only way to get the values out is by reading LVars too. Without the aircraft I can't really look at it for you, but you can read L:Vars in Lua -- and in fact log them with a simple FSUIPC assignment (List LVars).



hi pete, thank you

the list lvars sounds interesting, but how is this accomplished? (with what command)

i know several programming languages, but im quite new to lua


the list lvars sounds interesting, but how is this accomplished? (with what command)

To investigate the possibilities just use the Log Lvars lua supplied as one of the examples and installed in your Lua plugins package.

That will log (and display on screen) changes to Lvars and you can see if the altitude is one of those you can use.

The Lua file itself contains an assortment of Lvar related Lua library functions, so studying that as an example will help. But please also see the Lua library documentation also included in your install of FSUIPC.

i know several programming languages, but im quite new to lua

Me too, but Lua is easy enough, especially for simple scripting of library functions to interact with FS and FSUIPC.




alright, thank you very much pete

i tried trying some of those egsamples before, but i understood as much as A+B=A-B (so, not much) :grin:

but i think that, that log lvars lua should help a great deal



I have not yet started with JS41 Lua MCP Combo programming but I have written a handler for the FSX B737-800 and AirbusX.

In that I synchronize the altitude at startup by reading the aircraft value and writing it to the MCP with


buffer3 = ipc.readUW(0x5648)/100
com.write(dev, string.format("ALT%03d", buffer3), 8)


buffer = ipc.readLvar("L:AB_AP_ALT_Select") / 100
com.write(dev, string.format("ALT%03d", buffer), 8)

You need to have set up the device as described in the FSUIPC manual though (look for VRInsight).

In FSUIPC.ini you must have a section added


You do NOT need to have a virtual COM port software for this. Just find out what port SerialFP would use for your MCP and set the VRIdevice variable.

I do it like this:

if VRImodel == nil then
  VRIdevice = "COM4"
  VRIdriver = "COM6"

speed = 115200 
handshake = 0  
minsize = 8
maxsize = 8

dev = com.open(VRIdevice, speed, handshake)
if dev == 0 then
   ipc.log("Could not open VRIdevice port")

regarding the altitude setting. Here I go a different path. I use the com port to detect the activity on the ALT knob and then use the altitude value coming from the MCP (ALT999 command sent) to set the aircraft value. This way it usually doesn't matter how fast your knob turned.



if string.match(str, "ALT(%d%d%d)") then

ipc.writeLvar("L:AB_AP_ALT_Select", 100 * tonumber(string.match(str, "ALT(%d%d%d)")))



To get the ALT999 from the MCP you must have set up the COM port as described above and register a handler

ipc.log("VRI Handle used: handleVRIAirbusFT", 10)
event.VRIread(dev, "handleVRIAirbusFT")

The handler calls a function which reads the MCP signals:

-- handle Aerosoft AirbusX
function handleVRIAirbusX(handle, str)

	ipc.log("VRI=" .. str)

    if string.match(str, "ALT(%d%d%d)") then
	  ipc.writeLvar("L:AB_AP_ALT_Select", 100 * tonumber(string.match(str, "ALT(%d%d%d)")))

If you are interested in a complete example for the AirbusX I can send it to you as this bird uses XML Gauges as well.



thank you very much kosta!

somehow i cant seem to manage it

i tried:

-- Test Lua			1

-- AP Course Left		6
-- AP Course Left Fast		7
-- AP Course Right		8
-- AP Course Right Fast		9
-- AP Course Press		10

-- AP Speed Left		11
-- AP Speed Left Fast		12
-- AP Speed Right		13
-- AP Speed Right Fast		14
-- AP Speed Press		15

-- AP Heading Left		16
-- AP Heading Left Fast		17
-- AP Heading Right		18
-- AP Heading Right Fast	19
-- AP Heading Press		20

-- AP Altitude Left		21
-- AP Altitude Left Fast	22
-- AP Altitude Right		23
-- AP Altitude Right Fast	24
-- AP Altitude Press		25

-- AP V-Speed Press		30

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 

if VRImodel == nil then
  VRIdevice = "COM4"
  VRIdriver = "COM255"

cspeed = 115200 
handshake = 0  
minsize = 8
maxsize = 8

dev = com.open(VRIdevice, cspeed, handshake)
if dev == 0 then
   ipc.log("Could not open VRIdevice port")

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 

Var = ""
Speed = 0
Control1 = 0
Control2 = 0

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 

if ipcPARAM == 1 then 
  ipc.control(66587, 8031)  

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 

elseif ipcPARAM == 6 then
  Var = "L:AP_CRS_Left"
  Speed = 1
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 26701

elseif ipcPARAM == 7 then
  Var = "L:AP_CRS_Left_Fast"
  Speed = 5
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 26701

elseif ipcPARAM == 8 then
  Var = "L:AP_CRS_Right"
  Speed = 1
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 26702

elseif ipcPARAM == 9 then
  Var = "L:AP_CRS_Right_Fast"
  Speed = 5
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 26702

elseif ipcPARAM == 10 then
  Var = "L:AP_CRS_Press"
  Speed = 1
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 2672

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 

if ipcPARAM == 11 then
  Var = "L:AP_SPD_Left"
  Speed = 1
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 26801

elseif ipcPARAM == 12 then
  Var = "L:AP_SPD_Left_Fast"
  Speed = 10
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 26801

elseif ipcPARAM == 13 then
  Var = "L:AP_SPD_Right"
  Speed = 1
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 26802

elseif ipcPARAM == 14 then
  Var = "L:AP_SPD_Right_Fast"
  Speed = 10
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 26802

elseif ipcPARAM == 15 then
  Var = "L:AP_SPD_Press"
  Speed = 1
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 2681

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 

elseif ipcPARAM == 16 then
  Var = "L:AP_HDG_Left"
  Speed = 1
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 26901

elseif ipcPARAM == 17 then
  Var = "L:AP_HDG_Left_Fast"
  Speed = 5
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 26901

elseif ipcPARAM == 18 then
  Var = "L:AP_HDG_Right"
  Speed = 1
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 26902

elseif ipcPARAM == 19 then
  Var = "L:AP_HDG_Right_Fast"
  Speed = 5
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 26902

elseif ipcPARAM == 20 then
  Var = "L:AP_HDG_Press"
  Speed = 1
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 2691

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 

elseif ipcPARAM == 21 then
  Var = "L:AP_SPD_Left"
  Speed = 1
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 3920

elseif ipcPARAM == 22 then
  Var = "L:AP_SPD_Left_Fast"
  Speed = 10
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 3920

elseif ipcPARAM == 23 then
  Var = "L:AP_SPD_Right"
  Speed = 1
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 3921

elseif ipcPARAM == 24 then
  Var = "L:AP_SPD_Right_Fast"
  Speed = 10
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 3921

elseif ipcPARAM == 25 then
  Var = "L:AP_SPD_Press"
  Speed = 1
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 281

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 

elseif ipcPARAM == 26 then
  Var = "L:AP_VS_Left"
  Speed = 1
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 283

elseif ipcPARAM == 27 then
  Var = "L:AP_VS_Left_Fast"
  Speed = 10
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 283

elseif ipcPARAM == 28 then
  Var = "L:AP_VS_Right"
  Speed = 1
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 283

elseif ipcPARAM == 29 then
  Var = "L:AP_VS_Right_Fast"
  Speed = 10
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 283

elseif ipcPARAM == 30 then
  Var = "L:AP_VS_Press"
  Speed = 1
  Control1 = 66587
  Control2 = 283

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 

val = 0
if ipc.readLvar(Var) == 0  then
  val = 1

ipc.control(66587, 8031)

ipc.writeLvar(Var, val)

for n=1, Speed, 1 do

  ipc.control(Control1, Control2)


buffer = ipc.readLvar(Var)/100
com.write(dev, string.format("ALT%03d", buffer), 8)

but it sets the alt on the panel to 0 (where it remains)

and the fsx alt changes according to the trigers

so i then tried the second part with the function

but i cant follow you there

i tried copy-pasting your code into mine and adapted the variables

but nothing seemed to change in fsx

after turning the knob a while fsx suddenly crashed =)


after turning the knob a while fsx suddenly crashed =)

I'm not surprised! According to your details at the end of your message you are using FSUIPC version 4.57! I should have noticed that in your small print before!

4.57 is well out of date and many of the new Lua facilities were not implemented then, and some were still breing tested and buggy. There have been about 50 releases since then, the earliest suported one being 4.60. Please do not come to the Forum seeking help without also checking you have an up to date FSUIPC because it wastes a lot of time for all of us.

After installing 4.60 (from the Schiratti site) you will do well also to update further to the very latest version, 4.645, which you'll find in the Download Links subforum.



yes yes here I am, I am having other things besides FS (did I just say that? :rolleyes: )

HBE66: Pete is right, you must have at least 4.60. I actually use 4.638 onwards (you can download that from this forum). You must have that because I think a lot of the VRInsight and lua functionality I use is in the latest versions.

I have actually spent some time on the JS41 and I think I have a pretty good solution (well as good as it can get with a strange event system like the one in the JS41). I am still testing it and it needs some finishing touches.

I will make it available probably this week before xmas. So stay tuned!!



aaah my bad, i forgot to update the footer, i have 4.60a installed =)

but ill try updating to 4.645 anyhow - thank you two for the tip

and im sorry, i didnt want to put you under pressure kosta :grin:

ive got tons of stuff to do too, tipical end of year without hollidays :cry:

i was just unsure if you where still following this thread

ill be waiting anxiously for your update :)



I really like the JS41. In my opinion the most beautifully done and technically advanced FSX addon.

So, a good bit of work went into creating the LUA programming but it helped me perfect my LUA scripts for use with the VRInsight MCP-Combo.

SerialFP has limitations when it comes to planes with XML based gauges such as the AirbusX or the JS41 - you cannot use it.

Even with other planes like the Wilco Feelthere Airbus family it is not really great the way they implemented the VC interactions.

Thanks to Pete and his relentless efforts to improve FSUIPC I have the means now to customize stuff to a degree I did not have before.

What does it do:

Set of LUA scripts which connect the VRInsight MCP Combo with the PMDG JS41 without the need for SerialFP or VSPE.

What do you need:

Latest version of registered FSUIPC minimum 4.638 and the ZIP from this posting as well as FSX SP2 and SerialFP installed.

How to install:

1.) Download and install a current version of FSUIPC and register it - this does not work with unregistered FSUIPC!!!

2.) Stop FSX and SerialFP and VSPE or any other virtual serial port software you might use

3.) Turn on your MCP-Combo and start SerialFP. We only need to see the port it allocated at the top left. It needs to be greyed out or SerialFP was not able to connect. Make a note of the port.

4.) Stop SerialFP and make sure it does NOT start with FSX! For this script you do NOT need SerialFP.

5.) Unpack the ZIP and place all three lua files in the <fsx>\modules folder. Remove any of the files I sent out earlier should you have put them there.

6.) Make a copy of your fsuipc.ini because we will make modifications!

7.) Edit fsuipc.ini in the modules folder (FSX should not be running!)

7.1) Look for a section called [VRInsight]. If you don't have one no problem - we add one else we modify it if necessary.

7.2) The VRInsight section should have an entry for every VRInsight device you have. I realized that my MCP sometimes changes port after disconnecting it. I have only 1 device but I made two entries each with the port I discovered as in 3.)


Important are the first ports. My COM4 should be what your SerialFP showed as a port, the second one are virtual ports we don't use. If you have used VSPE before chances are you can leave everything the way it is.

7.3) Look for a section [VRInsight.FMER]. If you have it then fine - just adapt to below - else we add one.


LuaDispatcher is the name of one of the .lua files provided and it will start this script when FSUIPC starts. The script checks what airplane you have loaded and will start the appropriate handler. If you do not want to use it then remove LuaDispatcher.lua and Other_VRIH.lua and make sure that you get the JS41_VRIH lua started by one of the documented means.

7.4) Should you have a [Programs] section with SerialFP to start then please comment this line because we do not want SerialFP to start for this.

7.5) Save the .ini file and then we are ready to go.

8.) Start FSX and wait for it to be READY. Once the initial plane gets loaded (best to have a C172 for startup as most addons ask for that) you will see a Lua Display telling you "Resetting MCP please wait!!". This has been done to set all the MCP displays with current values. It takes some time because I needed to slow things down. If I set too fast then the MCPs gets a hiccup. You should see things happening in the displays.

9.) If everything is sucessful you should see either "VRI Handle used: handleVRI" for any other plane or "VRI Handle used: handleVRIJS41" if you have loaded the JS41. Once you see that, you are ready to go.

10.) If you see "Could not open VRIdevice port" then something is wrong with the setup and it cannot connect to the MCP. Please check ports and fsuipc.ini.

11.) If you change aircraft the dispatcher will change the handler. Obviously that is designed with many more handlers to come (I have one for B737-800 and the AirbusX and the Wilco Airbus with Eric Marciano's Offset addition).

See the attached image for my layout. Please do not start to ask for changes - the script comes as is and I don't really have time to support it. If something is horribly wrong I will have look again - but it works fine here.

Have fun





thank you very very much kosta! :-D

i dont know if it has any meaning,

but at point 9, when i loaded the c172 i got "VRI Handle used: handleVRI"

and when i changed to the js41 i only got "VRI Handle used: handl"


yep it works =)

id preffer another assignment of some buttons

but i guess i can live with it ;-)

or ill see if i can manage reassigning myself

when i save the flight and load it again (after having closed fsx)

it will actually display the full text

maybe its just a bug when switching aircraft


hehe, thank you for the offer, but ill try managing myself :wink:

dont want to ask too much

id probably have to think through everything myself too

to be sure everything fits logically

somehow the antiice buttons bug me, but maybee theres also no other reasonable way :grin:

would you mind if i post your coding on my future site hbe66.com ?

im thinking of linking my fsx experiences and things learned on there

basically as a refference and so others can also enjoy an easier experience :grin:

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