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Hello, please could I have some assistance, I'm using FS9 with PMDG B747-400 Queen of the Skies with a CH USB Yoke.

The problem everytime I land and engage the reverse thrust from Idle my aircraft just revs up and clears the runway, I have re-calibrated the system and the throttle Prop and Mixture in Controls-Assignments-Joystick axis but no change.

please could you advise.

Many Thanks


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Hello, please could I have some assistance, I'm using FS9 with PMDG B747-400 Queen of the Skies with a CH USB Yoke.

The problem everytime I land and engage the reverse thrust from Idle my aircraft just revs up and clears the runway, I have re-calibrated the system and the throttle Prop and Mixture in Controls-Assignments-Joystick axis but no change.

How are you activating reverse thrust -- separate reverser axes, a reverse zone on your throttles, or by buttons or keypresses? It makes a lot of difference. How are you assigning the throttles?

Also, please test first on a default aircraft. I can't help with a specific add-on aircraft as I don't use them. If it works with a default and not with an add-on you probably need to talk to the add-on support folks instead.

Finally, if you are using FSUIPC (you don't actually say), i always need to know the actual version number. If it is earlier than 3.98 then please update first.



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Hi Pete thank you for replying

Well, I'm using the 3 levers on my CH USB Yoke with the levers Throttle, Prop, and Mixture assigned to keys, which are found in Controls-Assignments-Joystick Axis

In the Control-Assignments -Joystick Axis

Engine 1 to Engine 4 (have no keys/buttons assigned to them)

In the Control-Sensitivities

Rudder Axis Bar is at Full Left with Null Zone Full Left

Elevator Axis Bar is at middle of the Slide Bar position with Null Zone set at a quarter of the Slide Bar

Throttle Axis Bar is at Full Right with Null Zone set Full Left

FSUIPC is version 3.50 30th August 2005.

I am pretty new all this so forgive my silly questions these are all the details I know, how do I know if i am actually using FSUIPC ? all I did on purchase was activate the Yoke and FS9 I can't remember setting FSUIPS, if so it looks as though I would need an update, however I was using the Yoke from 2008 and did not have this problem in the past, I just wonder if my Yoke Assignments and Sensitivities may in some way have been incorrectly altered.

Thank You Once Again Pete !


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Well, I'm using the 3 levers on my CH USB Yoke with the levers Throttle, Prop, and Mixture assigned to keys, which are found in Controls-Assignments-Joystick Axis

So you are assigning in FS, not in FSUIPC.

FSUIPC is version 3.50 30th August 2005.

I cannot possibly support that in any case. If you want help here please always make sure you are up to date. The oldest supported version for FS9 and before is 3.98, as I said.

I am pretty new all this so forgive my silly questions these are all the details I know, how do I know if i am actually using FSUIPC ?

if you don't know, then you are not. And if you are not using FSUIPC then the reverse thrust can only be achieved by pressing the F2 key repeatedly, or assigning a button on your controls to the throttle decrement control in FS and using that.

... all I did on purchase was activate the Yoke and FS9

You purchased FSUIPC? Or do you mean the yoke? There's really no point in purchasing FSUIPC if you don't mean to use it!

I can't remember setting FSUIPS, if so it looks as though I would need an update, however I was using the Yoke from 2008 and did not have this problem in the past, I just wonder if my Yoke Assignments and Sensitivities may in some way have been incorrectly altered.

By whom? You have others using your simulator program?

If you've no idea why you have FSUIPC or whether you've used it for anything, I suggest you look in the FS Modules folder for the FSUIPC.INI file and delete it. That will at least ensure that FSUIPC has nothing whatsoever to do with anything you are experiencing.

I can't really help any further here I'm afraid. Without knowing what you've done, what you are using, and with such an old version, there's little point in me giving any further advice. Really it looks like I already gave you the best advice in my first reply -- get everything working on a default aircraft first. Then ask for support from the add-on suppliers.



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Could you tell me how I can obtain and download FSUIPC please?

I'm surprised that you can manage to find this Support Forum without ever visiting any sites carrying FSUIPC, nor referring to the documentation which also tells you? How did you get here?

The main download site is www.schiratti.com/dowson, which carries all the official current releases, whilst the Download Links subforum here contains interim updates and lots of other useful stuff.


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And i'm surprised anybody wastes there time trying to get a straight answer from you, I think your sense of self-importance is getting ahead of itself, I asked for advice not sarcasm if I needed to consult a chimpanze I would go to the Zoo,

Try to remember this watery little forum is for people who maybe were'nt born with a FSU IPC manual in their hand, try and put your adult head if any other person makes the mistake of contacting you, should have kept the job as a Clown mate, your wasted doing this.

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And i'm surprised anybody wastes there time trying to get a straight answer from you, I think your sense of self-importance is getting ahead of itself, I asked for advice not sarcasm if I needed to consult a chimpanze I would go to the Zoo,

Try to remember this watery little forum is for people who maybe were'nt born with a FSU IPC manual in their hand, try and put your adult head if any other person makes the mistake of contacting you, should have kept the job as a Clown mate, your wasted doing this.

I was interested in how you found the Support Forum FIRST, instead of going via the DOWNLOAD site as most certainly do! What is so odd about my being curious? It was in no way intended as sarcasm or a put-down as you have taken it, but genuine surprise and curiosity.

Evidently you write as one who has never even bothered to read any of the exchanges here and the timely constructive responses I strive to provide. Yet I still waste my time talking to people like you who evidently, from what you say, should know better. Please don't bother coming here again. Rude and unthinking reactions like yours are uncalled for and unwelcome.


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Yes perhaps, but my remarks were spot on, please heed them when dealing with others ! because you were no help to me whatsoever !!

What? I gave you the answer you asked for, where to find FSUIPC. And earlier pointed out that unless you use FSUIPC I can't really help with your add-on problems, and that in any case there's no way I can answer questions on other folk's aircraft.

It seems to me that you came here by mistake and once realising it sought to cover your embarrassment by being downright insulting and rude. I think that is ignorant behaviour and you should think again before repeating it or even confirming it as you have just done. Please go elsewhere when you want help with things I have nothing to do with, and take heed of my answers when they do contain useful information, which you've obviously overlooked or simply ignored!

I'll leave this thread be for a while but will probably delete it entirely later as it only clutters up the concentration of useful information in the Forum with a lot of time-wasting nonsense.


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