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I just started using the mouse macro in fsuipc on the pmdg 747. I seams that all button can be used as macro excepting the button from the efis modul. when i try any button from the efis, fsuipc detect it but when i press tab they dont work.

If anyone can help me i would appreciate.

Thank you.



I just started using the mouse macro in fsuipc on the pmdg 747. I seams that all button can be used as macro excepting the button from the efis modul. when i try any button from the efis, fsuipc detect it but when i press tab they dont work.

It might be a good idea to state whether this is for FS9 or FSX.

If for FSX, I think you'll find the EFIS fully covered by the contribution made by guenseli in the User Contributions subforum.




I'm sorry, i'm using FS9.1 and fsuipc version is 3.98a. The plane is the PMDG 747. I use the plane with the 2d cockpit. I can do macro with pretty much everything else but in the EFIS when i press tab, those button dont work. and they work when i use the mouse or the key shortcut.

tank you



I'm sorry, i'm using FS9.1 and fsuipc version is 3.98a. The plane is the PMDG 747. I use the plane with the 2d cockpit. I can do macro with pretty much everything else but in the EFIS when i press tab, those button dont work. and they work when i use the mouse or the key shortcut.

Yes, you said that part -- it was just the FS9 part which was missing.

It could be that the mouse macro needs a parameter, as described in the FSUIPC documentation. I can't really advise you on that, it needs experimentation. Otherwise I suppose there's a possibility of it using L:vars or those extra FS controls which the FSX one uses. Might be worth investigating.

I hope you can find someone using the FS9 PMDG 747 who can help. I'm afraid I don't use any add-on aircraft only a slightly revised FSX 738. One day I may move to the PMDG 737NGX when it finally arrives, but I don't think that will help with the FS9 era PMDG aircraft.

Since you are offered keyboard short-cuts, why not just use those and assign them to your buttons and switches? That may be what everyone else does.

Otherwise, it might be worth re-posting with a clearer title mentioning FS9 so that the right folks respond. You could also try the MyCockpits and PMDG forums where there should be plenty of users. Mycockpits is at http://www.mycockpit...orums/forum.php



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