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I am using a PFC Cirrus 11 console in connection with FSX and an Australian Aerosoft B737 program. All the console switches work there 737 counterparts except the course and OBS1 controls. Could someone please tell me where to find the offsets etc for the PFC unit so i can attempt a solution.

Thanks for any help.


I am using a PFC Cirrus 11 console in connection with FSX and an Australian Aerosoft B737 program. All the console switches work there 737 counterparts except the course and OBS1 controls. Could someone please tell me where to find the offsets etc for the PFC unit so i can attempt a solution.

The terms "course" and "OBS1" refer to one and the same value, as long as you mean the pilot's side course. OBS1 is the course set for VOR1 or ILS1, and displayed on the pilot's side, whilst OBS2 relates to VOR2 or ILS2 and the co-pilot's side.

There are no "separate" PFC offsets for FS values like that. There are only the FS values, which my PFC drivers use, just as any other software working through FSUIPC must do for aircraft implementations which use FS intrinsics -- as almost all do for basic radio values such as those.

All of the FS offsets supported by FSUIPC are listed in the documents included in the FSUIPC SDK.

If the Aerosoft 737 systems program is not handling the FS value for course then it is in error, and you should be seeking appropriate support from the author. However, I would be very surprised indeed if Andrew has such a basic and elementary value incorrect. He did, after all, also provide the original drivers for the Australian Aerosoft hardware cockpit "GA28R", representing a Piper Arrow cockpit, and that most certainly has it correctly shown. (I am fortunate enough to own one such cockpit -- i think they only made five in total!)

Please double check what it is you think is wrong, and then seek appropriate support for the software you are using.



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