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Since many years I have the registred version of FSUIPC and WIDE FS. I wanted since some days to install the last version of these drivers without result. The keys are not reconized, and the self extract of the drivers not installed in FS modules.

Is it not possible to have only as in the past, the winzip file, in witch i extract directly le DLL to install in the module.

Many thanks for your reply DGF

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Since many years I have the registred version of FSUIPC and WIDE FS. I wanted since some days to install the last version of these drivers without result. The keys are not reconized, and the self extract of the drivers not installed in FS modules.

I find that quite hard to believe, and you provide no information whatsoever. The system of registration with your keys has not changed in all the time it has existed, so you are most certainly not entering all of the details correctly. And there is no way it cannot install everything correctly -- either by finding your FS via the Registry, as it should be able to if FS is correctly installed, or simply by you pointing to where it is when asked.

Additionally, if your existing install of FSUIPC is correctly registered there is no reason to re-enter any registration details at all. Unless of course you've reinstalled Windows or deleted your KEY file.

Please show me the Installer Log and perhaps I can tell you where you are going wrong?



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I find that quite hard to believe, and you provide no information whatsoever. The system of registration with your keys has not changed in all the time it has existed, so you are most certainly not entering all of the details correctly. And there is no way it cannot install everything correctly -- either by finding your FS via the Registry, as it should be able to if FS is correctly installed, or simply by you pointing to where it is when asked.

Additionally, if your existing install of FSUIPC is correctly registered there is no reason to re-enter any registration details at all. Unless of course you've reinstalled Windows or deleted your KEY file.

Please show me the Installer Log and perhaps I can tell you where you are going wrong?



Many thanks for your prompt reply. If I read the check installer log as joined, we see that it is writtend : install in C:\FS2004\Modules and OK. But when I go in the module file, There is no fsuipc files and when I open FS 2004, no information under the module window. If I look the ELITE window in FS 2004, i can read :waiting for FSUIPC. The ELITE FS driver needs FSUIPC No version has been detected or FSUIPC could'not be open. My last version was 3.71, and as I hawe no the GPS5 from VRinsight, it is necessary to use at less the 3.80 version

Thank you for your help. Regards


EXE Path="C:\fs2004"

Checking if there's already a version of FSUIPC installed in:


... Version 3.710 found.

Okay -- installed FSUIPC into "C:\fs2004\Modules\FSUIPC.DLL"

"Modules\FSUIPC Documents" folder created okay!

Now installing additional files into the "Modules\FSUIPC Documents" folder:

Installed "FSUIPC User Guide.pdf" okay

Installed "FSUIPC for Advanced Users.pdf" okay

Installed "FSUIPC History.pdf" okay

Installed "List of FS2004 controls.pdf" okay

Installed "GlobalSign Root.exe" okay

Installed "FSUIPC Lua Library.pdf" okay

Installed "FSUIPC Lua Plug-Ins.pdf" okay

Installed "Lua License.pdf" okay

Installed "Lua Plugins for VRInsight Devices.pdf" okay

Installed "Example LUA plugins.zip" okay


FSUIPC.DLL installed and signature checked out okay!

Deleted GlobalSign Root fix program ... no longer relevant


All installer tasks completed okay!

Registration check for FSUIPC was successful! (result code 00)

*************** End of Install Log ***************

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If I read the check installer log as joined, we see that it is writtend : install in C:\FS2004\Modules and OK. But when I go in the module file, There is no fsuipc files and when I open FS 2004, no information under the module window. If I look the ELITE window in FS 2004, i can read :waiting for FSUIPC. The ELITE FS driver needs FSUIPC No version has been detected or FSUIPC could'not be open. My last version was 3.71, and as I hawe no the GPS5 from VRinsight, it is necessary to use at less the 3.80 version

I'm sorry, but I cannot help you at all unless you use a supported version of FSUIPC. The ealriest supported version is 3.98 and that will be a year old soon!

Incidentally, even the installer found the FSUIPC.DLL in the Modules folder, so evidently you are looking in the wrong place:

Checking if there's already a version of FSUIPC installed in:


... Version 3.710 found.

Please update before coming back.



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I have forgotten to say, that in order to avoid the all reinstallation on my new hard disk, i have done a copy for my new computer. It is whith disk that I have the problem. When I want to inter the registration code for FSUIPC and Wide FS, the Register screen stop and it is impossible to enter the keys.

Since yesterday, I try all solutions without result. If I return also to the last version (3.71), that I have in my computer, i read " you have an unregistred version".

Is there something to delete in the base registry. Thank you for your help


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I have forgotten to say, that in order to avoid the all reinstallation on my new hard disk, i have done a copy for my new computer. It is whith disk that I have the problem. When I want to inter the registration code for FSUIPC and Wide FS, the Register screen stop and it is impossible to enter the keys.

Are you using the Installer for version 3.98? If not, do so! And do NOT try to register inside FS. Registration is done in the Installer. Please do read the Installing and Registering guide included next to the Installer in the ZIP file.

Is there something to delete in the base registry.

No. and unless you use the current installer I cannot help you. If you still get a problem with the current installer, show me the FSUIPC Install log. That is what it is for. I cannot help with the zero information you are supplying!



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