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Bonjour Pete

I bought FUIPC 4 in April 2009 and I fight with since this date…

Wonderful software, even if there remains a little complex, but really super… Problem: Although having now a good control of FUIPC4, installed « by the book » and with the check list, it functions in a random way: once control answer, the following time it is necessary all to reprogram… I did not find, in the handbook, the method to put the various profiles in memory in order to be certain to find them for the following flight…

Question : Is there, eventually conflict between FUIPC4 and Real Environment X ( REX 2) ?

Thank you for all useful information…

Best regards



Material: Saitek Pro flight yoke, Saitek Quadran, Saitek Rudder pedal…


Problem: Although having now a good control of FUIPC4, installed « by the book » and with the check list, it functions in a random way: once control answer, the following time it is necessary all to reprogram… I did not find, in the handbook, the method to put the various profiles in memory in order to be certain to find them for the following flight…

All of the FSUIPC settings are saved in the FSUIPC4.INI file and reloaded next time you run FS. You do not have to explicitly save anything at all. It is done for you. Nothing is ever lost unless you foolishly delete the settings file.

Question : Is there, eventually conflict between FUIPC4 and Real Environment X ( REX 2) ?

No, they are entirely independent of each other. Neither cares at all about the other. They work in different spheres in any case.




With a new install, il seem that I solved the problem !


i wonder if it was related to access permissions on the FS Modules folder. The FSUIPC installer sets those correctly, but possibly you did the previous install manually.

Glad you sorted it out and thanks for letting me know.



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