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I have created my own Acars for FS2004 and finally got someone to try it out but in FSX. Using the same .DLL, it seems that almost all of the basic reads from FS work properly (altitude, speeds, QNH, lat/long, etc).

However, the acars was unable to ensure that the user cannot Pause or Slew or change sim rate. I do this (with FS2004) by constantly writing to the offsets (0262 for pause, 05DC for slew). I checked the FSX offsets and these are the same for what I want. However it seems it's not working in FSX.

Am I missing something here? Do I have to do something different for FSX?




However, the acars was unable to ensure that the user cannot Pause or Slew or change sim rate. I do this (with FS2004) by constantly writing to the offsets (0262 for pause, 05DC for slew). I checked the FSX offsets and these are the same for what I want. However it seems it's not working in FSX.

Am I missing something here? Do I have to do something different for FSX?

No, it's the same, and works fine here -- tested via FSInterrogate. What do the logs show? (Log IPC writes and Events).

With PAUSE FSUIPC4 uses the FS PAUSE SET control with the parameter dictated by offset 0262, so that should work regardless of timing. however, for SLEW it can only use the FS SLEW TOGGLE control, and since it getting the slew state from SimConnect asynchronously, it is possible that it is switching it on when you are asking for it to be switched off. This could happen, for instance, if you sent your writes in too quickly (too close together). The log should show you what is going on. Also try monitoring 0262 and 05DC to the normal log. That will log SimConnect reads and writes to those, also.


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