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Hi, When I try to register Fsuipc4.70 and widefs7 I can only get one or the other to register but not both

I am a registered user of both the FS2004 and The FSX versions

Anybody got the solution to this problem

Ron james


Hi, When I try to register Fsuipc4.70 and widefs7 I can only get one or the other to register but not both

It sounds like you are using a different name for each. you can use a different email address for each, but not a different name which must be exactly the same for both.

I can only see an FSUIPC4 registration for a "Ronald James", if you are the one in New Brunswick. And that's also the only one with that email address. I can't find that email address used for FSUIPC3 or WideFS6, nor any Ronald James. Maybe you are using a different name and a different email address? That won't work. There has to be some commonality of identity.


Found a 'Byron' at a similar address. Looks like he owns FSUIPC3, WideFS6 and WideFS7, but not FSUIPC4. Different email, slightly different address too. That's two users, not one.




Hi, When I try to register Fsuipc4.70 and widefs7 I can only get one or the other to register but not both

I am a registered user of both the FS2004 and The FSX versions

Anybody got the solution to this problem

Ron james


How do I fix this problem?

I Can send all the serial number that I have

ron james from New Brunswick


It sounds like you are using a different name for each. you can use a different email address for each, but not a different name which must be exactly the same for both.

I can only see an FSUIPC4 registration for a "Ronald James", if you are the one in New Brunswick. And that's also the only one with that email address. I can't find that email address used for FSUIPC3 or WideFS6, nor any Ronald James. Maybe you are using a different name and a different email address? That won't work. There has to be some commonality of identity.


Found a 'Byron' at a similar address. Looks like he owns FSUIPC3, WideFS6 and WideFS7, but not FSUIPC4. Different email, slightly different address too. That's two users, not one.




Thats me , don't know why I did that, but need some way to fix the problem

thanks for your help

ronald byron james, middle name is byron


Thats me , don't know why I did that, but need some way to fix the problem

ronald byron james, middle name is byron

You can try raising a problem ticket with SimMarket, but it looks a bit odd -- you purchased WideFS7 in the name "byron James" way back in May. it's the middle of July now. A bit strange finding you did it wrong after so long.



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