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Hi Pete,

Flying PMDG 747-Vista and registered FSIC4. I thought I wuld balance the engines. Big Mistake! First, I can' get the axis asignment to recognize the 4 different Saitek inputs. They all show as "X". However I persevered with the joystic calibration and 3 and 4 inputs as they should.. Howeverr 1 and 2 show no input number changes except in a very narrow margin where they jump fron around 4500 to max throttle. Saitek system with dual throttle quadrants. I have no idea what i've screwed up but any help you can give in untangling this mess I would dearly appreciate.

Thanks, Grndpa


Flying PMDG 747-Vista and registered FSIC4. I thought I wuld balance the engines. Big Mistake! First, I can' get the axis asignment to recognize the 4 different Saitek inputs.

They all show as "X".

No. What will be happening is that whichever input is providing that X axis is jittering like crazy and preventing any other axes being seen. Apart from getting the hardware fixed (cleaned or better power supply), there are two ways to deal with it:

1. Find a parking position of the lever (or yoke?) which doesn't produce jitter or

2. Use the facility provided in FSUIPC specifically to deal with this difficulty -- the "ignore" button. The documentation covers it. The ignore axis facility just ignores then on which is interfering, until you return to the assignments tab or clear the ignores.



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