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Hello There !

Have a very limit knowledge and almost no experience with FSUIP, but I would like to assign key/buttons to a popup Garmin GTX330 Xpnder (popup window) at list to the Indent & the VFR button.

Any help will be greatly appreciated


Irvine CA


Have a very limit knowledge and almost no experience with FSUIP, but I would like to assign key/buttons to a popup Garmin GTX330 Xpnder (popup window) at list to the Indent & the VFR button.

Does this popup window respond to any keypresses, or is it operated by FS controls? If so then assignment is easy, just do the assignments. If neither then you would have to see if it will respond to Mouse macro methods or possibly local gauge variable use (L:Vars). Both are described in the documentation, but I'm afraid I cannot advise specifically because I don't know the gauge at all, nor even which aircraft it is in or which version of FS you are using. Maybe you can ask the gauge author for help?



Hello Pete and tnx for the prompt response.

The GTX330 XPNDER is part of a package from SimFlyer.

It can be used on any Airplane.I'm currently With Carenado Bonanza F33

I got the Numbers inc/Dec and it works fine

I'm trying to get the other button (On/Off Stb, Indent, VFR to respond, but they do not

Would this help ???




I'm trying to get the other button (On/Off Stb, Indent, VFR to respond, but they do not

Would this help ???

It doesn't help me because i don't know what SimFlyer have done. Isn't there any documentation, any way of using keyboard instead of mouse? Don't SimFlyer have any support for the programs?

There are only 4 possible ways to use buttons on panels or gauges through FSUIPC:

1. Direct assignment to an FS or FSUIPC control. It is unlikely they use FS controls, but to check just enable Event logging in FSUIPC's logging tab, click on the switches, and check the log to see if an FS control was registered.

2. Direct assignments to keystrokes which are assigned by the panel to operate those switches.. Documentation or support for the program is needed.

3. Mouse macro creation and assignment. This may work if the gauge is written using the Microsoft C/C++ SDK and incorporates into the aircraft as a gauge. Mouse macro creation is describe in the FSUIPC user guide.

4. Local gauge variable writing, via L:Var macros. These are more likely to be used if the gauge is written using XML. Most new ones for FSX are. L:Var macros are described in the manuals too.

As a last resort, if mouse clicks are the only way, there is a program by Luciano Napolitano called "Key2mouse" which converts keystrokes to mouse clicks. But you must then always have the gauge in the same place on screen.

I can't really help further. Sorry.



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