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Hi, Peter.

I bought the last version of FSUIP for FSX and install the Fsuip on Modules, but this do not appears on FSX screen, that I can to use the config buttons and others instruments I need too.

I try many ways to this Modules appears, as on the FS9, but in FSX this briecase do not show in.

Waiting your help.

Best regards

Nelson Voigt


I bought the last version of FSUIP for FSX and install the Fsuip on Modules, but this do not appears on FSX screen, that I can to use the config buttons and others instruments I need too.

If you mean you placed FSUIPC into the Modules folder, then it won't work unless it is installed. You must run the Installer.

Also, FSX is not like FS9 and there is no "Modules" menu entry. If FSUIPC4 is installed correctly it's options are available via the AddOns menu. Please do refer to the supplied documentation, installed for you as listed in the Installation guide.




If you mean you placed FSUIPC into the Modules folder, then it won't work unless it is installed. You must run the Installer.

Also, FSX is not like FS9 and there is no "Modules" menu entry. If FSUIPC4 is installed correctly it's options are available via the AddOns menu. Please do refer to the supplied documentation, installed for you as listed in the Installation guide.



Hi, Pete, thanks for your answer... but I did run the installer, ofcourse.. but I´ll try now in AddOns menu to see if works ok.. many thanks


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