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I recently built a new PC going from Vista to Win7, ran the VRS Superbug addon for FSX using FSUIPC on Vista with no issues, but now I get an error on startup saying "FSUIPC wasn't able to connect to SimConnect Acc/SP2 when last run. The version of SimConnect being run is: , but Acc/SP2 req" On top of that when I try to fly the addon aircraft the throttles will NOT drop below 80% once advanced from idle. It's showing an unrecognized ID for the throttle levers, but I have no idea why... Here is the log, any ideas?

********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.742 by Pete Dowson *********

User Name="Steven Porter"

User Addr="shinji43@aol.com"

FSUIPC4 Key is provided

WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired

Running inside FSX on Windows 7

Module base=61000000

Wind smoothing fix is not installed


125 System time = 09/10/2011 11:32:56

125 FLT path = "C:\Users\Steven\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\"

156 Trying to connect to SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07 ...

187 FS path = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\"

671 LogOptions=00000000 00000001

671 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay

671 Trying to use SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07

3120 Running in "Microsoft Flight Simulator X", Version: 10.0.61472.0 (SimConnect: 10.0.61259.0)

3120 Initialising SimConnect data requests now

3120 FSUIPC Menu entry added

3136 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\FLIGHTS\OTHER\FLTSIM.FLT

3136 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\Aircreation_582SL\Aircreation_582SL.AIR

84537 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\VRS_FA-18E\FA-18E-6.8_SE.AIR

117719 Exception 3 "UNRECOGNIZED_ID", Ref 2481, Index param 1 on write SetData for "GENERAL ENG THROTTLE LEVER POSITION:1"

117719 Exception 3 "UNRECOGNIZED_ID", Ref 2482, Index param 1 on write SetData for "GENERAL ENG THROTTLE LEVER POSITION:2"

118077 System time = 09/10/2011 11:34:54, Simulator time = 14:33:00 (18:33Z)

118093 Aircraft="VFA-31 "Tomcatters" CAG"

118545 Starting everything now ...

121884 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled

208511 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 91 secs = 25.6 fps

218339 System time = 09/10/2011 11:36:34, Simulator time = 14:34:30 (18:34Z)

218339 *** FSUIPC log file being closed

Average frame rate for running time of 91 secs = 25.6 fps

Memory managed: 41 Allocs, 41 Freed

********* FSUIPC Log file closed ***********


I recently built a new PC going from Vista to Win7, ran the VRS Superbug addon for FSX using FSUIPC on Vista with no issues, but now I get an error on startup saying "FSUIPC wasn't able to connect to SimConnect Acc/SP2 when last run. The version of SimConnect being run is: , but Acc/SP2 req"

Where do you see this message? It isn't one from FSUIPC. Is it in a window, in a message box with buttons, or what? Can you describe it in more detail please?

On top of that when I try to fly the addon aircraft the throttles will NOT drop below 80% once advanced from idle. It's showing an unrecognized ID for the throttle levers, but I have no idea why... Here is the log, any ideas?

No. Apart from that, which appears to be some glitch in simconnect, there is also some problem with your Weather.DLL, as indicated by this line:

Wind smoothing fix is not installed

Both of these two things are indicative of something wrong, either a corrupted FSX installation or possibly (and less likely) a memory problem.



Where do you see this message? It isn't one from FSUIPC. Is it in a window, in a message box with buttons, or what? Can you describe it in more detail please?

No. Apart from that, which appears to be some glitch in simconnect, there is also some problem with your Weather.DLL, as indicated by this line:

Both of these two things are indicative of something wrong, either a corrupted FSX installation or possibly (and less likely) a memory problem.


From the Vertical Reality Simuilations Superbug F/A-18 addon, the control manager has a debug feature and it's the log from it, you run FSX with the particular aircraft go thru each axis with the controller, then exit and then a log is created in the modules folder, it's used for troubleshooting when communicating with VRS.

They said they never seen this yet and the to inquire to see if you might know what may be going on with the "UNRECOGNIZED_ID" issue. I see the FSUIPC in the addons when looking at the menu bar, is there a way to vefify wether SimConnect is actually working or not? I've already installed/uninstalled/reinstalled everything like 4 times now (actually used up my activation key for acceleration now...) What else could I try to get you to help you get a better understanding of what is going on?


From the Vertical Reality Simuilations Superbug F/A-18 addon, the control manager has a debug feature and it's the log from it, you run FSX with the particular aircraft go thru each axis with the controller, then exit and then a log is created in the modules folder, it's used for troubleshooting when communicating with VRS.

And this log actually says this?

"FSUIPC wasn't able to connect to SimConnect Acc/SP2 when last run. The version of SimConnect being run is: , but Acc/SP2 req"

How does it work that out? The FSUIPC log shows it connected okay, though there are some problems, evidently.

What does the FSUIP4 Install log show?

They said they never seen this yet and the to inquire to see if you might know what may be going on with the "UNRECOGNIZED_ID" issue.

That's a SimConnect error being reported, probably due to corrupted data. You might get more information from a SimConnect log.

But it only occurred once, for each throttle, at one time, implying that only one packet got corrupted. There would be thousands of successful messages which aren't logged -- the throttle axes would not simply send one value and nothing else!

The fact that FSUIPC logs that it couldn't install the wind smoothing hack is more worrying as it certainly implies some corruption.

I see the FSUIPC in the addons when looking at the menu bar, is there a way to vefify wether SimConnect is actually working or not?

The log shows everything is okay, except for the two points I mentioned. The menu itself is established through SimConnect so it couldn't be seen if there was no connection.

I've already installed/uninstalled/reinstalled everything like 4 times now

From what I've seen reported over the years that's probably the worst thing you can do with FSX. It is almost impossible to uninstall fully -- the SimConnect side-by-side libraries just won't uninstall properly, ever, but get left in a state which usually prevent a proper re-installation.

When I experimented with this in order to try to work out the correct way to fix such problems, I had to give up. The WinSxS system in Vista and Win7 is diabolically convoluted. I ended up having to reformat the disk and re-install Windows 7, not just FSX. The only good thing to come out of it was that at least I got rid of a lot of garbage I'd collected over the years, via updates from XP to Vista to Win7.

What else could I try to get you to help you get a better understanding of what is going on?

Nothing more, except possibly explaining how that "control manager" so incorrectly determines what it thinks FSUIPC makes of SimConnect. Apart from that, my understanding from what you've shown me is that there is something bad, possibly disk corruption, possibly dodgy memory, in your system as it is now. Certainly the Weather.DLL isn't matching any version which FSUIPC4 has seen (hence the failure to install the Wind Smoothing fix), yet it can handle the RTM, SP1, SP2 and Acceleration versions (as well as 3 of the pre-release Betas). But whether that's because the DLL is corrupted on disk, or looks that way in memory, I couldn't say.



Posted (edited)

The log doesn't say that, it says it when the configuration manager is started (where you customize the aircraft before actually starting FSX)

Here is a copy of the install log:

I downgraded to ver 4.60 and the throttles work correctly, but then it causes a licencing error with the aircraft itself (it thinks it's not registered), and the only way to fix that so far was to reinstall 4.7, so now the registration is good, but the throttles wont go to idle again...


Edited by Shinji43

I too am having the same issue. Everything you described is happening to my throttle on the SuperBug as well as the error popup when starting the Configuration Manager. It gets stuck at about 60% power, other than that everything else is fine as far as I know..


Also, I disconnected my x52 throttle, stick, and pedals. I used the keyboard to throttle up and down, it worked.

My wind smoothing fix was fine for me. The key issue seems to be the throttle issue due to the "Unrecognized ID" error. My "Unrecognized ID" error was exactly the same minus the "ref #," Mine was:

91355 Exception 3 "UNRECOGNIZED_ID", Ref 2442, Index param 1 on write SetData for "GENERAL ENG THROTTLE LEVER POSITION:1"

91355 Exception 3 "UNRECOGNIZED_ID", Ref 2443, Index param 1 on write SetData for "GENERAL ENG THROTTLE LEVER POSITION:2"




I am having the same problem. Here is my log to see if it will help.

********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.743 by Pete Dowson *********

User Name="Jon Verrett"

User Addr="jcverrett@gmail.com"

FSUIPC4 Key is provided

WideFS7 Key is provided

Running inside FSX on Windows 7

Module base=61000000

Wind smoothing fix is not installed


468 System time = 26/10/2011 09:24:26

468 FLT UNC path = "\\DADS-PC\Users\Jon Verrett\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\"

514 Trying to connect to SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07 ...

514 FS UNC path = "D:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\"

1201 Run: "D:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\linda.exe"

1232 LogOptions=10000000 00000001

1232 VRI port 1 "com3" failed to open

1232 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay

1232 Trying to use SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07

3447 Running in "Microsoft Flight Simulator X", Version: 10.0.61637.0 (SimConnect: 10.0.61259.0)

3447 Initialising SimConnect data requests now

3447 FSUIPC Menu entry added

3478 \\DADS-PC\Users\Jon Verrett\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\Default.FLT

3478 D:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\C172\Cessna172SP.AIR

26052 D:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\VRS_FA-18E\FA-18E-6.8_SE.AIR

66097 Exception 3 "UNRECOGNIZED_ID", Ref 2374, Index param 1 on write SetData for "GENERAL ENG THROTTLE LEVER POSITION:1"

66097 Exception 3 "UNRECOGNIZED_ID", Ref 2375, Index param 1 on write SetData for "GENERAL ENG THROTTLE LEVER POSITION:2"

66409 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 65786 (0x000100fa), Param= 228 (0x000000e4) SPOILERS_SET

66596 System time = 26/10/2011 09:25:32, Simulator time = 09:24:30 (14:24Z)

66815 Aircraft="VFA-31 "Tomcatters" Line"

70528 Starting everything now ...

70543 LUA: beginning "D:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\ipcReady.lua"

70543 LUA: ended "D:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\ipcReady.lua"

70543 LUA:

70543 LUA: [iNIT]LINDA:: Loading...

70621 LUA: LINDA:: Aircraft: VFA-31 "Tomcatters" Line

70637 LUA: LINDA:: Aircraft module detected: VRS F18

70684 LUA: LINDA:: AivlaSoft library loaded...

70684 LUA: LINDA:: FSX standard library loaded...

70699 LUA: LINDA:: RealityXP library loaded...

70699 LUA: LINDA:: A2A MAP library loaded...

70793 LUA: LINDA:: DSP MODE toggle: 2

70808 LUA: LINDA:: ---> ERROR:: Could not open MCP Combo port!

70808 LUA: LINDA:: Loading a fallback joysticks config...

70824 LUA: LINDA:: Loading VRS F18 joysticks config...

70824 LUA: LINDA:: Module: VRS F18 Started...

70824 LUA: LINDA:: Ready to go, Captain!

70824 LUA: LINDA::

70855 LUA: LINDA:: Offsets watching list cleared!

73398 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled

94380 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 28 secs = 21.6 fps

104099 System time = 26/10/2011 09:26:10, Simulator time = 09:24:56 (14:24Z)

104099 *** FSUIPC log file being closed

Average frame rate for running time of 28 secs = 21.6 fps

Memory managed: 51 Allocs, 51 Freed

********* FSUIPC Log file closed ***********

Hope this is helpful Pete.


Hope this is helpful Pete.

Not really. It seems it only happens with that VRS Superbug, and I've no idea what is happening in SimConnect to get a standard FS control rejected like that.

You could try to get more information by doing as follows:

Edit the FSUIPC4.INI file, adding



to the [General] section.

The log might be quite big, so ZIP is and send it to petedowson@btconnect.com. Might as well get a SimConnect log as welll -- see instructions in the FAQ subforum. And include your FSUIPC4.INI file please.

Otherwise, maybe I could try to trap it but I think you should contact the aircraft support folks first to see what they know. If they'd like my help nailing it they'd need to supply a usable copy for testing. If this happens I'd need to see your FSUIPC4 INI file too, to see if it is specific to certain settings.




I had an old version, 4.70c. I deleted the old FSUIPC files and re-installed the old one.

I re-installed the Superbug and it works just fine now. Make sure you guys run programs as your computers Administrator when installing files!


I had an old version, 4.70c. I deleted the old FSUIPC files and re-installed the old one.

I re-installed the Superbug and it works just fine now.

But that doesn't help find and fix whatever the problem is, does it? And I can't support old versions.




Anbother thing. I know that until a correction is/was issued for the VRS FA-18, there was a problem in the way it used certain FSUIPC offsets which used to be wrong but which have recently been fixed. I can't see how this can be the cause of these errors, but could those of you who get them please try FSUIPC 4.743 with this line changed in the [General] section of the INI file:


Just add the line if the parameter isn't there.

Let me know please.


Posted (edited)

Not really. It seems it only happens with that VRS Superbug, and I've no idea what is happening in SimConnect to get a standard FS control rejected like that.

You could try to get more information by doing as follows:

Edit the FSUIPC4.INI file, adding



to the [General] section.

The log might be quite big, so ZIP is and send it to petedowson@btconnect.com. Might as well get a SimConnect log as welll -- see instructions in the FAQ subforum. And include your FSUIPC4.INI file please.

Otherwise, maybe I could try to trap it but I think you should contact the aircraft support folks first to see what they know. If they'd like my help nailing it they'd need to supply a usable copy for testing. If this happens I'd need to see your FSUIPC4 INI file too, to see if it is specific to certain settings.



I have it all done and it should be in your inbox. (Sorry took so long.... My employer had the nerve to expect me to show up to work.LOL)

Thanks for all you do!


Edited by jcverrett

I have it all done and it should be in your inbox.

Okay. some confusion though.

You said in your accompanying email

Here are the logs you requested. I ran one with the Wrong

axis set to no and one to yes. The Simconnect log is it with to Wrong

axis set to ye along with the FSUIPC.INI.

but the Simconnect log contains the same two Exceptions as logged in the FSUIPC log relating to the run without "AxesWrongRange=Yes" parameter. So, I suspect you got a little mixed up between these and their relationship to the SimConnect log?

The log for the AxesWrongRange=Yes does not show the exceptions, so I think that is the problem. Please, until there's a fix from VRS, use that parameter. It was actually added for VRS. I think that, wothout it, VRS is handling the throttles with incorrect values. It is coded using some offsets in FSUIPC that used to be incorrect but which was corrected when this was discovered, between version 4.70 and 4.742. The fix, in 4.743, for VRS was to add the wrong range parameter to make FSUIPC revert to incorrect values for those offsets.



  • 5 weeks later...

same issues as others. throttles on eaglesoft citation 2.0 went wacky after dloading the newest fsuipc. went back to older version and everything works fine. no doubt that this version of fsuipc has a "bug".


okay...my first post and the administrator wont put it up. too bad. alot of heartache over this problem with new fsuipc update and the throttles. guess others will figure it out soon.


same issues as others. throttles on eaglesoft citation 2.0 went wacky after dloading the newest fsuipc. went back to older version and everything works fine. no doubt that this version of fsuipc has a "bug".

Really? no mention of what version of FSUIPC you are talking about, nor even what version of FS? Sorry, I can't help with no information, and I'm certainly not aware of any problems or bugs affecting any aircraft with current versions of FSUIPC. The thread you added to was successfully concluded some time back and concerned the VRS Superbug. It turned out that this aircraft was making use of incorrect information in FSUIPC which when corrected made it go wrong. The author of that aircraft is fixing it in an update (or rather has probably fixed it by now I'm sure -- it has been a few weeks) and in the interim, to help users, I added a special parameter to make FSUIPC revert to the wrong data -- purely as a temporary manner.

Evidently you've not actually read the thread you added to or you'd see it has no relevance to whatever it is you are complaining about with no information provided.

okay...my first post and the administrator wont put it up.

Sorry, I'm the "administrator", programmer, helper and general dogsbody here, I've been very busy and I've only just seen your post -- mainly because it was buried at the end of an older, finished and resolved thread. If you want faster attention and less confusion you should kindly start your own thread and give more information!


  • 1 month later...

Hi, I need to update my FSUIPC to the newest version but when I do, I experience the problem stated above. The VRS F-18 throttle will not power back to idle but continue at 60 to 80%. I did as Pete suggested and updated FSUIPC to the newest version because I was also experiencing the g3d.dll crash that needed the repair and then added the line of code Pete requested. However, I did not have any success with this. Has anyone else? Unfortunately, I am stuck because I am experiencing both errors but if I do one (update my FSUIPC) than I fix the g3d.dll crash but if I go back to the older version of FSUIPC by VRS F-18 works properly. Any suggestions? It seems that this thread got dropped but I am seeking to get it started again to find a workable solution.


Hi, I need to update my FSUIPC to the newest version but when I do, I experience the problem stated above. The VRS F-18 throttle will not power back to idle but continue at 60 to 80%.

Is this the so-called "VRS Super-Bug" aircraft? If so, apparently the author made use of a bug in an earlier version of FSUIPC, so that when I fixed that bug his usage no longer worked. He contacted me and I made a little fix via the FSUIPC INI file which is enabled by adding (or changing)


in the [general] section.

However, this was several months ago (October last year), and the VRS author said that there was an imminent update to the aircraft which would fix this issue properly. I would certainly hope that this update was out by now!

So, it sounds as if you might be out of date with the VRS aircraft. If you don't want to update, try the above parameter, but note that this could possibly have adverse affects on other aircraft.



  • 2 months later...

i still have problems with the throtle on the superbug. i aslo have problems on th configuration manger. I get the error saying, FSUIPC wasn't able to connect to SimConnect Acc/SP2 when last run. The version of SimConnect being run is: , but Acc/SP2 req


i still have problems with the throtle on the superbug. i aslo have problems on th configuration manger. I get the error saying, FSUIPC wasn't able to connect to SimConnect Acc/SP2 when last run. The version of SimConnect being run is: , but Acc/SP2 req

What's "the configuration manager"?

I have no information relating to any of this, not even a version number of FSUIPC. Perhaps you should try to be more, er, explanatory?


  • 3 weeks later...

Dear Mr. Dowson Good Evening,

i'll try to describe the issues, we are using an add-on product for fsx, from Vertical Reality, it's VRS Superbug F 18E Super Hornet.

It uses you product FSUIPC to create a custom keyboard layout, and to implement several features, like the drag change after the weapon release and similar.

It has to be constantly connected to di FSUIPC and to the simconnect.

It has a load manager utility to configure lodauts, livreries, level of sim ecc.

Probably between the the previous vesrsion of fsuipc version (4.703) and the last you had made some deep changes to the programmation routine, and now our add on, can not be connected with your program.

Bye bye Gabriele.


Probably between the the previous vesrsion of fsuipc version (4.703) and the last you had made some deep changes to the programmation routine, and now our add on, can not be connected with your program.

There have been no changes which will prevent connection from any FSUIPC interfacing utility. The interface is the same as it has always been -- it has not changed for 12 years except for the removal of the access code checking back when FSX was released.!

And 4.703 is not "the last version" -- there have been many since then. The current supported version is 4.823.

I think you need to debug your program to see what is wrong with it.



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