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FSUIPC callbacks of FS9

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Hi Peter,

I singned at this forum to get some help on callbacks for FS9. I'm trying to programm my own interface for my MSFS2004 SIM project in combination with FSUIPC 3.99. I'm not using any

Most of the callbacks are working fine but e.g. the season change callback (&H248) seems not to working. After starting a flight I'm standing on the runway with running engine and wanna write 1,2,3 or 0 to &H248 but the season is not changing at all... I don't know if I have to restart or refresh the sim after writng to this offset...

...another thing is writing to &H2A70 (canopy open/close) since there are no values written in the offset list I assume writing '0' and '1' to close and open the canopy...

Thanks for your help on this...

Best regards,


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I singned at this forum to get some help on callbacks for FS9. I'm trying to programm my own interface for my MSFS2004 SIM project in combination with FSUIPC 3.99. I'm not using any

"Callbacks"? What do you mean by that term? And you are not using any ... what? Your paragraph died prematurely I think.

Most of the callbacks are working fine but e.g. the season change callback (&H248) seems not to working. After starting a flight I'm standing on the runway with running engine and wanna write 1,2,3 or 0 to &H248 but the season is not changing at all... I don't know if I have to restart or refresh the sim after writng to this offset...

I'm pretty sure the Season is dictated by the Date and Hemisphere. You cannot change the Season directly, just as you cannot change the Day of the Year directly -- both are derived from the DATE.

..another thing is writing to &H2A70 (canopy open/close) since there are no values written in the offset list I assume writing '0' and '1' to close and open the canopy...

Actually, it's a 64-bit double floating point value, so i think it gives the proportion open (0.0 - 1.0). I really don't know for sure -- I've never had an aircraft with an opening canopy and never experimented with it.



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Hi Pete,

"Callbacks"? What do you mean by that term? And you are not using any ... what? Your paragraph died prematurely I think.

Sorry for the missunderstanding... I called the FSUIPC offset callbacks... little interference with other sim SW :roll:

...and, I'm not using any FSUIPC internal prepared key-macro option => under modules-FSUIPC-Button & Switches or Key Presses, cause I wanna try to handle all inputs via my own interface!

Regarding the mentiones offsets: I couldn't test the season problem so far but the canopy thing is obsolete since this function is implemented within FS Falcon (SHIFT-E)

...but one more thing I have to ask you is how about the 'crash controll' offsets (&H830, &H848, &H84A) can they be changed inflight?

Thanks and regards,


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...but one more thing I have to ask you is how about the 'crash controll' offsets (&H830, &H848, &H84A) can they be changed inflight?

What version of FS are you using? 0848 and 084A haven't been working, read or write, since FS2000 as far as I know -- as documented in the main FSUIPC Offsets list. 0830 is probably read-only, but you can try writing to it -- that's the only way I'd be able to find out.



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I'm using MSFS2004 (FS9 - with FSUIPC v3.99) for now... maybe later I'll switch to FSX but no timeline for that yet!

I tried to read 0830 and got "0" as result after writing to it the read result was still ZERO and no effect on the plain inflight...

For 0830 as well as for 084A there are check boxes in the FS settings... but I'm not sure if they are related to this two offsets...

However, I'll check again and post an update later today!



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For 0830 as well as for 084A there are check boxes in the FS settings... but I'm not sure if they are related to this two offsets...

Checkboxes where? There are no checkboxes as such in the Offsets reference documents. For those offsets there's a definite "No" in the columns for both FS2002 and FS2004 support.

I've a feeling you aren't even using the proper reference materials, as supplied in the FSUIPC SDK. The Programmer's Guide is the correct reference for FS9 and before, whilst the FSUIPC4 Offsets Status document is for FSX and later.



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Hi Pete,

Checkboxes where? There are no checkboxes as such in the Offsets reference documents.

I meant the settings page directly inside MSFS2004 (reality settings)... :rolleyes: ...sorry its in german but it shows the property page of MSFS2004...


first option button = ignore crash = &H830 => 0 (when selected)

second option button is = detect crash = &H830 = 1 (when selected)

first checkbox under "detect crash" = off-runway crash detection = &H848 (it has no influence if checked or not - I think it has not been impelmented)

second checkbox under "detect crash" = detect colision with dynamic scenery = &H84A (it has no influence if checked or not - I think it has not been impelmented)

However, both checkbox offsets (848, 84A) can be written to but no effect inflight... all crash detections seem to be detected with the second option button "detect crash"



BTW: I'm using "FSUIPC for programmers.pdf" of the SDK v3.99 :wink: where both last mentioned offsets are described with "NO"... :roll:

Edited by AJ212
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  • 2 weeks later...

However, both checkbox offsets (848, 84A) can be written to but no effect inflight... all crash detections seem to be detected with the second option button "detect crash"

Yes -- almost all offsets can be written to, but that doesn't mean they'll do anything.

BTW: I'm using "FSUIPC for programmers.pdf" of the SDK v3.99 :wink: where both last mentioned offsets are described with "NO"... :roll:

Exactly. "No" is correct then, isn't it?


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