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I've been using FSUIPC for about 3.5 years and have started having troubles with a recent hardware upgrade to a Logitech G940. At seemingly random intervals (but usually every 1-3 flights), the axis' within FSUIPC will reassign themselves. The pattern is consistent; joystick x gets switched to throttle 1, joystick y to throttle 2, joystick z to left brake....and several others.

I recently re-installed FSX and did a fresh install of FSUIPC and the problem still persisted. I haven't seen this problem on any of my previous hardware configurations and don't really know what could be causing the problem. Any help would be hugely appreciated.

Kindest Regards,



I've been using FSUIPC for about 3.5 years and have started having troubles with a recent hardware upgrade to a Logitech G940. At seemingly random intervals (but usually every 1-3 flights), the axis' within FSUIPC will reassign themselves. The pattern is consistent; joystick x gets switched to throttle 1, joystick y to throttle 2, joystick z to left brake....and several others.

Is this with FS being reloaded between flights? Does it happen during a flight or only on loading a new one, or changing aircraft?

It sounds very much like you either have dual assignments (whether in FSUIPC or in both FSUIPC and FSX), or, if it is only when loading a flight or aircraft, you have different assignments for different aircraft and this is what is changing them.

First, if you ARE assigning everything in FSUIPC, make sure the controllers are all disabled in FS. If you've unplugged any and reconnected them, FS will often pick up control again.

Second, if you are likely to unplug and replug devices, you should ensure your FSUIPC install is configured to use joystick lettering so that assignments don't get switched around. There's a chapter about joystick letters in the User Guide (see the contents list).

Finally, if it is a problem with aircraft specific or multiple assignments, check the FSUIPC INI file. If you want help with that you'll need to paste it all in to a message here, but if you do that please relate details -- i.e. specific aircraft names and axes which 'switched'.

You didn't say which version of FSUIPC you are using, but it it isn't the latest (4.756 or 4.757) please update -- see the Download Links subforum here.




Hello Pete,

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. Let me see if I can answer your questions/comments;

"Is this with FS being reloaded between flights? Does it happen during a flight or only on loading a new one, or changing aircraft?"

- It only happens if FSX is shut down and then restarted.

"It sounds very much like you either have dual assignments (whether in FSUIPC or in both FSUIPC and FSX), or, if it is only when loading a flight or aircraft, you have different assignments for different aircraft and this is what is changing them."

- It's the global assignments which are changing, not aircraft specific, and everything has been deleted from the FSX default control scheme except for ailerons, elevator, and rudder (which are through default).

"First, if you ARE assigning everything in FSUIPC, make sure the controllers are all disabled in FS. If you've unplugged any and reconnected them, FS will often pick up control again."

- It's happened on back to back instances of FSX, where nothing was unplugged and the computer wasn't even shut down.

"You didn't say which version of FSUIPC you are using, but it it isn't the latest (4.756 or 4.757) please update -- see the Download Links subforum here."

- I'm running v4.7.0.3 according to the dll, so that looks out of date. I'll update and see if that helps.

Kindest Regards,



- It only happens if FSX is shut down and then restarted.

So, let me get this right, when you reload FSX, one time in three, approx, the assignments are all different? how many more reloads does it take till they go back again -- I think you mentioned only two different configurations.

- It's the global assignments which are changing, not aircraft specific, and everything has been deleted from the FSX default control scheme except for ailerons, elevator, and rudder (which are through default).

You DELETED assignments? You've not actually DISABLED the controllers? I think you need to re-check. Fs has a habit of reassigning.

You said

The pattern is consistent; joystick x gets switched to throttle 1, joystick y to throttle 2, joystick z to left brake....and several others.

You don't say what from, only what to. And joysticks don't normally have only one axis each, so something needs clarifying. If it is consistent, state exactly what assinment changes into what other assignment, show me the axis assignments in FSUIPC .INI (the[ Axes] section). And check your assignments in FSX. It sounds very much like an FSX/FSUIPC conflict.

FSUIPC cannot "invent" different assignments. It will be obeying what you've set, and so will FSX -- together!


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