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Posted (edited)

Hi I got my gf mcp pro yesterday but without any drivers for win 7 . I install drivers from flysimlabs ,but after I start fsx and place pmdg 747 at LGAV airport as the driver is demo for testing only connected connected to cockpit ,but no numbers on the actually display . Everything is working fine including effis but still no numbers. I also install lua pmdg 4100 works great no prob at all but no numbers on display as well. I was trying to search for drivers to support hardware in win 7 but no luck since go flight website is off . I have also tried fsupic GFdisplay—the EXE , GFDell.dll but all recognize in fsuipc but no luck with numbers on display . My question is am I missing simple driver from Goflight as normal when any hardware is plug to PC . If so please could anybody know where to downlod it ? their web site is down with only phone number . Please I appriciatte any hints in this problem . I have already left message on flightsimlabs forum if they could help me . Thanks very much for Help . { win 7 64 ,fsx fsuip 4749d , GF mcp pro }

Edited by petrsurf

Hi I got my gf mcp pro yesterday but without any drivers for win 7 . I install drivers from flysimlabs ,but after I start fsx and place pmdg 747 at LGAV airport as the driver is demo for testing only connected connected to cockpit ,but no numbers on the actually display . Everything is working fine including effis but still no numbers.

I cannot support other folk's software I'm afraid. However, maybe it is simply that the GFDev.DLL interface is out of date. You can find the latest one in the Download Links subforum here.

My question is am I missing simple driver from Goflight as normal when any hardware is plug to PC

Possibly. I don't know what gets installed at lower levels for GoFlight. The GFDev.DLL is a user-level interface. I suspect the buttons and knobs work okay because they are normal joystick-type inputs and the standard Windows drivers cope, but, of course, displays are rather specific. There may well be a lower-level driver which operates the disaplys and which you are missing.

Tell me, when you unplug the MCP USB and plug it in again, do the displays light up for a short time? If not you probably have a hardware problem.

There's a program of mine called "HidScanner" available, also in the Download Links subforum, probably in the thread on Lua plugins. Get that and run it. It should show all HID devices, including GoFlight, and it doesn't depend on GFDev.DLL. It'll produce (and display) a log file. The GF MCP Pro lists like this:

Device at "\\?\hid#vid_09f3&pid_0064#6&e096aa2&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}"

Vendor=09F3, Product=0064 (Version 1.1)

Manufacturer= GoFlight

Product= MCP PRO

Serial Number= 0004 41

Usage Page: 14

Input Report Byte Length: 8

Output Report Byte Length: 0

Feature Report Byte Length: 8

Number of Link Collection Nodes: 15

Number of Input Button Caps: 1

Number of InputValue Caps: 1

Number of InputData Indices: 33

Number of Output Button Caps: 0

Number of Output Value Caps: 0

Number of Output Data Indices: 0

Number of Feature Button Caps: 1

Number of Feature Value Caps: 9

Number of Feature Data Indices: 41

Buttons range 1 -> 32 at indices 1 -> 32

Value Dial at index 0, range -8 -> 7, using 4 bits


I think the displays are driven by "SetFeature" commands at the USB driving level, so the entries there relevant to the displays are only:

Number of Feature Button Caps: 1

Number of Feature Value Caps: 9

Number of Feature Data Indices: 41




Hi Pete firstly I would like to say big thanks as in all support you do with your fsuipc I think it is terrific application and more over after your update to deal with CTD from time to time happening I don't get any so far .So I must say

great job as always . I do have quite few ftx sceneries and even flying F18 vrs at Low alt very fast I do get non thanks for that . To this issue with my MCP pro I fully understande I did drop lines to fslabs where I am waiting for their support as well as I don't mind spend money for something what works, however I should get in touch with goflight to get some opinions in this prob. as it is their product . To your advise I did try to unplug and plug it but it always show number for couple of second and then back to dark . I also did run hidscanner and find something very interesting as I have GF TQ6 ,MCP PRO and effis ,but only TQ6 shows serial number . And I think that might be an issue as FSlabs doesn't let anybody purchased thei drivers without serial numbers just for thei protection . Which I understande . I know that from their forum as some peaple update Goflight new firmweare to fix freezing in fsx but it also delete serial numbers.

I just will just paste Hidscanner log if you have time and could have look perhaps you could see anything what is not correct . Pete I thank you for your time and have great day.

********* HidScanner, Version 2.00 by Pete Dowson *********

Device at "\\?\hid#btiahiddevice#9&a5598cb&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}"

Vendor=FEEB, Product=DEEF (Version 1.0)



Serial Number=

Usage Page: C

Input Report Byte Length: 3

Output Report Byte Length: 0

Feature Report Byte Length: 2

Number of Link Collection Nodes: 1

Number of Input Button Caps: 10

Number of InputValue Caps: 0

Number of InputData Indices: 10

Number of Output Button Caps: 0

Number of Output Value Caps: 0

Number of Output Data Indices: 0

Number of Feature Button Caps: 1

Number of Feature Value Caps: 0

Number of Feature Data Indices: 1


Device at "\\?\hid#saitekhotkeys#2&15d37534&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}"

Vendor=06A3, Product=5081 (Version 0.1)



Serial Number=

Usage Page: C

Input Report Byte Length: 3

Output Report Byte Length: 0

Feature Report Byte Length: 0

Number of Link Collection Nodes: 1

Number of Input Button Caps: 1

Number of InputValue Caps: 0

Number of InputData Indices: 669

Number of Output Button Caps: 0

Number of Output Value Caps: 0

Number of Output Data Indices: 0

Number of Feature Button Caps: 0

Number of Feature Value Caps: 0

Number of Feature Data Indices: 0


Device at "\\?\hid#saitekkeyboard#2&1e0e23ca&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}"

Vendor=06A3, Product=5041 (Version 0.1)



Serial Number=

Device is a keyboard

Usage Page: 1

Input Report Byte Length: 9

Output Report Byte Length: 0

Feature Report Byte Length: 0

Number of Link Collection Nodes: 1

Number of Input Button Caps: 2

Number of InputValue Caps: 0

Number of InputData Indices: 110

Number of Output Button Caps: 0

Number of Output Value Caps: 0

Number of Output Data Indices: 0

Number of Feature Button Caps: 0

Number of Feature Value Caps: 0

Number of Feature Data Indices: 0


Device at "\\?\hid#saitekmouse#2&7354a6f&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}"

Vendor=06A3, Product=5021 (Version 0.1)



Serial Number=

Device is a mouse

Usage Page: 1

Input Report Byte Length: 5

Output Report Byte Length: 0

Feature Report Byte Length: 0

Number of Link Collection Nodes: 2

Number of Input Button Caps: 1

Number of InputValue Caps: 3

Number of InputData Indices: 8

Number of Output Button Caps: 0

Number of Output Value Caps: 0

Number of Output Data Indices: 0

Number of Feature Button Caps: 0

Number of Feature Value Caps: 0

Number of Feature Data Indices: 0

Buttons range 1 -> 5 at indices 0 -> 4

Value Wh at index 5, range -127 -> 127, using 8 bits

Value Y at index 6, range -127 -> 127, using 8 bits

Value X at index 7, range -127 -> 127, using 8 bits


Device at "\\?\hid#vid_047f&pid_ad01&mi_03#8&1d9222b5&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}"

Vendor=047F, Product=AD01 (Version 1.0)



Serial Number=

Usage Page: C

Input Report Byte Length: 5

Output Report Byte Length: 5

Feature Report Byte Length: 0

Number of Link Collection Nodes: 1

Number of Input Button Caps: 5

Number of InputValue Caps: 1

Number of InputData Indices: 6

Number of Output Button Caps: 0

Number of Output Value Caps: 1

Number of Output Data Indices: 1

Number of Feature Button Caps: 0

Number of Feature Value Caps: 0

Number of Feature Data Indices: 0

Value 0x00 at index 5, range 0 -> 255, using 8 bits


Device at "\\?\hid#vid_04f3&pid_0103&mi_00#8&233fb5c3&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}"

Vendor=04F3, Product=0103 (Version 1.7)



Serial Number=

Device is a keyboard

Usage Page: 1

Input Report Byte Length: 9

Output Report Byte Length: 2

Feature Report Byte Length: 0

Number of Link Collection Nodes: 1

Number of Input Button Caps: 2

Number of InputValue Caps: 0

Number of InputData Indices: 154

Number of Output Button Caps: 1

Number of Output Value Caps: 0

Number of Output Data Indices: 3

Number of Feature Button Caps: 0

Number of Feature Value Caps: 0

Number of Feature Data Indices: 0


Device at "\\?\hid#vid_04f3&pid_0103&mi_01&col01#8&3b034208&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}"

Vendor=04F3, Product=0103 (Version 1.7)



Serial Number=

Usage Page: C

Input Report Byte Length: 3

Output Report Byte Length: 0

Feature Report Byte Length: 0

Number of Link Collection Nodes: 1

Number of Input Button Caps: 1

Number of InputValue Caps: 0

Number of InputData Indices: 573

Number of Output Button Caps: 0

Number of Output Value Caps: 0

Number of Output Data Indices: 0

Number of Feature Button Caps: 0

Number of Feature Value Caps: 0

Number of Feature Data Indices: 0


Device at "\\?\hid#vid_04f3&pid_0103&mi_01&col02#8&3b034208&0&0001#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}"

Vendor=04F3, Product=0103 (Version 1.7)



Serial Number=

Usage Page: 1

Input Report Byte Length: 2

Output Report Byte Length: 0

Feature Report Byte Length: 0

Number of Link Collection Nodes: 1

Number of Input Button Caps: 1

Number of InputValue Caps: 0

Number of InputData Indices: 3

Number of Output Button Caps: 0

Number of Output Value Caps: 0

Number of Output Data Indices: 0

Number of Feature Button Caps: 0

Number of Feature Value Caps: 0

Number of Feature Data Indices: 0


Device at "\\?\hid#vid_068e&pid_00f2#7&9f75593&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}"

Vendor=068E, Product=00F2 (Version 0.0)

Manufacturer= CH PRODUCTS


Serial Number=

Usage Page: 1

Input Report Byte Length: 4

Output Report Byte Length: 0

Feature Report Byte Length: 0

Number of Link Collection Nodes: 2

Number of Input Button Caps: 0

Number of InputValue Caps: 3

Number of InputData Indices: 3

Number of Output Button Caps: 0

Number of Output Value Caps: 0

Number of Output Data Indices: 0

Number of Feature Button Caps: 0

Number of Feature Value Caps: 0

Number of Feature Data Indices: 0

Value Z at index 0, range 0 -> 255, using 8 bits

Value Y at index 1, range 0 -> 255, using 8 bits

Value X at index 2, range 0 -> 255, using 8 bits


Device at "\\?\hid#vid_068e&pid_00fa#7&77647a4&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}"

Vendor=068E, Product=00FA (Version 0.0)

Manufacturer= CH PRODUCTS


Serial Number=

Usage Page: 1

Input Report Byte Length: 9

Output Report Byte Length: 0

Feature Report Byte Length: 0

Number of Link Collection Nodes: 2

Number of Input Button Caps: 1

Number of InputValue Caps: 6

Number of InputData Indices: 18

Number of Output Button Caps: 0

Number of Output Value Caps: 0

Number of Output Data Indices: 0

Number of Feature Button Caps: 0

Number of Feature Value Caps: 0

Number of Feature Data Indices: 0

Buttons range 1 -> 12 at indices 6 -> 17

Value R/RZ at index 0, range 0 -> 255, using 8 bits

Value V/RY at index 1, range 0 -> 255, using 8 bits

Value U/RX at index 2, range 0 -> 255, using 8 bits

Value Z at index 3, range 0 -> 255, using 8 bits

Value Y at index 4, range 0 -> 255, using 8 bits

Value X at index 5, range 0 -> 255, using 8 bits


Device at "\\?\hid#vid_068e&pid_00ff#7&dddbe2b&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}"

Vendor=068E, Product=00FF (Version 0.0)

Manufacturer= CH PRODUCTS


Serial Number=

Usage Page: 1

Input Report Byte Length: 8

Output Report Byte Length: 0

Feature Report Byte Length: 0

Number of Link Collection Nodes: 2

Number of Input Button Caps: 1

Number of InputValue Caps: 6

Number of InputData Indices: 18

Number of Output Button Caps: 0

Number of Output Value Caps: 0

Number of Output Data Indices: 0

Number of Feature Button Caps: 0

Number of Feature Value Caps: 0

Number of Feature Data Indices: 0

Buttons range 1 -> 12 at indices 6 -> 17

Value V/RY at index 0, range 0 -> 255, using 8 bits

Value U/RX at index 1, range 0 -> 255, using 8 bits

Value Z at index 2, range 0 -> 255, using 8 bits

Value Y at index 3, range 0 -> 255, using 8 bits

Value X at index 4, range 0 -> 255, using 8 bits

Value POV at index 5, range 1 -> 8, using 4 bits


Device at "\\?\hid#vid_06a3&pid_0cfa#7&266bd11&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}"

Vendor=06A3, Product=0CFA (Version 1.145)

Manufacturer= Saitek

Product= Cyborg R.A.T.9 Wireless Mouse

Serial Number=

Device is a mouse

Usage Page: 1

Input Report Byte Length: 8

Output Report Byte Length: 0

Feature Report Byte Length: 0

Number of Link Collection Nodes: 2

Number of Input Button Caps: 1

Number of InputValue Caps: 3

Number of InputData Indices: 16

Number of Output Button Caps: 0

Number of Output Value Caps: 0

Number of Output Data Indices: 0

Number of Feature Button Caps: 0

Number of Feature Value Caps: 0

Number of Feature Data Indices: 0

Buttons range 1 -> 13 at indices 0 -> 12

Value Y at index 13, range -32768 -> 32767, using 16 bits

Value X at index 14, range -32768 -> 32767, using 16 bits

Value Wh at index 15, range -128 -> 127, using 8 bits


Device at "\\?\hid#vid_06a3&pid_0d06#7&e80d60b&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}"

Vendor=06A3, Product=0D06 (Version 1.80)

Manufacturer= Saitek

Product= Pro Flight Multi Panel

Serial Number=

Usage Page: 1

Input Report Byte Length: 4

Output Report Byte Length: 0

Feature Report Byte Length: 13

Number of Link Collection Nodes: 1

Number of Input Button Caps: 1

Number of InputValue Caps: 0

Number of InputData Indices: 20

Number of Output Button Caps: 0

Number of Output Value Caps: 0

Number of Output Data Indices: 0

Number of Feature Button Caps: 2

Number of Feature Value Caps: 1

Number of Feature Data Indices: 23

Buttons range 1 -> 20 at indices 0 -> 19


Device at "\\?\hid#vid_09f3&pid_0064#7&2d3cf9a4&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}"

Vendor=09F3, Product=0064 (Version 2.0)

Manufacturer= GoFlight

Product= MCP Pro

Serial Number=

Usage Page: 14

Input Report Byte Length: 8

Output Report Byte Length: 8

Feature Report Byte Length: 8

Number of Link Collection Nodes: 16

Number of Input Button Caps: 1

Number of InputValue Caps: 1

Number of InputData Indices: 33

Number of Output Button Caps: 0

Number of Output Value Caps: 8

Number of Output Data Indices: 8

Number of Feature Button Caps: 1

Number of Feature Value Caps: 1

Number of Feature Data Indices: 33

Buttons range 1 -> 32 at indices 1 -> 32

Value Dial at index 0, range -8 -> 7, using 4 bits


Device at "\\?\hid#vid_09f3&pid_0200#7&2b617b89&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}"

Vendor=09F3, Product=0200 (Version 2.0)

Manufacturer= GoFlight

Product= TQ6

Serial Number= 00080 7

Usage Page: 1

Input Report Byte Length: 8

Output Report Byte Length: 0

Feature Report Byte Length: 0

Number of Link Collection Nodes: 2

Number of Input Button Caps: 1

Number of InputValue Caps: 6

Number of InputData Indices: 10

Number of Output Button Caps: 0

Number of Output Value Caps: 0

Number of Output Data Indices: 0

Number of Feature Button Caps: 0

Number of Feature Value Caps: 0

Number of Feature Data Indices: 0

Buttons range 1 -> 4 at indices 6 -> 9

Value R/RZ at index 0, range 0 -> 255, using 8 bits

Value V/RY at index 1, range 0 -> 255, using 8 bits

Value U/RX at index 2, range 0 -> 255, using 8 bits

Value Z at index 3, range 0 -> 255, using 8 bits

Value Y at index 4, range 0 -> 255, using 8 bits

Value X at index 5, range 0 -> 255, using 8 bits


Device at "\\?\hid#vid_09f3&pid_0300#7&10db81de&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}"

Vendor=09F3, Product=0300 (Version 1.2)

Manufacturer= GoFlight

Product= GF EFIS

Serial Number=

Usage Page: 14

Input Report Byte Length: 8

Output Report Byte Length: 0

Feature Report Byte Length: 8

Number of Link Collection Nodes: 15

Number of Input Button Caps: 1

Number of InputValue Caps: 1

Number of InputData Indices: 33

Number of Output Button Caps: 0

Number of Output Value Caps: 0

Number of Output Data Indices: 0

Number of Feature Button Caps: 1

Number of Feature Value Caps: 9

Number of Feature Data Indices: 41

Buttons range 1 -> 32 at indices 1 -> 32

Value Dial at index 0, range -8 -> 7, using 4 bits


Cheers Petr


To your advise I did try to unplug and plug it but it always show number for couple of second and then back to dark

Yes, that is what it should do, and it at least shows that your MCP is working, that the displays do actually light. That was the reason to check that, nothing more.

I also did run hidscanner and find something very interesting as I have GF TQ6 ,MCP PRO and effis ,but only TQ6 shows serial number . And I think that might be an issue as FSlabs doesn't let anybody purchased thei drivers without serial numbers just for thei protection .

Hmm. Interesting. So you supplied the serial number to them when you purchased the driver?

I just will just paste Hidscanner log if you have time and could have look perhaps you could see anything what is not correct .

Device at "\\?\hid#vid_09f3&pid_0064#7&2d3cf9a4&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}"

Vendor=09F3, Product=0064 (Version 2.0)

Manufacturer= GoFlight

Product= MCP Pro

Serial Number=

Usage Page: 14

Input Report Byte Length: 8

Output Report Byte Length: 8

Feature Report Byte Length: 8

Number of Link Collection Nodes: 16

Number of Input Button Caps: 1

Number of InputValue Caps: 1

Number of InputData Indices: 33

Number of Output Button Caps: 0

Number of Output Value Caps: 8

Number of Output Data Indices: 8

Number of Feature Button Caps: 1

Number of Feature Value Caps: 1

Number of Feature Data Indices: 33

Buttons range 1 -> 32 at indices 1 -> 32

Value Dial at index 0, range -8 -> 7, using 4 bits


I've marked in red those parts different to mine.

You have an MCP Pro with Version 2.0 of the firmware. mine is at 1.1. Seems they've changed a lot -- as well as the missing serial number, look at the Output and Feature values. It seems they've changed the way the displays are handled, from using "SetFeature" for everything to normal data Output methods. I would guess that SetFeature is now only used to set the brightness., with all data for the displays going via the normal data output routes.

You certainly need to talk to FSL about this. I think it is likely that their driver, if it interfaces directly to the MCP Pro rather than going via GFDev.DLL, is working on the earlier method for the displays.

Did you try with an updated GFDev.DLL placed in with the FSL driver, just in case? If they are using GFDev then I should have thought that would solve the problem. However, if FSL are really reading the serial number then they must be bypassing GFDev, in which can they'd need to change their driver for the Version 2 firmware.




There was a thread on the now defunct Goflight Fourm, but if you're missing a serial number then you most likely have the newest A25 firmware which you can tell by looking for A25 when it first powers up. That particular firmware is suppose to have corrected the many lockups a good number of us have. I am forced to have a USB1.1 pci card in my computer in order to not have lockups.

That particular firmware is not compatible with FSLabs PMDG driver, I beleive there is a thread with a guy who shipped his in for the upgrade and the serial number was removed and it no longer displayed digits using FSLAbs driver. He nor FSlabs was aware of the change and FSLabs refuses to circumvent the serial check and Goflight states that removing the serial was needed for the extra bytes. So it seems neither will budge, I'm glad I found out as I had a RMA to ship mine in too.

Below is a file description from the AVSIM library if you want to try your MCP with the J41.

GoFlight MCP Pro Interface for PMDG Bae J41 V2 ZipDive.png Download.png

File Description:

Some LUA scripts and an optional GFDisplay config file to provide increased functionality of the GoFlight MCPPRO with the PMDG Bae J41 for FSX. This version has vastly increased performance, no longer requires GFDisplay, provides compatibility with FS2Crew for J41 and fixes some bugs. Instructions on how to configure these files for some limited functionality with the GoFlight MCP are included. REQUIRES A REGISTERED VERSION OF FSUIPC V4.6 OR ABOVE.


Thanks for all help . I will update GFDev.DLL . To that pmdg 4100 works great I have some older version of lua few thinks like toga and baro pressure as rotary on GF Efis not working But I set it to baro std and baro in fsuipc does the job too. To this driver you mention that would be great many thanks for that. Please guy if anybody had a chance to visit GF website before they shut it and new which part of US they staying please drop me a line . I was trying to call them but had wrong number as I am living I Australia never had achance to vosit their so I have no clue what are or prefix I should be calling. Thanks so much . One think I did unplu and plug again couple of second it light up and then shut . Win anounce hardware ready but I am sure it doesnt have clue as in control panel GF mcp pro drivers supply by microsoft . Therefore I think driver from GF should be install.

Thanks again Petr


Hi again, got that driver thanks very much took me about half an hour to switch pmdg 4100 lua to your Version 2 and pmdg 4100 +mcp rpo working like charm thanks very much for that . Pmdg 747 no luck . Was trying to swap dll files for gf display includiing pasting it into fslabs folder no chance just got error gf .....dl. fail to start . interestingly enough not even when switch in gofligh config for default plane and louding default plane no display not even rotary working.

But I am very happy for PMDG 4100 thanks again have to wait for goflight website to come alive . Pmdg 747 not shoving display but switchis working without running fs labs so I config most of the button via fsupic with fscrew voice key commands . Does the job for now do some more search if somebody made same lua for 747 . So far all my searches ending up in 737 ngx as very popular . Thanks again wish very nice day and happy flying . Cheers Petr

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