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I am using my jetliner for more than one year. My computer was a little old under Win XP and FSX without any problem. I decided to change computer and use my JetLiner but under Win 7.

I installed the latest drivers FSUIPC and PFCX drivers and USB to Serial drivers (prolific)

When I try to fly everything is normal and after a few munites the radio buttons stucks and I cannot change frequencies. I tried to find out what is problem but unfortunately I cannot.

What I remarked when I turn the frequencies on the jetliners the led change in the fsx but on jetliner show freeze. I suspect that maybe is a problem of port drivers but I am not sure.

Thank you for your help



I suspect that maybe is a problem of port drivers but I am not sure.

I had lots of similar problems with USB serial port adapters after changing to Win 7 64-bit and ended up getting a BrainBoxes serial port card instead. Since then I've had no problems at all and can heartily reccomend them. I don't think you'll find a better solution.

Check PCI Express Serial Port or PCI Serial Port Card

I have one of each of those and they perform flawlessly!



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