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Hello FSUIPC user I am new to using this program. My problem is I can not see the aircraft at Mause macros. Help. KKA


You posted in the User Contributions subforum. I moved your post to this Support Forum where please post any future support questions.

My problem is I can not see the aircraft at Mause macros. Help. KKA

Sorry, but I do not understand. Perhaps you should say what version of FS it is you are using, and also the version number of FSUIPC. Both are important.

When you say you "cannot see the aircraft at Mause macros", do you mean you cannot use the FSUIPC mouse macro facility on the aircraft you are using? If so then one of several things might apply:

1. You are using an old version of FSUIPC which didn't support mouse macros, or

2. You are using a version of FS which does not support mouse macros, or

3. You are using an aircraft which does not support mouse macros (like most of the default aircraft, for example), or

4. You are trying to use mouse macros on a part of the aircraft which does not support mouse macros.

If this is of no help, you will certainly need to explain rather more about what you are doing, what FS, what FSUIPC, what aircraft, what gauges.




No, I do not know if it is a FSUIPC problem. I bought version 4.70 of FSUIPC FSX v. simmarket and try to run the mouse marcros in FSX virtual cockpit feel there Ejets 170LR.But I get an black screen when I run FSUIPC. I'm trying is to get transferred mouse clicks to joystick. Can I do it?



No, I do not know if it is a FSUIPC problem. I bought version 4.70 of FSUIPC FSX v. simmarket

You do not buy a version 4.70, only FSUIPC4. That covers all versions 4.xxx. The current one is 4.758 and there's a 4.761 also available in Download Links subforum.

... and try to run the mouse marcros in FSX virtual cockpit feel there Ejets 170LR.But I get an black screen when I run FSUIPC.

you get a black screen when yuo "run FSUIPC"? Do you mean you cannot load FSX with FSUIPC installed? Or do you mean you get a black screen when opening the Add-Ons FSUIPC menu?

If you mean the latter, and you see no FSUIPC options dialogue, then it is a video driver problem. maybe you are running the default video drivers which come with Windows? Update to the latest drivers for your video card. You might also find it works okay in Windowed mode -- use ALT+ENTER to change FSX to Windowed mode before using the options.

I'm trying is to get transferred mouse clicks to joystick. Can I do it?

That isn't what the mouse macro facility is for -- it to allow some add-on cockpit switches to be controlled from a joystick button. For just doing mouseclicks with buttons I think you want "Key2Mouse" by Luciano Napolitano. You then program a button to press the key which moves the mouse and clicks it. (Ugh).



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