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Server shows waiting while client shows connected

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I am not sure whether this is a problem or normal behaviour. I find that the WideFs Server at some random point in a flight changes from "1 Connected" to "Waiting fror Clients" while the Client still shows and is in fact connected and remains so for the rest of the flight. I am running Radar Contact and IYP on the client and they continue to work with FSX normally. As I am new to WideFs I am not sure whether this is what I am supposed to see other whether the Server should alwsys show the number of clients that are connected. My two systems are connected through an Ethernet Crossover cable so the connection should be stable.

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I am not sure whether this is a problem or normal behaviour. I find that the WideFs Server at some random point in a flight changes from "1 Connected" to "Waiting fror Clients" while the Client still shows and is in fact connected and remains so for the rest of the flight. I am running Radar Contact and IYP on the client and they continue to work with FSX normally.

It means the Server is not seeing any messages from the Client, but messages sent out from the Server are getting to the Client. Once Clients have registered their interest in specific data they contnue to receive it regardless.

Nevertheless, the Server will normally give up on a client if it doesn't see messages from it for a long enough period (a value changeable in the INI file, but defaulting to something like 20 seconds). Maybe it is getting a fleeting connection now and then, enough to get it to continue transmissions -- but I've never actually seen a situation such as the one you are describing.

If you'd like to paste your WideServer.log and WideClient.log files into a message here, when you have a situation sch as you describe, then I can look to see what is going on.



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